Wegmans’ Is Here…..

The wait is over….Wegman’s is opening in Harrison in 2 Days!!!! The doors will open on Wednesday, August 5th at 9:00. I just got back from a tour of the new store and you are going to LOVE it…It is 121,000 square feet with every isle offering “choice, quality and value”. Wegmans is committed to bringing items, with their brand name, that are either organic or food that you feel good about meaning, no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. The store is full of plenty of “EZ Meals”; ones that will help you bring home, delicious and healthy food choices when you are short on time. And lastly Wegmans’ is a trusted partner with over 400 local family farms to bring you the freshest and best quality ingredients. The Wegmans team wants every shopping experience to be a genuine pleasure for its customers.

Here is a note on the store’s safety procedures during these challenging times:

To ensure a safe environment for all our employees and customers, we’re committed to going above and beyond what is required. We have enhanced our sanitation of high-contact touchpoints and increased the frequency of our everyday sanitation practices. Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the store and our cashiers are asked to sanitize their workspace and hands regularly. Plexiglas® shields are also installed at all our registers and will be installed in additional areas, as well. We encourage all customers and employees to be respectful of social distancing guidelines. To help, we’ve placed visual indicators at our registers and throughout the store.

Here is a sneak peak of the new store:

I was so impressed with all the produce choices…

Look at all the chopped Veggies….

And bagged Veggies…….

Fabulous lettuces…..

Everyone told me about the amazing prepared foods…they were still setting up but OMG>>>>Look at these yummy salads…and there were tons and tons….

All types of cooked chicken, fried, baked, BBQ……

And entire section of Asian entrees….

Italian..including a Pizza oven….

The Bakery smelled so good..they were making the cutest mini tiered wedding looking cakes, unfortunately, they put them in the kitchen for packaging when I went back to take a photo..you have to check them out!!!!

I loved that there were cooking gadgets available all around the store…this is going to be dangerous!!!

The Cheese and Charcuterie section was BEYOND……..I cannot wait to go back and sample somethings!!!!!

LOVED this section….

This photo does not do the isles justice but everything was arranged so perfectly and neatly….it must have taken HOURS!!!

There is a massive section devoted to all types of craft beers including ones esp from NY State!!! I see a beer tasting in my husband’s future!!!!

No shortage of cleaning supplies here…

There was another section devoted to home decor and table top/cooking products. I was told it changes for the season…OMG!!! I cannot wait..Right up my ally!!!!!

These mixing bowls were dreamy…I am going back just for this set…..

The Bambu bamboo plates have been a favorite of mine for years..I am obsessed!!!!

Back to the food….OMG!! These ice cream sandwiches….

There is a Burger Bar at one end of the store and I hear it is delicious…..and a great dinner spot..

The seating area was clean and well spaced…its a great meeting place and place to get some work done…

Very smart….they skip every other table for distant seating…

Here is the coffee bar…..

Who wants to meet me for a Lavender Latte?

Stephanie Hoover…LOOK at these flowers…..OMG!! I can see your incredible arrangements now……Cannot wait for the videos…check them out at @stephanie_asher

And these were only $4

Safety measures in action…

Some Helpful Tips To Overcome Anxiety

Image Source – CCO Licence

Many people experience trouble with anxiety day to day. It is actually one of the most common problems for many, and it’s no wonder that so many individuals are struggling with their minds in this manner. Truth be told, we all get anxious sometimes. But if you are anxious all the time, that’s a problem and one that you might want to try and fix. Fortunately, there are always steps you can take to ensure that you are going to overcome your anxiety, or at least manage it well enough that it doesn’t take over your life. Let’s take a look at some of those important steps.

Say Goodbye To Social Media

People get very attached to social media, and you might find yourself thinking that it is even necessary for your line of work or in order to keep in touch with the people in your life. But all that time spent on Twitter could be spent advancing your career in much more direct ways, and you can keep up to date with the people in your life by actually calling them on the phone once in a while. The truth is, social media is not a necessary part of your life – and it is likely making you a more anxious person. Do away with it for just a week, and see how different your mind feels. You will feel calmer, more spacious, less worried, and generally a lot more relaxed in yourself.

Take Care With What You Consume

As well as being careful about screens, you should also take care with what you consume in other ways. What you are putting into your body is always going to be an important aspect to trying to deal with anxiety, and it’s amazing what a difference you can make just doing simple things like not drinking coffee or using a little cbd isolate here and there. Similarly, alcohol is likely making you more anxious than you need to be, and could be done away with pretty easily. If you really want to overcome your anxiety once and for all, you have to take it seriously what you are putting into your body every day. It really does make a difference to the state of your mind.


The word meditation comes with a lot of confusion for many people, partly because as a word it has about a thousand different meanings. But meditation as we are using it here simply means spending a little time each day in a quiet place, paying careful but relaxed attention to what’s going on in your mind. You don’t have to change your mind or try to stop your thoughts – you just have to sit and watch what happens. Just developing that mindfulness is an incredibly powerful way of gaining an essential distance from your anxiety, so that even when it crops up again, it won’t be such a problem for you. Take up meditation today and see what happens.

Attn: Business Owners….3 Creative Ways To Reach Your Target Audience

Image by Isi Dixon from Pixabay

For companies big and small, one of the most important factors of effective marketing is to reach your target market. Your products and services are designed for a certain group of people, but you must reach them to get their support. This takes a lot of time and effort, but here are three creative steps to help you reach your audience with more accuracy.

1. Know Who They Are

Start by knowing who you should be targeting. Create a persona for your target market. Look at ages, income brackets, ethnicities and education. Also, look at shared hobbies or interests. Once you have a solid idea of who and where your target market is, you can dig deep.

image Pixabay

2. Be Engaging

Even if you know how to reach your audience, you must get their attention too. Do this with creative marketing strategies. Sending a postcard for real estate marketing is a great way to catch the attention of leads. Social media is another marketing platform where you can drop ads, build up a following and interact with potential clients.  

3. Add a Personal Twist

In anything you do, help customers and leads know that you care. The more “human” side you show in the business helps build trust and develop relationships. Refine your brand voice, build up the image of the company and interact as much as you can with the people you are catering to. It’s important to have a strong customer service team that can answer questions and help customers with their needs.

As you actively seek ways to reach your target market, you will also be improving your brand image. People will start to recognize who you are, and you can slowly become an expert in your industry. Find creative ways to show your customers that you care.

Are You Ready for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale?

I know..I know…..Don’t roll your eyes….IT’S ALMOST TIME for the Nordstrom Anniversary sale. And this year I am going to be an exclusive partner with Nordstrom to bring you the best picks they have to offer. I promise you will not want to miss this celebration. It has become bigger than Black Friday, with MAJOR discounts on MAJOR designers in all departments. And with the challenges that 2020 has been facing, Nordstrom has taken extra precautions and measures to ensure your comfort and safety. Throughout the sale, I am going to highlight all of my favs, give you shop with me sessions, do unboxings because YES!!!! Nordstrom will be sending me some of my fav things to show you!!! This year, shopping will start for all card members on August 13th and for the general public on the 19th. It goes until August 30th at which time all items will go back to their original retail prices. All of my readers are able to PREVIEW the sale and add items to their wishlist starting today!!! So check out THE PREVIEW but in the meanwhile here are a few things that I added to my own wish list…stayed tuned it’s going to be a wild ride and you are going to LOVE IT!!!!

The Best Corn On The Cob

What is better in the summer than corn on the cob. Over the years I have cooked my corn so many different ways. I decided that I really wanted to prefect it so I did a search for the best way. OMG!!! You have to try this. I think the secret really is the stick of butter in the boiling. You really do not need any extra butter and I think it is so much less messy to eat. I cannot wait for you to try this!! Bon Appetit!!!

Image by Frauke Riether from Pixabay

Adapted from Spicy Southern Kitchen


  • 6-8 ears of corn, husks, and silks removed and cut in half (if desired)
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 stick butter


  • Fill a large pot about halfway with water. 
  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Add milk and butter. Add corn and reduce heat. 
  • Simmer corn for 6 to 8 minutes. 
  • Remove corn from cooking liquid and it’s ready to serve.

15 Wonderful Gift Ideas For New Couples!!

Photo by Jasmine Carter from Pexels

If you know a couple that have just got engaged or you are invited to a shower or an upcoming wedding, you might be wondering what gift you can give them to help celebrate the milestone. Even though on their birthdays or Christmas you get them each a special gift, because it’s a couple gift and the start of their lives together, it needs to be that bit more magical. 

But it can be hard to find the perfect gift that you know they’ll love. So to give you some inspiration, here are 15 wonderful ideas you can use – no matter what your preferences or your budget!

  1. A ‘Wedding Fund’ Box

As the couple is now engaged and planning a life in the future together, it’s likely that they will want to start to save for their dream wedding. Which is why it’s a fabulous idea to get them a ‘wedding fund’ box. These stylish and practical gifts are the perfect gift, allowing them to put dollar notes or whatever money they want into it throughout the years. 

Then, when it comes time to finalizing all the details, they will have the money within easy reach! There are a variety of options available online – from money boxes that are ideal for Disney fans to more subtle ones for the more minimalist couple.

  1. A Wedding Planner

Not an actual person (although you could technically gift them a physical wedding planner if you want to!) this book is not only a wonderful gift, but very useful leading up to the wedding day. It can also be kept as a memory of the milestone for many years to come! 

You could even customize the book to include the brides and grooms names if you wanted to add an extra special touch to it. 

  1. A Weekend Away

Although this is probably only suitable if you’re close to the couple, that doesn’t mean that it won’t go down a treat! To give them some time away just the two of them after this event, this gift will be one that they cherish forever. 

No matter whether you book accomodation and travel separately to a romantic destination or a more affordable package, there’s plenty of options out there for you to choose from. 

  1. Champagne Glasses

To toast this fabulous occasion a great gift is champagne glasses. To mark the date of their engagement, you could even opt for a personalized version – but the choice is up to you! 

Whatever style glasses you opt for, they are bound to have the happy couple grinning ear to ear when they open them. And to accompany them, you could purchase some prosecco or champagne!

  1. A Photobook

If you have known the couple for several years, you could gather together photos of them and all the adventures that they have been on and put them all together in a photobook. 

Complete with a heartfelt message, this is a gift that’s sentimental. And it’s also one that’s more budget-friendly, as you can easily create the whole book by yourself – all you need is a blank scrapbook and printed pictures! 

  1. A House Plant 

A fabulous engagement gift idea for the modern couple is a houseplant. Whether you opt for a traditional snake plant, yukka or a chinese money plant (find guidance on the chinese money plant care here), the couple will love the quirkiness of the idea!

Something that they can keep in their home for years, they are available from a variety of online florists and can be delivered straight to their door!   

  1. Engraved Cheese Board

Who doesn’t love cheese? A practical and extraordinary engagement gift is an engraved cheese board. Something that they will proudly display in their home and bring out when guests come to visit, you can pair it with cheese cutting utensils or a bottle of delicious red wine.

Available in various sizes and styles, a cheese board is an item that every couple will love to have.

  1. Countdown Sign 

Even though they’ve only just gotten engaged, that doesn’t mean that wedding bells aren’t ringing in the near future! To get them in the spirit, a countdown sign is just the ticket. 

And when they’ve planned their wedding and have a date, they can use it to get the festivities started! There are so many variations of this gift idea, from chalkboards, to movable blocks and signs with an erasable white board to choose from.

  1. Treasured Location Poster

No matter where they got engaged – whether it was on a romantic weekend away or doing an activity they love, you can commemorate this occasion through a poster that displays the exact location. A gift that’s not only special not but will be fondly admired in the future, it’s a keepsake that they will undeniably appreciate.

  1. Candles

Candles aren’t just great gifts at christmas – they are also a wonderful engagement gift too! When they are in a jar that’s got the date or the couple’s names on, it’s something that they can keep and reuse throughout the years. Plus, it will make their home feel cosy and welcome while giving off a beautiful scent! 

  1. A Personalized Cushion 

Another great gift and addition to their living room/bedroom would be a personalized cushion! You can be as creative or as subtle as you want with this 

gift – and it’s one that you know they will make use of! 

  1.  A Gift Experience

If you want to treat them to an experience that they will never forget but you don’t have the budget for a full weekend away, why not opt for a gift experience instead?

No matter whether you choose a magical hot air balloon ride, a delicious wine tasting, a delicious food tour or another type of experience, the couple will love the thought that you put into this gift. Also, because there are so many different experience days on offer across the world, you’ll be able to find the perfect one for the couple in question. 

  1.  Vow Journals

If you’re looking for a gift that will knock it out of the park, then vow journals are the gift for you. Something that the couple will love to use on their special day if they plan to recite their own vows, they typically come in both ‘his’ and ‘hers’. 

  1.  Personalized Photo Frame 

If the happy couple captured their engagement on camera, then they will need a frame to put the special photo in! This is where a personalized photo frame comes into play. Similarly to the other personalized gift ideas on this list, you could put their engagement date, their names and any other special details onto it!

  1.  Unique Love Story Print 

Another gift for if you’re very close to the couple is a print that details all of their unique special events on – ending with their engagement. From holidays they took together, to the date that they purchased their first home, it’s a gift that will act as a beautiful memory for them.

Final Thoughts

So, there you go! Those are 15 extraordinary gift ideas for those looking for inspiration. Wonderful gifts that the happy couple will love to open and cherish throughout the years ahead of them, it’s a way of commemorating the special memory ahead of their big day.

No matter what gift you opt for, it’s bound to go down a treat! So don’t worry, even if you don’t have the biggest budget, it doesn’t mean you aren’t able to get a gift that’s magical and truly special to them.