Real Estate Terms Everyone Should Know

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Around 6 million people purchased homes in 2019. Approximately 33% of those people were first-time homebuyers. If you are considering a home purchase, it is crucial to understand what the most common mortgage terms mean. Some words are self-explanatory; others are not. Knowing these can help you navigate through one of the more confusing aspects of homebuying.

Adjustable-Rate Mortgage

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An adjustable-rate mortgage or ARM has a flexible interest rate that changes over time. This can vary your monthly payment drastically depending on the National Interest Rate. Sometimes the fluctuation makes your payment lower, but it can also make it higher as well.

Balloon Payment Mortgage

A mortgage where the last payment is considerably higher than the others, essentially paying off the mortgage. You hear this term more when dealing with investment property than other types. When you have a balloon payment, you either have to refinance your home before the end of the term or have the money to pay that final payment.


contingency is an agreement or stipulation that needs to be satisfied before the home is sold. This could be a home inspection or repair. Many mortgage companies will put contingencies on a property before lending money.


An encumbrance is any monetary lien that lowers the home’s value, usually lien, such as a tax lean, EPA lien, or mortgage. If a property is encumbered, the amount of the encumbrance must be paid before the property changes hands. This is done before the sale, or it is included in the buyer’s mortgage.

Image by Michael L. Hiraeth from Pixabay

Prepayment Clause

A penalty that you pay when you pay off your mortgage in advance. Bank loans with a prepayment clause usually force you to pay off things like interest before you can pay off the mortgage.

Buying a house can be an enjoyable experience if you know what you are doing. These are just a few of the terms you should know while you shop for your new home.

4 Botanical Gardens That Will Catch Your Eye

With summer in full swing, it is the perfect time to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. If it’s a little too hot for your liking, you can always bring the scent of the outside in with powders from Sacred Kratom. However, if you are feeling more adventurous, you can venture out to some of the most beautiful botanical gardens around the country.

Japanese Garden in Portland

A 5.5-acre retreat from the hustle and bustle of Portland, Oregon, this oasis is home to five different gardening styles. The authenticity is unmatched outside of a true garden location in Japan, and it boasts a tea garden, strolling pond, flat garden, sand and stone garden, and a natural garden. This is a great place to find serenity in the city.

Brooklyn Botanical Garden

An oldie but a goodie, this botanical garden founded in 1910 is home to more than 10,000 different kinds of plants from around the world. Even in the wintertime, you can enjoy the indoor tropical garden, but many plan their visit around springtime for the annual bloom that occurs on dozens of cherry blossom trees.

Desert Botanical Garden

Off the more traditional interpretation of botanical garden but just as impressive it is the Desert Botanical Garden in the heart of Phoenix. There are more than 140 acres that display over 50,000 plant species. Visitors to the garden can walk five different loops to enjoy the showcase of herbs, wildflowers, and cacti. The garden also hosts special events such as ballet presentations and outdoor music concerts.

Longwood Garden

If you’ve never been to Versailles, this is a comparable substitute. Founded by Pierre du Pont, the property reveals how beautiful a symmetrical hedge can be and how fountains can indeed be jaw-dropping.

You don’t need to stay cooped up indoors spraying room mists to feel the magic of nature. Head off to a botanical garden and soak in the sun and smell of all the beauty that Earth has to offer.

The Anatomy Of Effective Home Staging

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Even though you love your home, the time will eventually come for you to sell it. And when that happens, you want to showcase it at its best. 

Home staging is both an art and a science. You want to present your home in a way that makes it irresistible to buyers. The more you can make it look like a picture in a magazine, the more desirable it becomes. 

Are you considering the benefits of home staging? Please take a look at the following: 

Hire Professional Cleaners To Make Your Home Sparkling

You would assume that potential property buyers would look past something superficial and the cleanliness of your rooms. After all, they can soon enough make them sparkling themselves once you move out. But that’s not how the psychology of buying works. People want to view homes that feel like they’re brand new, even if somebody has been living there for decades. 

Other people’s dirt and grime is a massive turn off. Buyers don’t like it at all. They’d much rather your home appear as if nobody has been living in it

Professional cleaners are much better at making your home look brand new. They deploy professional techniques to get problem areas, like your shower curtain or oven sparkling clean. 

Use Storage Facilities

If you have a lot of stuff cluttering up your home, it’s going to make selling your property much more difficult. People want to buy homes that make presentation a priority. They don’t want to have to wade through your mess. 

Self storage facilities, therefore, might be an option if you have a lot of belongings. You can temporarily store them at a third-party location to increase the available space. Then, once you’ve sold your property, you can simply ship them to your new residence – no harm done. 

Prep Your Dining Room Table

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If you have a dining room (or even just a table you use to eat), then be sure to prep it in an attractive way. Do things like place bowls in the middle or use candles or flower arrangements – whatever you feel like essentially. 

Try To Make Your Colour Scheme Neutral And Sophisticated

Some landlords believe that the best way to sell flats is to paint them entirely in white emulsion and take all the character out of the rooms. But experienced home sellers know that this comes across as tacky and dull. 

Clever use of neutrals, however, generates an entirely different atmosphere. Using creams, beiges, off-whites, and greys all provide the perfect backdrop for home staging. Young professionals particularly like homes that use schemes like this. 

Add Personal Accents Sparingly

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Personal accents are okay for home staging, so long as you use them sparingly. Placing a family heirloom on your mantelpiece, for instance, helps to add character and interest in your living room. 

Where possible, avoid plastering your interiors with photographs of you and your children. Especially avoid lining them up along the stairs as this makes buyers feel like they’re walking around somebody else’s property – not one they could make their own.

The Sandals of Summer

Today is Jackie Kennedy’s Birthday!!! To celebrate I want to introduce you to one of her favorite shoe brands, Palm Beach Sandals. The Palm Beach sandal is iconic!!!

They are genuinely like no other. 100% supple, beautifully tanned leathers and kidskins. A perfection of proportion and scale that makes even less-than-pampered feet look flawlessly chic. Thick, expertly fashioned soles that mold to your feet, cradling them in comfort. If you seek iconic elegance and quality that is superb – astonishing, really – we are honored to create our Palm Beach Sandals for you.

There are many other imitations but there is only one Palm Beach made. HERE is how the company compares itself to the competition and it is brilliant…

The Palm Beach sandal comes in so many colorways..It is so hard to choose…I love the new Susan and Sara couture collection. But I am thinking that a MONOGRAM pair is in my future. I am also obsessed with the Holiday sandals…To see the all the beautiful sandals, click HERE.

Book Club Monday

You know how much I LOVE spending time in the Hamptons. I have spent many summers wandering in and out of the local shops, sitting on the beautiful beaches, visiting all the local farms, stalking Grey Gardens, and enjoying so much more that the Eastern End of LI has to offer. When I saw this book over the weekend, The Ladies Village Improvement Society Cookbook: Eating and Entertaining in East Hampton, I had to order it. This book is choc-full of such amazing recipes and beautiful photographs.

A delicious melding of traditional taste with the flavors of the Hamptons, this cookbook offers 100 recipes for entertaining as well as for everyday meals.

Gifted with waters brimming with local fish and with farmland that produces a bounty of fruit and vegetables, the Hamptons have long been a destination for food lovers. Now, one of the most historic organizations on the island pairs with legendary food writer Florence Fabricant to capture the local color through a collection of recipes from members of the Ladies’ Village Improvement Society, renowned chefs and celebrities who live or vacation in East Hampton (including Martha Stewart, Ina Garten, Hilaria Baldwin, Alex Guarnaschelli, and Eli Zabar), and favorite local figures like farmers and vintners.

Organized into twenty menus, including “Dinner After the Movies,” “Autumn Catch,” and “Lunch by the Pool,” the recipes encompass the uniquely broad range of gatherings, from special-occasion celebrations to casual family meals or big beach picnics for a crowd. Vibrant original photographs shine a light on the freshness and originality of the food and the local spots from beaches to farm stands, while historical photographs and anecdotes from the Ladies’ Village Improvement Society archives and local newspapers express the best of Hamptons eating. –

For more information or to purchase this book, click HERE.

Your Guide To Taking Better Care of Your Teeth

Your teeth are some of the most crucial parts of your body’s amazing ecosystem. Teeth enable you both to talk and eat delicious food and are essential to your wellbeing. Not only this, but your teeth are critical for you your beautiful smile! Taking good care of your teeth is a practice most people have instilled in them from a very young age. However, many people fall back on these essential habits once life gets in the way. Here is a comprehensive guide on taking care of your precious teeth!

Image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

What Can Damage My Teeth?

There are the obvious factors that can damage your teeth – lack of brushing and excessive sugar consumption are the key factors we all know well! But what else can damage your teeth?

  • Accidents. Of course, having accidents such as car accidents, trips, slips and falls can damage your teeth. Broken teeth are extremely painful and require immediate medical care to repair the damage.
  • Sports. If you play a ball sport such as lacrosse, tennis or hockey, or if you play a contact sport, you may be at risk of damaging your teeth. Sports are intense, and if you aren’t careful, you can have your teeth chipped or knocked clean out during a game. 
  • Smoking. Smoking causes terrible damage to your teeth. Not only is your chance of contracting oral cancer increased significantly by smoking, but smoking also causes your teeth to blacken due to the tar intake from cigarettes.
  • Eating tough foods. Foods such as hard cookies, sweets, apples, carrots, and other solid foods can be tough on your teeth. If your teeth are already weakened or damaged, you can break your teeth on these foods. This sounds implausible but is actually very common! If you have crowns or veneers fitted, these are especially sensitive to hard foods.
  • Unhealthy gums. Gum disease is prevalent around the world and is due to the gums being ignored as an essential composite of tooth care. Plaque, the hard, brown buildup that occurs on your teeth when you don’t brush or floss enough, can wear away your gum’s protection and let in bacteria. This causes gum disease, also known as gingivitis, and can be painful, as well as cause tooth loss. 
  • Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks often contain a high sugar percentage which can, as everybody knows, damage your teeth over time. However, alcohol itself also damages the teeth by dehydrating your mouth, causing less saliva flow to the teeth area. Saliva keeps your teeth hydrated and healthy, as well as being an antibacterial essential to prevent disease. If a lot of alcohol is consumed over time, this can increase your chance of bacteria buildup and potential damage. Around 70% of those diagnosed with oral cancer are heavy drinkers; alcohol poses a serious health risk to your oral health.
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth. These are habits that are formed over time and are usually done when you are asleep. Grinding your teeth can wear down your teeth over time and cause nerve damage. Clenching your jaw during sleep or absentmindedly while you’re awake can put pressure on your teeth and harm the nerves in your teeth over time!
  • Skipping the flossing. Flossing is, let’s face it, not something we all do twice a day. Flossing your teeth is not something your dentist insists on for the sake of it – it’s actually essential for good tooth health. The tiny gaps between your teeth can have plaque buildup and eventually damage your gums and teeth. 

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Common Signs Of Bad Tooth Health

There are ways to tell if your teeth are suffering from a disease or general poor health. Here’s how to tell if you need to take better care of your teeth!

  • Bad breath. Everybody gets bad breath in the morning, or perhaps after multiple coffees during working hours! However, if you have consistent mouth odor, even after brushing, there may be something wrong. Persistent bad breath can be a sign there is a buildup of plaque or other bacteria in your mouth. 
  • Pain. If one or more of your teeth is causing pain when you chew or talk or constant, chronic pain, you know something is damaged or wrong. It could be a cracked or broken tooth, or an infection in your mouth causing pain. 
  • Bleeding gums. If your gums begin bleeding often, something is wrong. Sometimes, if people have not flossed regularly, a small amount of blood can be drawn when they begin flossing. This is normal and should stop after a few days. However, if the bleeding is consistent, you may have infected or damaged teeth or gums.
  • Browning or blackening teeth. If your teeth are going black or brown, this can be due to many factors. If you smoke, it is likely that the tar you have consumed will contribute to discoloration. Otherwise, generally poor oral hygiene can result in discolored teeth.

Helpful Tips For Taking Good Care Of Your Teeth!

  1. Taking The Time

Of course, the easiest way to take good care of your teeth is to brush and floss twice a day. Brushing your teeth with a manual or electric toothbrush for two minutes in the morning and evening, and flossing your teeth after each brush, will lay the foundations for great oral health! Some people scrimp and cut corners on the time they take to brush their teeth – this can be damaging to your oral hygiene and health. Take the time to brush properly and you’ll thank yourself later.

  1. Regular Dental Visits

Visiting the dentist can be expensive, but in the long run, it is a vital investment for your oral health. Even if your teeth seem fine, your dentist can identify problems which you will have missed. Plus, they can recommend treatments, toothpastes and helpful practices which strengthen your teeth further.

  1. Water Flossing

Water flossers are becoming more and more popular in recent years – and there’s a reason why. Water flossing is a new form of flossing, which uses a hard, thin stream of water spraying directly between your teeth. Think of a power hose – for your teeth. These are environmentally friendly, easy to use, and extremely effective in keeping your teeth and gums spic and span.

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  1. Healthy diet.

Of course, a healthy diet that does not involve heavy drinking or large sugar intake is helpful. Different foods have different effects on your oral health. As a young person, you may feel invincible, assuming your teeth will stay healthy because they feel fine. However as aging sets in, your teeth will demand more attention and require better care. Try to set in good habits to your routine while your teeth are healthy, and you’ll be able to prolong your tooth health for longer.

  1. Vitamins.

Taking vitamins to supplement your diet is always useful – but many don’t realize that certain vitamins are essential to your teeth. Vitamin C in particular helps to strengthen your teeth and bones; Vitamin D and Calcium are also essential for your teeth to remain strong and healthy for all your life. 

  1. Protecting your teeth.

When playing contact sports, it is important you wear a gum shield, or gum guard. These can be fitted by a dentist, or you can buy a self-moulding guard which you can fit at home. These don’t guarantee 100% safety, but they take impact and can protect your teeth from breakage or cracking in the event of a collision. Gum shields absorb the shock of the contact, and prevent excruciating accidents from occurring.

  1. Sleep Guards

If you clench or grind your teeth in your sleep, you can ask your dentist about a sleep guard. These are softer versions of a sports gum shield, which protect your teeth when you grind or clench in your sleep. They are soft and malleable and act as a protective layer between your top and bottom teeth, to prevent further damage to the enamel and nerves of your teeth!

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What To Do If You’re Worried About Your Oral Health

If you are concerned about symptoms of poor oral health, you should schedule a visit to your dentist. Seeking immediate help is the best course of action, even if you feel like everything is probably fine. It is better to catch a problem early, because there will likely be a less painful and expensive recovery period in this case. Do not leave the problem to rest until the pain is unbearable – seek help early.


In this day and age, it’s easy to become lazy and slack on oral healthcare. However, with technology, availability of treatments and endless information, you will find it easier than ever to shape up your tooth care routine and invest in your oral health – for the present, and for the future.