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Keep Calm and Carry On…Easier Said Than Done…

Tips to Manage Anxiety In These Difficult Times:

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Anxiety is an uncomfortable feeling which many of us have experienced during these difficult times of 2020. Fears and catastrophic thoughts that put the body in an alarm state are often the consequences of common anxiety. However, just because it is happening, it doesn’t mean we should let it control our lives. That said, you want to manage your anxiety, the following tips will help.

  1. Start understanding your anxiety better

Sure, your anxiety sometimes feels uncomfortable, and you want to get rid of things that feel uncomfortable. However, if you throw it overboard without taking a look at it, you will lose a lot of important information. Dare to look at what actually scares you? If so, question yourself first. Which situations trigger anxiety for you? What exactly was it that made you restless or anxious?  For me, I usually get anxiety over things that I cannot control. So that is what I personally try to work on….

How realistic is it that your fears are true? Alternatively, what could happen – and how likely would that be? As far as possible, these considerations should be tested in reality or checked in conversation with others. The constant weighing of probabilities helps to deal with inappropriate and exaggerated fears.

Also, check critically against reality, whether you consider your anxiety to be justified afterward. With such questions, you can take a step back out of the situation. You gain distance from the feeling of fear by looking at it from the outside. 

  1. Get moving

Regular sporting activities and relaxation exercises not only make you feel more youthful, but can also help reduce anxiety reactions in the long term. With some disorders, they also help in acute cases, among other things because physical relaxation and exhaustion are difficult to reconcile physiologically with an anxiety reaction. However, the effect can be reversed during a panic attack!

If there is panic-related hyperventilation (strong breathing due to shortness of breath),  breathing in a bag is recommended so that the ratio of oxygen to carbon dioxide in the blood returns to normal.

  1. Stop your thoughts

It can also be about stopping thoughts that scare you. You are the master of your thoughts. You can also choose to put thoughts back in their place. Make a clear “stop”. Think about helpful and appropriate thoughts. Thoughts that satisfy your need for security and calm you down.

If that doesn’t help, distraction is allowed. What would you do now? Watch a film? Read a newspaper or a book? Or phone a good friend. Focus consciously on something else instead of the fear-triggering thoughts.

  1. Take natural calming herbs

Calming herbs such as valerian are commonly used can be used as a tea, tincture, or powder for all conditions of nervousness, anxiety, and insomnia.

In the case of insomnia, a tea made from valerian tea is recommended before going to bed, which is slowly drunk in small sips. To do this, pour one or two teaspoons of valerian root with a cup of water. The tea is left to steep for about twelve hours. Then you filter off and heat the tea to drinking temperature.

Additionally, CBD oil also offers a calming effect and is commonly used to reduce anxiety-related symptoms. For more information, you can find the nearest Harvest House of Cannabis.

How To Slow Down The Signs Of Aging & Feel More Youthful

Let’s be honest, nobody likes feeling old. We all grow older, and we all go through different changes as this happens. Typically, this includes a lot of physical changes like wrinkles, a more bent-over posture, sore joints, etc. But, there can also be some mental signs of aging as well – like memory loss. 

Sadly, there’s no way of freezing time and stopping yourself from getting old. It’s something we all have to learn to live with, but there are ways of slowing down the obvious signs of aging. When you do this, you will look and feel a lot more youthful. In turn, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve as you get older! 

So, how can you do this? In this guide, you’ll find a few tips and tricks to tackle some of the most common signs of aging. As you read through the advice, you’ll soon realize how easy it is to slow down the signs of aging and feel more youthful.

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Use natural supplements to banish wrinkles

Now, wrinkles are probably the most obvious sign of aging you can think of. Most of you have clicked on this article hoping to get some anti-wrinkle advice. Well, you’re not going to be disappointed! There are loads of great treatments out there to deal with wrinkles, but some are more extreme than others. We’re going to focus on some of the less extreme things that you can do from home, rather than any cosmetic procedures. 

Mainly, as the title of this heading shows, we’ll look at natural supplements. What does this include? Well, anything that’s naturally occurring and doesn’t involve loads of harsh chemicals. Essential oils fit this description perfectly! One of the key health & beauty benefits of essential oils is that they help with anti-aging. Rose otto is one of the main ones, and it’s easy to apply by mixing it with other oils and using it on your skin. The natural healing properties of essential oils go deep into your skin and encourage collagen production. In turn, this creates firmer and smoother skin, free from wrinkles. 

Of course, other natural supplements exist, but few are as easy to get ahold of than essential oils. Plus, they’re safe and will only benefit your skin. By banishing wrinkles, you will visibly look and feel a lot younger. It can literally take 10 years off your age!

Work on improving your posture

As you get older, your posture is one of the first things to suffer. You may have noticed a lot of your elderly relatives seem to all stoop over or have a rounded back. This can also cause them to look a lot smaller than they actually are. This happens because the discs in your spine can deteriorate with age, weakening the spine’s ability to hold an upright position. Hence, you start to round forwards and become hunched over. 

Most people experience this change because they aren’t aware that it’s a thing. But, when you become more aware of maintaining good posture, then you can stop it from happening. It’s a simple case of staying upright and keeping your back as straight as possible. Try to avoid sitting down or using a computer for long periods with no breaks. This trains your brain to get used to your body being in a hunched-over posture. As a result, it almost sticks to this position even when you stand up.

A good way to know that you have postural problems is to try and maintain good posture. Sit or stand with your shoulders rolled back and down, your chest out, and your lower back in neutral (this means not overly arched and not completely flat). If this is a challenge, then you know your body isn’t used to this position! So, try and maintain it for as long as possible throughout the day. You should also do some exercises to strengthen the main postural muscles in your back, as well as stretches for some overly tight muscles. This helps to bring your spine back into natural alignment, releasing a lot of pressure on your discs and keeping them healthier for longer. As a consequence, you can delay or avoid the hunchback posture as you get older!

Look after your joints

You’ve seen what happens to your spine as you get older, and similar problems exist in the joints throughout your body. A joint is basically any point where two bones meet one another. We have loads of these in our bodies, and some are more problematic than others. Without getting too technical, the biggest issues lie in our synovial joints – which are basically joints with a lot of movement in them. Common examples include the hip joint, shoulders, ankles, knees, and wrists. 

When you get older, the muscles around these joints can weaken, and you can also lose a lot of the synovial fluid that helps them move freely. As a consequence, this leads to bones rubbing against one another, which causes inflammation. From here, you’re close to lots of problems – mainly arthritis. Your life is plagued by pain, and you find it hard to do a lot of normal activities. While arthritis and joint pain are commonly associated with the elderly, you can suffer from both at a fairly young age. It all comes down to how well you look after your joints. A regular visit to one of your local Orthopedic Specialists when you experience joint pains can help to get you on the right track to looking after your joints. 

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Exercise regularly

Speaking of exercise, you really need to do it as regularly as possible. This is a wonderful way to decrease so many different signs of aging. As already mentioned, it can help keep your joints healthy. But, staying active could also improve your posture, so that’s two things ticked off already. 

Furthermore, exercising is amazing for your heart and lungs. It encourages your heart to work harder and become more efficient at pumping blood around your body. It also improves your capacity to breathe, leading to fewer heart or lung problems. This is a surefire way to avoid any health conditions related to aging – like heart disease. Exercise also deals with another sign of aging; weight gain. Most people gain weight as they get older because they become more inactive. Exercising prevents this from becoming an issue!

Lastly, it helps with the mental side of aging as well. The older you get, the more prone you are to memory loss and other mental health conditions. So, you must find ways to stimulate your brain and keep it healthy. Exercising requires lots of coordination and forces you to think quickly. There’s also an element of memory training in there as well – you have to remember how to do certain things while you exercise. All of this means that physical exercise can also be a great mental exercise and will keep your brain healthier for longer. 

Eat a healthy diet

Yes, changing your eating habits can help you delay the signs of aging. Funnily enough, this is actually one of the few things that can also extend our life expectancy. A good diet – combined with regular exercise – will help you live longer. 

From an anti-aging standpoint, how does your diet impact things? Well, it comes down to the different foods you eat. If you eat a lot of fatty foods that are high in sugar, you’ll gain weight, put more stress on your joints, and make your skin look worse. If your diet is balanced and packed full of the right nutrients, you’ll have clearer skin, more energy, and an all-round healthier body. 

Two specific things to add to your diet are omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C. Omega-3 is great at improving your brain health, which can be essential when fighting against things like memory loss as you get older. Vitamin C has so many health benefits, but it also assists with preventing gray hair. Again, this is a common sign of aging that most people experience and would like to delay for as long as possible. 

Try any of all of these things, and you will see dramatic improvements in the telltale signs of aging. Your skin will be clearer, your body will feel healthier, and your mind will be more astute. The biggest mistake anyone can make is to not think about aging until you’re old! Take steps to look and feel more youthful when you’re still quite young. This will help you have a more youthful future even when you’re old!

Take Sometime To Workout at Home….

Workouts to Get the Hang of at Home

For the fitness and/or athletics enthusiast, having to stay at home for months on end, avoiding the gym and your favorite sports and athletic activities, is like torture. Exercise and physical fitness is such an important part of life and for many, a daily routine. Without it, you can fall into the serious blues, to say nothing of the physical downsides to not training for a while. 

Not to worry, though: the good news is that you can train and do a number of beneficial, hard core exercises that will keep you in peak shape right from home! Everything from a great cardio-rich aerobics routine to the perfect front delt workout, there are so many great workouts to choose from and develop for your own daily at-home workout routine. 

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It might not be the same as the gym, but if you use a little creativity and motivation, you might find that these at-home workouts are every bit as beneficial and rewarding. You can create your best body and enjoy peak fitness, right from your own home. 

Let’s explore a few at home workouts. 

Aerobics, Yoga, and More

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Yoga, Aerobics, Pilates, some Martial Arts and even dance workouts are all really high-intensity, cardio workouts that can be done solo or at home, which is something their enthusiasts have been doing for years, long before social distancing was a necessity. These at-home workouts are perfect for the person who doesn’t have a ton of time to flit back and forth to the gym, who doesn’t want to pay for costly gym memberships or classes, or who just enjoys working out at home, in comfort and privacy. 

You, too, can jump on the bandwagon and do some great workouts at home. Whether you’re into something more low impact and relaxing like yoga, prefer something high-intensity and fun like dancing, or want to do something more strict like Martial Arts – these can all be easily done via online classes, videos and books, and require minimal equipment or athletic gear. They’re every bit as easy as they are affordable. Because you’re at home already, it’s easy to implement these workouts into a morning or evening routine, or just fit one in whenever you’ve got a spare moment. 

If you’re craving social interaction, many yoga and dance studios, etc, are offering online classes via Zoom and other platforms! Check and see what your local classes have on offer. 

Weight Lifting and More

If you’re an avid weight lifter, you likely already have a setup at home, even if it’s just a basic one. Nothing beats working out at the gym, but you can piece together a pretty good home workout with just a few basic essentials and a weight bench. 

You can find all sorts of online tutorials for exercises that target specific areas such as the delts, quads and other muscle groups that you can do with just a few different weights. If you have a set of dumbbells and/or barbells you can do a whole host of arm exercises fairly easily. 

If you’re able to safely work out with someone, it’s a good idea because working with weights without a spotter is extremely dangerous. Weight lifting alone is not advisable. You can get creative with different, safer ways to use your weights – such as going for a walk/jog with weights attached, using household items as weights, and so on. 

Old Fashioned Exercises

The old tried and true are often the best workouts. Push ups, leg lifts, crunches, and so on. People may scoff, thinking those old exercises they learned back during gym at school can’t possibly help you get the real results you want, much less have you looking ripped. 

But those folks would be wrong. The truth is, if you have the patience to do a lot of reps and stick with it every single day, those “boring” old exercises like push ups and planks can have you looking and feeling incredibly fit. They work core muscles, arms and strengthen your endurance, and they’re easy to do at home with no equipment whatsoever. 

Outdoor Exercise

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A quick walk, hike, jog or run around your neighborhood can’t be beat. Take the dog for a long stroll or download an app like Couch to 5K or other training apps to help build your endurance over a period of time. Even if you’ve never been into running, if you pace yourself (pun intended) and take the time to develop your insurance, these workouts are incredibly rewarding. 

Cycling is another outdoor activity that’s hugely beneficial. It’s heavy on cardio, but low impact on joints and knees. Whether you’re into road cycling or mountain biking, going out for a stroll on the bike is a great way to work entire muscle groups in the body, strengthen your endurance and get your heart pumping. Plus, it’s incredibly good for your mental health, which is important during a time that everyone is stuck at home, feeling lonely and bored. 

Other outdoor exercises that are fun and comprise a great workout include jumping on a trampoline, swimming, chin ups (installing a chin up bar outside is super easy), boxing (with an outdoor punching bag), games such as touch football, baseball, volleyball and tennis, and yes, even gardening/yard work can really work up a sweat and burn tons of calories. Get creative with it! 

These are just a few of the many, many ways you can get the most out of a workout and maintain peak physical fitness, even while stuck at home. Exercise and movement are super important, not only for physical health and fitness, but to help promote relaxation, alleviate anxiety and stress, and keep us all at optimum mental health while we’re going through trying times. It’s also a good idea to follow basic health guidelines like eating healthy when you can, getting enough sleep, and drinking lots of water. 

We all miss the gym, but with an innovative and motivated attitude, you can create an entire exercise routine right at home that will be every bit as intense and beneficial as anything you could do at a fitness center. Try it and see for yourself.

Add These Things To Your Life And Diet To Aid Chronic Issues

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Anxiety can hold us back in so many ways. We feel trapped and unable to socialise. We want to hide away and the physical symptoms are draining. If you have a chronic health issue, you may suffer with anxiety and understand the implications of it. Chronic illness affects millions and upto 80% of older adults have one chronic disease and upto 36% of people worldwide suffer with some type of issue. 

Our society still attaches a stigma to chronic illness but there are a multitude of issues that affect people, from chronic pain to mental health issues and some people just don’t understand how it can affect your life. There are however, some ways that you can try to get your life back on track. It is always best to seek advice first from your doctor and do what is right for your body but changing things up can really assist you with getting back out and about again! 

Yoga & Pilates or other gentle exercise 

Yoga and Pilates have been around for years; their benefits are huge and although it may seem difficult, it doesn’t have to be. Yoga for beginners is relatively easy and focuses on stretches. Yoga helps shape and develop your thinking patterns, your focus and your strength. It can be an important aspect of your life if you are wanting to change your mindset and be a stronger person inside and start to change things for the better.  Pilates can be a little less demanding but works mostly on the core and back; it’s wonderful for those with back issues! If your doctors say it is OK to do it then it can be very good for easing chronic pain of the back and shoulders and even other forms of exercising such as walking and swimming can be really good gentle exercise that gets those endorphins going! 

Taking Supplements & CBD 

You should really seek advice on what supplements are best for your particular needs but rest assured there will be something for you! It is a fact that supplementing your diet has its benefits, it can be good for the body and mind as long as you are maintaining a solid, healthy diet, you will start to see a shift in energy levels. Another form of long term pain relief may be CBD oil. With EDO CBD you can find something that is a good fit for you and for many years the use of CBD has been an interesting concept that has recently come to light. It is believed that foods with an acidic value can cause havoc on your body if ingested frequently so changing up your diet also will help. Looking at consuming alkaline foods, such as spinach, greens, nuts, grains, can have a positive impact on your body, especially the digestive system and is proven to help your body. Also ginger and camomile can be good on the digestive system as they are light and help relax the muscles and nerves around the stomach.

The Amazing Health Benefits Of CBD Oil

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If you haven’t heard of CBD Oil and it’s amazing properties you are in for a surprise. It is an extract derived from the hemp plant that does not contain THC – the property of the hemp plant known to make you high. CBD Oil has grown in popularity in recent years, ever since it was deregulated and allowed to be sold openly. It’s benefits are numerous, everything from pain relief to fitness enhancements, to natural skin-care. I have been using Crop Beauty, but more on that tomorrow!!! It’s not surprising to discover that hemp plants have been used by human beings for thousands of years for these very same purposes.  

Normally purchased as oil in a small bottle from a health food outlet, CBD is available in a range of forms from gummies to powders to chocolate bars. The type of CBD you choose will depend on your purposes and preferences. CBD is non-toxic and safe to use even at high doses, so you won’t need to worry about taking too much. Getting your dose right can be a matter of trial and error, though, so it’s best to start low at first and find your balance. 

There are a variety of brands to choose from, all with different strengths and flavors. Many also have a particular balance of CBD and other properties to enhance the effect in a certain direction: CBD for stress, for instance, or CBD for pain relief. It’s best to shop around and find a brand you’re happy with as remaining with the same brand is a useful way of finding your own unique levels. In this article we take a look at some of the amazing ways CBD Oil can be beneficial for a multiplicity of conditions and ailments. 

CBD Oil For Pain Relief

100 million Americans live with a chronic condition according to the Institute of Medicine of The National Academies. It could mean multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, back pain, sciatica nerve issues, migraines, and many more. Most people with a chronic condition will have a prescription from a doctor or use some form of over-the-counter medication. But medication can have some unwanted side effects which is one reason many people are taking advantage of CBD Oil. 

The marijuana plant has been used to treat pain conditions since at least ancient China, around 3000 years ago. People knew then it was beneficial but they didn’t know why. We are still not certain today either, however, science has provided a little more insight. The human body has a specialized system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS) that is important in regulating sleep, mood, appetite, memory, reproduction and fertility. The system is made up of endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes. 

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The ECS is responsible for interpreting and regulating certain chemicals in the body. For instance when THC enters the body it binds to the brain’s endocannabinoid receptors activating the brain’s reward system and releasing dopamine. This does not happen with CBD oil that contains only trace amounts of THC, if any. It’s thought that CBD Oil prevents the body from absorbing a compound called anandamide. An increased amount of this compound in the bloodstream is what is responsible for reducing pain. 

But the science behind how CBD Oil works to reduce inflammation in the brain and nervous system, along with chronic pain, insomnia, and migraines, may not matter much to the many Americans who benefit daily from its magical properties. 

CBD Oil For Fitness

Because it is extracted from the marajuana plant CBD Oil comes with a bit of a stigma and it’s not the first thing people might consider when thinking about a supplement to improve the effectiveness of a workout routine. Before CBD Oil, a person might consider using protein powder, creatine, vitamin D or vitamin K2. Nearly all advice will tell you that supplementing your workout routine with these, in moderation, and depending on your goals, is a healthy and efficient way to get the most out of your training. 

But CBD Oil is gaining popularity among fitness enthusiasts and workout geeks who know about its beneficial effects on the body whether you want to increase your muscle mass or your track time. Some people might be asking which running apps should I get? When they should really be asking: what is the best CBD Oil to buy? That’s not to say an excellent running app coupled with a CBD Oil supplement isn’t a good idea either. So what makes it so great? 

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Many people struggle to workout effectively due to chronic muscle pain, difficulties recovering from intense training or general anxiety. CBD oil can be used in several ways to improve workouts, reduce muscle recovery times, and bring a healthy balance to a fitness regime. High-quality CBD oil, that is oil containing only trace amounts of THC is proven to relieve headaches, anxiety, muscles and joint pains associated with fitness training. 

It works in different ways. Firstly it reduces the number of signals sent to the brain asking for an inflammatory response to hard workouts. This might seem counter intuitive since some inflammation can be beneficial, but too much will slow down the body’s natural repair process meaning muscles will be slower to heal. Additionally, post-workout CBD oil will stimulate sleep promoting a deeper, calmer sleep which allows the body more time to repair damaged muscles.

CBD Oil For Anxiety And Depression 

It’s estimated that around 40 million adult Americans are affected by an anxiety disorder of some kind. That’s the same as the entire population of the State of California. Anxiety disorders can range from mild to severe. They can manifest as a condition that might prevent you from going to public gatherings or a panic attack that affects you from time to time – unpredictably. Depression is another common mental condition affecting a large number of people of all ages. Depression can be triggered by a stressful life event, a temporary state, or it can be more deep-rooted, and seemingly permanent. 

Some of the best medicine for these conditions, as prescribed by the majority of doctors and health practitioners, is exercise, nature, healthy eating, and positive communities. But motivation can be an issue in states of anxiety and depression, and people who panic may not know when or where they might be affected. For this reason, certain medications are prescribed to alleviate symptoms temporarily to function in the world. But in a similar way to pain relief medication, treatments for mental conditions can be harmful for the health and produce unwanted side effects in the short and long term. 

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CBD Oil offers a natural, accessible solution to mental health medication for many people. Although clinical trials are still being carried out and there is yet to be any conclusive evidence published on its success at treating these conditions, the early signs are promising. CBD is thought to interact with receptors in the central nervous system that affect serotonin levels. The common medications for anxiety and depression are serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as sertraline (Zoloft) and fluoxetine (Prozac). It is thought that CBD Oil may offer an alternative to these SSRI treatments. However, it’s important to speak to your doctor about changing your medication. 

CBD Oil For Cancer

Research is ongoing into the effectiveness of CBD Oil in treating cancer and associated symptoms, but while it is still mainly inconclusive there are signs that CBD Oil can manage some symptoms of the disease and reduce tumor growth in animals. CBD Oil has proved effective at treating the side effects of radiation treatments for cancer such as nausea and loss of appetite. It’s properties for easing neurological pain and inflammation make it very useful for recovering cancer patients. A doctor must always be consulted before using CBD Oil for cancer as it can have side-effects when mixed with certain other medications. 

CBD Oil For Skin

When it comes to skincare CBD Oil has some amazing natural properties that can reduce inflammation, acne-prone skin, hydrate skin with natural oil, and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. It is also super useful for sensitive skin. 

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One of CBD’s leading properties is its anti-inflammation compound that makes it so useful for pain relief and fitness. Acne is an inflammatory condition caused by a multiplicity of factors, however, CBD Oil applied to the breakout area is shown to calm down the redness, and hydrate dry areas of skin. 

CBD Oil contains natural antioxidant properties shown to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the face. Creams containing CBD will counteract damage caused by free-radicals while also reducing any signs of inflammation. This brings a vibrancy and youthfulness to the skin that is completely natural – free from any chemical skincare concoction. 

When it comes to sensitive skin CBD Oil is also fantastic. It has soothing properties that calm and normalize the skin after environmental stressors, or hydrates and protects it from becoming dry and brittle in everyday life. As a skincare product CBD Oil is an all-you-need. 

Don’t Ignore Your Symptoms – Especially Now!

During the pandemic, one major concern amongst doctors – aside from the obvious – is that people will let small ailments grow and get worse. The irony is that because people are so worried about contracting the coronavirus, they may be letting other serious conditions slip under their notice. 

So what do you need to be aware of?

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Aches and Pains

We all have aches and pains from time to time and most will go away on their own. Often, all you need is to make sure that you are eating well – many mild pains, including cramps, are caused by mineral deficiencies – also try stretching and gentle exercise to loosen up. Walking is really good for you and even in quarantine, you should try to make sure that you don’t spend all your time sitting down. Staying fit and feeling good is possible, even during shelter in place days! 

The problem comes when your pain doesn’t go away or it gets worse. There is no reason that you should have to suffer and even at times like this, it is better for you to talk to a health professional. From lower back pain to unbearable wisdom tooth pain, there is nothing a doctor wouldn’t be happy to help you with. In fact, doctors can diagnose a wide range of problems remotely so you won’t even need to go into their surgery. 

Lumps, Rashes and Discoloration

Just like aches and pains, lumps, rashes and discoloration are really common and, most of the time, they pass on their own. However, lumps, rashes and discoloration can also be a sign of more serious conditions, including cancer. 

If you do find an odd lump on your body, it’s a good idea to monitor it for a few days to see what happens as most lumps will disappear in that time. However, if your symptoms persist or get worse it is always worth calling your doctor as they will be able to prescribe the right course of action. For example, they may wish to take a biopsy of a new lump.

Skin rashes and discoloration can often be diagnosed by a pharmacist. They will also be able to give you a steroid cream or similar to help relieve the symptoms – especially if your skin is itchy or irritable to touch. There are a few home remedies that can help too, such as using a cool compress or coconut oil to relieve itching. 

Again, most rashes and discolorations are nothing to worry about but they are worth treating quickly so don’t delay in getting help. The last thing you need right now is a rash that’s going to spread! 

Fatigue and The Sense Something Isn’t Right

Fatigue can be caused by a wide range of illnesses but it is also a common symptom of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Right now, lots of people are struggling with their mental health as life has radically changed and there is a new threat that the whole of humanity is affected by. 

Fatigue is not the same as tiredness; fatigue doesn’t improve with sleep and can make you feel sluggish and achy. If you are worried about fatigue, seeing your doctor is a really good idea as they will be able to gauge a sense of how you are both physically and mentally. They may wish to do some blood tests just to check for any sign of infection or vitamin and mineral deficiencies. 

For many people, fatigue also follows an illness. If this is true for you then the best thing you can do is allow yourself time to rest and heal. If your fatigue persists beyond a few weeks, it is really important that you return to your doctor for further advice. Many people are showing signs of post-viral fatigue after recovering from the coronavirus and if you think you may be affected, it’s important that you seek further help. 

If you require dental care, consider getting help from the dentist in Medford.

We are all guilty of ignoring smaller symptoms and hoping that they will go away on their own. Luckily, for most of us, most of the time this is true and your body is actually really good at dealing with all kinds of problems by itself. However, just because we are in the middle of a worldwide health crisis doesn’t mean that your relatively small problem doesn’t warrant some attention. So no matter how silly you might feel if you are worried about any of the symptoms above or have any other symptoms concerning you, don’t delay making that appointment.