Simply Eartha

Last night I was so lucky to be able to hear Kitt Shapiro, the only child of Eartha Kitt speak about her mother’s legacy and the special relationship that they shared.  Kitt opened her heart to us about some difficult issues Eartha experienced being light skinned and not really fitting into the “white or black” category.  She spoke about traveling on the road as a young child and finally the sad last few days of her mother’s life with Colon Cancer.  Kitt was straightforward, honest and very funny.  She started a lifestyle brand, Simply Eartha, to honor her mother legacy, based around words or sayings that Kitt was famous for.  She called these “Kittisms”.  You can learn more about Kitt and Earta and see her beautiful products HERE

image: huffington post

image: Huffington Post

Wish List Wednesday

For this Wish List Wednesday, I am dying for a snake bracelet.  I would LOVE a vintage one but any of the ones below would do as well.  These bracelets are so chic and the prices really do run from low to high.  So, you do not have to break the bank for these beauties.  Check out Ebay and Etsy for some great options as well!

Wednesday Wants

Girlfriend Tip

Do you want to make your life 100% easier? Get yourself a robot vacuum.  I have an Roomba and a Robotic, one for downstairs and one for upstairs.  Both of mine are the middle of the road price (you can search for different models in the Amazon search box above).   They are amazing!!  I run them almost everyday.  They pick up everything and leave my rooms spotless.  Do yourself a favor, don’t even think twice, add a robot vacuum to your cleaning routine!

image “bestvacuumfor hardwood

Historic Storm on the Way

Here in New York we are bracing for a “historic Blizzard” to hit our community.  YIKES!!  Not really sure exactly what that means but it doesn’t sound good.  I thought I would share an AMAZING recipe with you to help wait out the storm.  It would be great to try this while you are homebound.  I heard making the meringue is tricky, so these next few days are the perfect time to practice!  I have a friend who makes this Pavlova for all our pot luck luncheons and it is OUT OF THIS WORLD.  The recipe is just too good not to share with my readers.  I am hoping that once you make it, it will help you to forget the disaster that is happening outside your windows!!!!!

photo courtesy of Kraft

4 egg whites
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp corn starch
1 pint heavy cream
2 pints berries

Pre heat oven to 300 degrees 
line baking sheet with parchment paper
draw a 9″ circle on the parchment

– In a large bowl beat egg whites until stiff but not dry gradually add sugar 1 tablespoon at a time, beat until thick and glossy (be sure no oil or egg yolk get into the whites)
– Gently fold in vanilla, lemon juice and corn starch
– Spoon mixture inside circle, build edge slightly
– bake for 1 hour, cool on a wire rack
– place meringue on flat serving plate
– fill center with whipped cream, top with fruit

Palm Beach Lifestyle

I travel back and forth to Florida to visit my family many times throughout the year.  I especially love Palm Beach and its tropical glamour.  There is nothing like fabulous Worth Ave.  The Palm Beach style is in a league of its own.  One Kings Lane is currently doing a sale titled “Palm Beach Polish” for the next week.  Here is the link:

                                          image Celerie Kemble

Why not add a little Palm Beach glamour to your home!

First Significant Snow Storm

Today marks our first significant snow storm here in the New York area.  Though I would much rather be writing about the newest sandals or sunglasses, this post is a MUST.  Here are some wonderful boots to help you navigate the tundra outside your front door.  I was shocked to hear that the LLBean “Bean” boot, showcased, below was the hottest seller for the Holiday season and had a looooonnnngg back order date (like a May delivery!!).  That certainly brought me back to my high school/college days.  I guess it is true what once was old is new again.  Enjoy the snow!!!

First Significant Snow Storm