Kentucky Derby Style

In our house the horse racing is HUGE.   My grandfather always “followed” the horses and had many friends that owned thoroughbreds, that won many races.  Needless to say everyone in my family looks forward to these events and have for years, hoping to see a triple crown winner.  This year the favorite is American Pharaoh.  However, there is a local horse racing on Saturday, Upstart.   Upstart was bred right here in Westchester, in Bedford.  His owners are from Greenwich Ct.  How exciting!!!  If you are lucky enough to attend The Derby or are invited to a Derby Party, here are some outfit ideas for you!  

Kentucky Derby Style

Rachel Zoe

I feel like Rachel Zoe is my fashion soul mate.  We both adore fur, black, pointed shoes, Chanel and vintage jewelry .  I think her look is always flawless.  Yesterday, I got the chance to meet Ms. Zoe and “Rog” in person at ANGELAS in Rye.  I was so excited mostly because I was going to see her outfit in person, right before my eyes and BOY SHE DID NOT DISAPPOINT!!!!  We previewed her clothing line.  Her new line is total “BAA-NAN- NAS!!!!” (as Rachel would say), while still remaining elegant and so well priced for designer pieces.  You can view Rachel’s pieces on my Amazon blog wish list HERE.

How To Have A Fabulous Hair Day

I have been reading more and more about the procedure called the “pre shampoo”.  It is suppose to be the secret to red carpet beautiful celebrity hair.  You use a pre shampoo before you shampoo and I have read that people use it anywhere from once a week to every time they shampoo!!  A pre shampoo helps the hair regain its elasticity and suppleness.  It also helps the hair regain some of its natural oils after the use of harsh shampoos.  The shine and luster will return to your hair because the pre shampoo “penetrates the hair cuticle, replenishing vital moisture and nutrients”.  There are many pre shampoos on the market I have showcased four brands that have received the best reviews.  If pre shampooing brings me one step closer to Hollywood hair, sign me up!!!!

You can buy these products HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE

John Robshaw

Last week my friend Meg and I went to the Home Boutique of Greenwich to meet textile designer John Robshaw.  I had seen his colorful prints before in magazines and blogs many times and was looking forward to meeting John in person.  He is such a friendly guy, who resembles Hugh Grant!!!  He explained his background and we talked about everything from mutual friends to his fabulous custom button down shirt, made from some extra block print fabric.  John started his career by attending Pratt and studying block printing in India.  He travels all over the  globe for inspiration for his textile designs.  You can see John Robshaw’s complete line on his website HERE.  He also has a fabulous design book John Robshaw Prints: Textiles, Block Prints, Global Inspiration and Interiors that can be purchased HERE.
We both purchased one of these colorful Ikat towels to use for picnics at the beach this summer!!!
My friend Meg, my model for the day!!!!!!


This weeks Fashionable Friend Friday is my friend Susie.  She is a swank New Englander, with a sense of style, that can best be described as preppy chic.  She is preppy with a hip flare.  Susie lives in an adorable backcountry greenwich carriage house.  After driving down a long driveway, Susie lives in a cozy grey cottage adorned with spring flowers and animal garden statues.  It is so picturesque.  Inside is such a visual treat and reflects Susie’s perky personality to a T!!!!!  

W by Worth

I recently discovered the W by Worth line.  Its is a luxury women’s clothing line available exclusively through stylists around the country.  The stylist I met is Susanne Carroll and she is really talented.  She knows clothes and she knows the best fit for her clients.  Not to mention, every single clothing item she wears looks like it was made for her.  Susanne shared some photos of the spring/summer line with me.  I really like what W by Worth has to offer.  Their clothing assortment takes you through “Car Pool to Cocktails” and everything in between.  You can contact Susanne HERE for more information.  She is also a Director of Business Development so if you would like to earn some extra money selling the clothes yourself, you should definitely talk to her!

images W by Worth