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Some Tips For Gaining Momentum Around The Home.

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We all have a variety of tasks to take care of around our homes, on a daily basis – and, often, these are not the kinds of things that are intrinsically motivating.

Chores need to get done, DIY jobs need to be taken care of, meals need to be prepared, and that massive stack of papers on the desk of your home office probably needs to be worked through sooner rather than later.

The feeling that things are “stagnating” is always deeply uncomfortable and unpleasant, to say the least. But when that feeling strikes in your own home, it can be especially demoralising.

Here are a handful of tips for gaining momentum in the home and regaining a sense of control over things.

Feel the “resistance” and do it anyway

The writer, Steven Pressfield, is well known not only for his novels (including “The Legend of Bagger Vance”), but also for his cult classic book on the artistic and creative process, titled “The War of Art.”

In this book, Pressfield argues that there is a force called “resistance” that always gets in the way and tries to steer us off course when we are in the process of trying to move from a “lower” to an “higher” state. Writers experience resistance, painters experience it, athletes experience it, and so on.

“Resistance,” however, is also something that we all experience in everyday life as the desire to procrastinate and avoid tasks like dealing with household chores, or getting started on a potentially tricky project.

The key thing – according to Pressfield and many others – is to realise and remember that “resistance” is eternal, and that it never goes away fully. You just have to move forward despite it.

To develop momentum in your home, you need to “feel the resistance, and do it anyway.”

Get yourself the right tools and incentives to support an optimum mindset

It’s always easier to build and maintain positive momentum in your home, if you have the right tools and incentives to support an optimum mindset – one that’s based on a sense of positivity and intrinsic motivation.

If you want to spend more time home cooking your own meals and making them special, getting some high quality cooking utensils such as Made In Cookware might help you to really enjoy the process more, and to feel more inclined to engage in it.

Clarify what it is you need to get done

It’s difficult enough to build and maintain momentum when you actually know what it is you need to do next, and have a clear view of the path ahead.

When everything is chaotic, however, and you just know that you “have a lot of work to do here,” it can be virtually impossible to actually get the ball rolling.

Begin the process by getting systematic, and by identifying and clarifying exactly what it is you need to get done, point by point.

Using a good task management tool such as Omnifocus or Todoist might help here.

Make Your Next Purchase A Patio Heater…AND FAST!!!!

Patio Heater talk started mid summer. Many readers sent in notes that they were unable to buy patio heaters. All the sites they went on were not going to be able to deliver for many months out. The panic started rushing in. Reader after reader messaged in “What are we going to do when it gets cold and we cannot use our outdoor space? . During this pandemic having a friend over to sit outside or to share a meal outdoors has been many people’s saving grace. DO NOT WORRY!!! I found some patio heaters that you can get within the next week or so in a range of sizes and prices. I love the look of all of them. Any of these will enhance your alfresco time. I am thinking of getting one of the round ones to put on my stone wall. Click the images below for more information or to order. Hurry they are going fast!!!!

The next 3 are labeled for Indoor Use so if you do purchase these, you cannot leave them out all the time, you need to bring them in and store indoors….

For Our New Mama: 3 Truths About Parenting a Newborn

As you know we have readers from all areas and of all ages. In the past week, I have received emails from 2 readers that they had new babies!!! Having a baby is one of the most exciting experiences you will ever have but you may be overwhelmed with the sheer responsibly of caring for your little one. You will be responsible for your baby’s every need so it is easy to get carried away thinking you aren’t doing enough as a parent. Whether you’re overwhelmed with the number of items you think you need to care for your baby properly or you are stressed out by several weeks of sleep deprivation after the baby arrives, here are three truths that can help you prepare for and navigate the newborn stage.

You’ll Need More Clothes Than You Think

A lot of people get carried away while buying baby clothes and end up purchasing way more than they need. Other people try to limit the number of clothes they buy and end up with a full hamper and no clean baby clothing because they haven’t had time to do laundry. If you want to reduce clutter by buying fewer baby clothes, you may make life harder for yourself in the long run. Make sure you have enough clothing of different sizes to change the baby several times a day for at least a week. If you have enough clothes, you won’t get as stressed if you can’t always keep up with laundry. This also gives you an excuse to purchase adorable designs from online boutiques that carry brands such as Little Green Radicals baby clothing.

You Don’t Need a Million Toys

You may think you need a ton of toys to help your baby develop properly, but having so much stuff to put away will only put more stress on you. In reality, babies need very few toys at first. Rattles, books and playmats will likely be all the baby needs for the first couple of months and you can add new toys throughout the year as the baby grows. Introduce teethers and three months and add a set of wooden blocks around six months. Stuffed animals make great toys at any age.

It’s OK To Take a Break

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed for the first few weeks of your baby’s life. You probably won’t get much sleep and your house may not be as clean as it usually is. You may be surviving on fast food and frozen meals instead of cooking healthy foods every night, but you don’t need to feel bad about being in survival mode. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to ask a friend or family member for help. It will do you a world of good to step away from parenting responsibilities for an hour or two so you can focus on your mental health.

Parenting is a huge responsibility and you may be overwhelmed by it. Whether you are anxiously awaiting your little one’s arrival or are struggling with all of your responsibilities after the baby is born, keep these three truths in mind to remind yourself that you are doing your best to be a good parent.

Gift Guide For The Sportsman

If you know an avid sportsman and are not familiar with their hobbies, it might not be easy to find and purchase the perfect gift for them. Sportsmen are a special breed and enjoy the outdoors as well as hobbies like hunting, camping, fishing and sailing. They may enjoy playing sports as well as watching them. Fortunately, you can purchase quite a few gifts for them as long as you know what activities they enjoy.

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Sports Watches

Sports watches are a very special type of watch. They come in various brands, but one of the premier and most well-known companies for sports watches is Alpina Watches. These watches are designed to look beautiful and take abuse. They are usually shockproof, water-resistant and scratch-resistant. In other words, they are meant to be worn outdoors, where they come into contact with various substances and situations. Sports watches are a classic gift for almost any sportsman.

Rain Gear

Since the average sportsman spends a lot of time outdoors, a good set of rain gear is necessary. They come in all sizes and colors so you can pick their favorite and their size. You can get rain gear in just jackets, a jacket and pant set or an overcoat. There are also hooded and non-hooded styles. When you purchase rain gear, make sure that it fits with what the sportsman likes to do. If they like to hunt or fish, then camo might be best, or if they like boating or sailing a full suit that will handle salt spray might be a good idea.

Specialty Packs and Vests

There are backpacks and bags for almost all sportsmen. These are bags that contain items that the sportsman would like to have handy. Hunting bags usually contain storage for shells, calls and gear that makes hunting easier. The fishing bags usually contain space for fishing gear, line and other tackle. Each of these also comes in a wearable vest as well as a bag. Some of these bags contain the items that a sportsman needs pre-packed, and others just have storage space.

Water Storage Bags

These handy items allow a hiker, camper or mountain hunter to carry a surprisingly large amount of water with relative ease. Instead of carrying a canteen, they can carry a water storage bag, backpack or vest. They are handy and keep the sportsman hydrated without adding noise or too much weight to their pack. Water storage bags may also be called dromedaries and are normally polyurethane-lined, so they do not leak.

Life Straws

Life Straws are another solution to hydration. Relatively new on the market, they are a water filtering straw. The Life Straw filters out bacteria and waterborne parasites, reducing the need to boil water from rivers and other areas. These are great for hiking, hunting, fishing and camping in out of the way places. The newer versions of the Life Straw like the Life Straw Go have better filtration and sediment clearing than the older versions, so even if they have one already, a new one will be appreciated.

Camping Equipment

High-quality camping equipment is always a great gift for the avid sportsman. There are quite a few items and item sets that you can purchase. One of the more popular camping items is a camp stove. There is also a wide variety of tents, lanterns, sleeping bags and other equipment that you can purchase. You can always ask which items they already have and which they need so you do not duplicate items. With all of the new camping gadgets coming out, there is always something they need or want to try.

Windbreakers and Pullovers

Both windbreakers and pullovers make great gifts for an outdoorsman. These are essential for some of the harsh, cold and wet conditions they may encounter. They are designed to be warm and comfortable even in the worst possible conditions. They come in many colors and materials so you can pick the one that fits your sportsman’s personality the best. Some of them have removable liners, hoods and other accessories, so they are great for multiple conditions and climates.

No matter what a sportsman is into, there are gifts available for them. Purchasing something for their outdoor hobby or sport is both thoughtful and personal. 

Making Holiday Times With Family Count

It is only 99 days until Christmas which means the holiday seasons are almost here!!! The holidays can be stressful, especially all the extended family time. It’s a good idea to do whatever you can to try to make things much more enjoyable with your entire family. Whether you are already starting to think about Christmas, or you are just hoping to make sure that you have a good Halloween together, the following advice should help you to make those times count as much as possible, and keep everyone in the family happy!!!!!

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Make Sure Everyone Is Considered

One of the major things you can do is to ensure that everyone in the family gets a say in what happens. That’s important whether you are all on holiday somewhere together, or just when you are spending a lot of time together indoors for the holiday period. The simple way to ensure that everyone is included and feels considered is to make it a safe space to speak your minds. That way, if someone objects they can merely say so, and you are going to be able to keep everyone much happier.

Get Gifts For Each Other

The value of gifts in all this is incredibly important. They are a valuable way of you showing each other that you really do care, and not just because you happen to be family. This is especially true if you manage to find gifts for each other which actually speaks to that individual in an appropriate way. Alternatively, you can buy gifts that are suitable for what you are doing as a family. A great idea would be to create a “Theme” Christmas this year. So a Hawaiian Christmas could mean you give each other flowers, for instance. This would allow for everyone to exchange a small token together, keeping with the holiday spirit.

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Keep The Stress Low

It is often natural for families to get stressed when they spend long periods of time together. But you can do plenty to try and keep that stress at bay, and doing so is often going to make for a much more enjoyable time in general. There are many ways to achieve this. One is to simply keep your own mind in check, and hope that other people follow suit. That does work pretty well. You can also ensure that everyone has a little alone time where necessary, in order to stop things getting too heated.

Enjoy It

Above all, enjoy it! Make sure that you are making the most of the time spent with your family, and that you are doing everything you can to make it the most enjoyable time possible. As long as you actively try to do that, there is no reason why you can’t make it a reality. Before you know it, family holiday times could become much more enjoyable and more like something you look forward to than you might have thought possible.

For Our Younger Readers..Some Pregnancy Tips

Image source: Pexels

So you have decided to get pregnant. It’s a big decision for people to make. Your body will be carrying a baby around for nearly nine months, so preparing your body for that task will undoubtedly help you on the journey.


Having a baby grow in your belly can use up a lot of nutrients from your body, so taking a multivitamin will give you a much-needed boost. 

Opt for ones that companies have designed for those who want to get pregnant. Try out a few options, so you get the one that is right for you.

Folic Acid

This additional vitamin, which is often recommended for women wanting to conceive, will be of benefit. The folic acid tablets help prevent neural tube defects during the early days of your pregnancy. You can purchase these over the counter. Your doctor may continue to prescribe them only at a higher dosage if needed during the rest of your pregnancy.  

Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy well-balanced diet is essential during this time. Limit the amount of fast food or processed foods and instead increase your salad, green leafy vegetables and drink plenty of water. Increasing your fiber intake will also be of benefit.


Taking regular exercise will be of benefit to you and your baby. It doesn’t have to be high-intensity aerobics. It can be a 30-minute brisk walk. Doing this at least 30 minutes each day will stand you in good stead when it comes to carrying your baby during the last trimester, especially.

Health Check Up

Visit your doctor to get a full check up. This is particularly important if you are undergoing IVF treatment. As well as understanding how IVF works and opting for somewhere with top IVF success rates, you will want to get your body ready for the process. To understand the IVF process in more detail, the information here will be of use to you.

Limit your Stress

Stress can have such a negative impact on the body. 

Practice meditation, go for a walk, take some deep breaths, or do anything else that you enjoy. This will ensure you keep your stress levels at a minimum. Another idea is to try yoga. As well as destressing your body, it will help strengthen and stretch your body, improving it for your pregnancy.

Sleep Well

With a new baby, sleep will be hard to come by. Get as much rest and sleep as you can during the pregnancy. You don’t have to stick to a particular routine; sleep and rest when you can. You can read up on 3 truths about parenting a new born to help you during that stage.

Reach your Health Weight

Being a healthy weight will help you carry your baby without much stress. A healthy weight is one where you are comfortable rather than looking at scales. 

Talk to your doctor and get advice if you feel you would like to drop a few pounds before pregnancy.

There is so much to think about when you want to have a baby. 

However, with a little planning ahead, you will be in the right place both mentally and physically to have a healthy pregnancy.