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Top Tips For Furnishing Your Home…

One of the most exciting things in life is buying a home, whether it be your fist home, or your dream house. You start to imagine furnishing and accessorising every room of the house, and then you spot the price of a cushion and you realise that you will have to change your expectations when it comes to the big shopping trip. 

Once you’ve finalised your mortgage or rental agreement, your next steps include furnishing the house you’ve just moved into. The process is a big one, but it doesn’t have to be stressful, not if you plan properly. The internet will give you article after article on how to furnish your house with Feng Shui in mind and it’ll tell you how to balance colours and lights. When it comes down to it, though, you need to consider your budget. You can read all the articles in the world, but your budget is what will determine how you can furnish your house. So, with this in mind, let’s check out what steps you can take to furnish your house on a budget.

Green Cactus Plant Near to White Ceramic Plate on Brown Wooden Table

Image Source: Pexels

Know What You Want

When you walked through the house for the first time, you likely visualised exactly what colour scheme you wanted. You could even picture the appliances and the sofas, beds and bedside tables. It comes to life in your head, so make a list based on what you need from room to room. Once you do this, you can write down the smaller items, too, from lamps and bedding to rubbish bins and cushions. You have to make these lists so that you know what to look for when you are actually shopping, and then you can fit it all to your budget.

Get What You Need First

On those lists you just wrote, put stars next to the things that you absolutely need in the house. Everyone has those dreamy ideas of what to have in their homes, but you really don’t need eleven billion throw pillows – those are wants. The things you need are the big ticket items, such as your bed, your sofa and your refrigerator. You may even decide you need a freezer separate to the kitchen. Once you budget for the things that you need, you can see what you have left for the things that you want.

Plan The Actual Budget

You could be saving for a long time to get what you want for your house, but you need to know what the actual budget will be for your house before you go shopping. You can window shop online and compare the things that you need over several stores if you are looking to find good deals. You can even get great options from and find some discounts and vouchers to make your furniture shopping experience a pleasant one. Either way, you have to know what your budget for furniture will be so that you can stick as closely to it as possible when you’re buying. To that end, it’s a good idea to try to avoid getting credit or store cards for furniture. If your monthly budget isn’t particularly high, the last thing that you want to do is add to it and have to pay more.

Be Smart With Furnishing

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to put something in front of every wall in the rooms of each house. Go through your priority furniture list and start buying the things that you need. When the budget starts to run out, save for the next room or the next furniture piece. Continue on from there and start with ONLY the things that you need.

Interior Design Of A House

Image Source: Pexels

Watch The Sales Cycles

Every single store goes through cycles of putting items up for sale or adding discounts to things that they sell. End of summer, Christmas, Black Friday – you name it, there’s a sale for it. If you aim to buy much of your furniture through the sales, you can save yourself a lot of money along the way. You could even look at buying last season’s models in the sales, which will make your money go further.

Go For Second-Hand

Facebook Marketplace is an invaluable resource when you are furnishing a house for the first time. You can find some gems on there, as well as those in car boot sales and antique stores. Thrift stores and flea markets both offer tons of items at cut-down prices, and these can either be excellent options for your house, or they’ll tide you over temporarily while you save for the better options.

Choose Quality

Don’t let your choices for the houses be overtaken with quantity over quality. Yes, you can fill a room really cheaply, but you can fill a room with quality furniture and take your time instead. Quality furniture will last you for years, but too much cheap furniture will just rinse your budget and break down early. Don’t worry about buying end tables that are expensive, either, not when you can use the cash on a high quality mattress. You spend more of your life in your bed than you do resting a coffee on an end table!

Filling up your first home with new furniture takes some time, but embrace it! Take your time and get it right, and you can avoid sacrificing your dream furnished house. You should feel settled and you don’t have to get into debt to do it. If you take a targeted approach with furnishing your home, you can ensure that you have the perfect house for you. It will never be the perfect house for those in interior design, but it will be the perfect house for you and that’s what counts. Choose your budget and live to it carefully – it will make all the difference in the future.

Pittsburgh Mercantile

When I worked at Tiffany, we had the coolest boss, Susan. She was so Stylish and Funny and she had the best taste, laugh, and handwriting. She was the epitome of “THE Tiffany shopper” wrapped up in the cutest little package. My cube was right outside her office for so many years so I was the luckiest with a ringside seat to all her fabulousness!!!! I recently learned that Susan started The Pittsburgh Mercantile, a curated collection of crafts and goods from local Artisans of the Pittsburg area. You will find “designs with clean lines and meaningful ornamentation, work that reveals the beauty of the raw materials and the hand of the artist. We celebrate quality and utility and attention to detail. We love things that get better with age.  In short, things with character.” I have quickly fallen in love with this site. And, recently made some purchases myself. It is my new go-to for gifts and unique finds. Oh and Susan packages and ships all the items so every purchase comes with a painstakingly perfectly tied bow a la Tiffany & Co style.

Click images below to go to the website page…

I love the simple elegance of these drop earrings…

I ordered these “two little birds” earrings after seeing them in a video that Susan posted. I just loved how they move and jingle…

I saw Susan wearing these on Instagram and have taken a second look a few times now..I really just love these..

I added these to my gift wish list…These Star Dominos are a great for any family!!

This folding ruler reminds me of the one that we had in our garage tool shed when growing up. I’m dying for one…great for the handi man or lady in your family!!

I have a few friends with fall/winter birthdays that are going to be getting these hand knit rainbow socks….so fabulous!!!

Every respectable closet needs these amazing Swedish Lavender Sachets..They keep your clothes smelling fresh and keep those pesky moths at bay…

This is a brilliant idea, a cookie box. Such a cool way to safely transport all of your homemade goodies (the best part of the meal!!) from school to your book club and everywhere in between!!! There is also a pie and cake box as well!!!

It is soo hard to find good pillar candles….these are extra tall and hand dipped…and they come in soo many great colors…

This backgammon set is what everyone in my husband’s office is getting this year…I love the colored board. It will look so chic sitting out in any room AND such a fun game to pass hours together!!!

One of my favorite items on the site are the vintage Pucci purses by designer Carolyn Roberts

Here is one in fall colors..I am dreaming about this…

The Tassel Necklaces are also perfection…

2020 Has Got People Thinking Seriously About Financial Freedom

At the start of the year, many of us were looking forward to what looked like it was going to be a bumper year. The economy was raging. Technology was advancing. And, in general, people’s lives were getting better – at least financially. 

But things, as we know, took a turn for the worse. We don’t know precisely how the crisis is going to impact the lives of regular people. But we can guess at the fact that it’s not going to be easy. Who knows when the economy will return or how long it will take to slash the unemployment rate back to January’s levels. 

The last few months, however, have gotten people thinking seriously about their finances. Being cooped up inside for long periods has taught a lot of us some valuable lessons, particularly when it comes to financial freedom. We’ve realised that riding the consumer carousel isn’t the route to happiness. Quite the reverse, in fact. 

If we were to sum up the lessons that people have collectively learned from this experience, they would comprise the following: 

Trading Time For Careers Isn’t Worth It

Pexels – CC0 License

Careers seem like the ultimate route to success in life. They provide meaning, fulfilment, and resources. But when you peel back the curtain, you see something different: a lot of stress and missed opportunities. People give up a lot for their work, particularly their family lives. And now many people are discovering the real cost. They’re finding out that their marriages aren’t as secure as they thought and that they’ve neglected to get to know their children. They’re also finding out that they have interests outside their careers and that they’re worth pursuing too. Maybe that’s why people aren’t particularly enthused about going back to the office. 

Going Into Debt Is A Bad Idea

Going into debt seems so justifiable at the time. But when you realise that shopping isn’t all it’s cracked up to be after weeks of lockdown, you soon see the folly of your ways. Getting into debt, as DTSS U.S. Complete Freedom points out, is a way of trapping into a cycle of servitude. You don’t actually benefit at all when you borrow money from other people to pay for stuff you want right now. Instead, you simply make your life worse by creating new obligations. 

Saving Is The Only Way To Become Free

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The world is a surprisingly free place for people who have a lot of money in the bank. You can pretty much go anywhere and do anything you like, so long as you have some substantial resources behind you. Unfortunately, many people tie themselves to a kind of wage slavery. Yes – their work is something to do. But if they’re honest with themselves, there’s almost always something else that they would prefer to do with their time. 

Saving and investing really is the only way to financial freedom for most people. We’re not all going to become superstar entrepreneurs. For many of us, ordinary life is sufficient. And that’s okay. Long-term savings are the way to go. 

Top 3 Things To Look For In A Diamond

Whether you’re in the market for high quality diamond earrings or a classic engagement ring, buying diamonds is exciting but can seem daunting at first. If you’re unfamiliar with what to look for in a diamond, the purchase process can seem a little disorienting given the plethora of choices on the market today. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way! Keeping a few key metrics in mind can help you easily find the right diamond for you.

Image Pixabay

1. Check Out the Four Cs

Perhaps the best-known metric for rating diamonds is what’s known as the Four Cs, which stands for cut, color, clarity and carat. The cut helps the diamond look clean, crisp and sparkly, so a better cut will improve the diamond’s overall look. The color is linked to the diamond’s grade, and in general, the less color the diamond has, the higher its grade. Clarity can make a difference in how the diamond looks, too, but keep in mind that some imperfections are too small to see with the naked eye, so a few small imperfections could help lower your diamond’s price tag without affecting its look. Finally, carat refers to the diamond’s total weight. While higher carats are often stereotypically associated with big, sparkly rocks, a quality cut can work wonders for a lower-carat rock.

Image Pixabay

2. Look for Gemological Institute of America Certification

One simple way to check the quality of your diamond is to look for a diamond grading certificate or report from a relevant institution like the Gemological Institution of America, or GIA. These reports can confirm the diamond’s exact characteristics and assure you of its quality. Each GIA-checked diamond you purchase should come with a certificate of authenticity and a pamphlet laying out the diamond’s ratings.

3. Ensure It’s Conflict-Free

Finally, it’s important to take ethical matters into consideration when looking to purchase a diamond. In order to avoid accidentally buying a diamond that was sourced from a war zone or through unethical activity, look for conflict-free diamonds with verified, legitimate sources. Ask your jeweler about the diamond’s history and supplier.

Buying your first diamond is exciting, but can seem a little daunting if you’re not sure what to look for. Thankfully, being prepared ahead of time can help simplify the process. Keep these three factors in mind and you can look forward to finding the perfect diamond for your individual wants and needs.

Book Club Monday

Are you in the mood for a really good old school Agatha Christie type of read?.. Then this week’s choice, The Guest List by Lucy Foley is for you. Are you ready to start guessing, guessing wrong and then guessing again…

The bride – The plus one – The best man – The wedding planner  – The bridesmaid – The body

On an island off the coast of Ireland, guests gather to celebrate two people joining their lives together as one. The groom: handsome and charming, a rising television star. The bride: smart and ambitious, a magazine publisher. It’s a wedding for a magazine, or for a celebrity: the designer dress, the remote location, the luxe party favors, the boutique whiskey. The cell phone service may be spotty and the waves may be rough, but every detail has been expertly planned and will be expertly executed.

But perfection is for plans, and people are all too human. As the champagne is popped and the festivities begin, resentments and petty jealousies begin to mingle with the reminiscences and well wishes. The groomsmen begin the drinking game from their school days. The bridesmaid not-so-accidentally ruins her dress. The bride’s oldest (male) friend gives an uncomfortably caring toast.

And then someone turns up dead. Who didn’t wish the happy couple well? And perhaps more important, why?

For more information or to order this book, click HERE.

Slim Aarons The High Life

Over the weekend I watched the most wonderful documentary…Slim Aarons The High Life. Slim Aarons spent his career photographing “The Good Life”, beautiful people doing beautiful things in beautiful places during the 50s, 60s, and 70s. This documentary tells the story behind those photos. I really enjoyed the entire film and was memorized by each photograph. I cannot wait to watch it again. Click HERE to access the film on Amazon Prime.