The Top Pros and Cons of Purchasing a Vacation Home

Photo by Josh Sorenson from Pexels

It’s a dream for many to own a vacation property. A place where you can relax and retreat to when you’re away, it’s your own little haven away from home. However, before purchasing a vacation home, no matter where it’s located in the world, there are certain advantages and downsides you should consider. 

A way of ensuring that you’re ready for the investment, you’ll be in the best position possible. To help guide you, here is a list of the top pros and cons associated with purchasing a vacation home.

Let’s start with the pros:

Your Own Home to Enjoy

As mentioned above, by investing in a vacation home you’ll have your own private spot to enjoy. No longer will you be battling for the sun lounger or having to get up at a certain time to have breakfast. Now you’ll have a place in which you decide the rules.

No matter what time of the year you want to visit, the only barrier you’ll have to face is the flights or whatever transport you’ll need to take. Cutting the costs in the long term, this flexibility is very appealing. 

You Can Use it as a Second Income

When you’re not using your vacation home, why not rent it out so that you can get an extra income? Helping to offset the cost of a mortgage and ensuring that it’s being made use of throughout the year, it’s a valuable asset to have.

Of course, before jumping into this, it’s vital that you’ve researched into the property market in that area, the legalities of this and are certain that the people who will be renting it are trustworthy. 

You Can Benefit From Tax Deductions 

A huge benefit that you can reap is tax deductions. Applied to your mortgage and any interest it’s accrued on it, it’s a big thing to consider if  you’re looking to rent it out for up to two weeks a year. Deducted from your gross income, it’s a plus point that many owners will find to be invaluable. 

It’s Convenient 

By having a vacation home, it’s incredibly convenient for the next time you want to travel. Within this home, you can store clothes and other items you typically require when you’re away. This makes the packing situation a lot less stress the next time you want to go on vacation there. 

Now onto the cons:

You’ll Need to Guarantee it Gets the Maintenance it Requires

As the property owner, you’ll need to ensure that it is maintained properly throughout the year. Whether this involves having someone to come in and clean it or repair any issues that need fixing, it’s a big burden to bear on top of your current home. 

Extra costs that not everyone considers at the start of the process, it’s a responsibility that will last for the entire ownership of the property. 

It’s Likely to Be Far Away

Now, this isn’t always the case. But if you’re thinking of purchasing a vacation home that’s further afield, you’ll have to think about the likeliness of you making full use of it throughout the year. For example, if it’s in a location that’s more than a couple of hours flight away, then the chances are that you’ll only be able to visit on average, twice a year.

This point puts into perspective how much you’re paying for the property versus how much you can actually use it. 

A Lack of Flexibility

Even if you currently love the location you’re looking to purchase the vacation in, over time, there’s a chance that you might want to travel somewhere else. And while this is of course possible while owning the home, you might want to take full advantage of it each time you go away.

Making you feel tied to one place, it’s not the ideal option for avid travelers that love to explore new places each time.

The Cost

Following on from the above, perhaps the key reason why people are put off by vacation homes is because of the cost. Not only do you have to pay out for a deposit, but you’ll need to consider how much the mortgage or loan you’ve taken out will cost you each month, any taxes, maintenance, etc. 
These costs could make it feel like it’s more affordable to stay in a hotel here and there rather than have a second property that you need to pay for each month. To determine whether it’s attainable from the start, it’s therefore a good idea to use the best home loan calculator available and budget how much your outgoings will be.

Book Club Monday

If you are into Crime and Suspense books today’s choice, Outsider: A Novel of Suspense by Linda Castillo is for you. I saw a friend reading it on the beach and the cover looked so interesting…It came highly recommended. And once I read the summary, I knew it was for me….


Linda Castillo follows her instant New York Times bestseller, Shamed, with Outsider, an electrifying thriller about a woman on the run hiding among the Amish.

While enjoying a sleigh ride with his children, Amish widower Adam Lengacher discovers a car stuck in a snowdrift and an unconscious woman inside. He calls upon Chief of Police Kate Burkholder for help, and she is surprised to recognize the driver: fellow cop and her former friend, Gina Colorosa.

Years before, Kate and Gina were best friends at the police academy and patrol officers in Columbus, but time and distance have taken them down two very different paths. Now, Gina reveals a shocking story of betrayal and revenge that has forced her to run for her life. She’s desperate for protection, and the only person she can trust is Kate―but can Kate trust her? Or will Gina’s dark past put them all in danger?

As a blizzard bears down on Painters Mill, Kate helps Gina go into hiding on Adam’s farm. While the tough-skinned Gina struggles to adjust to the Amish lifestyle, Kate and state agent John Tomasetti delve into the incident that caused Gina to flee. But as Kate gets closer to the truth, a killer lies in wait. When violence strikes, she must confront a devastating truth that changes everything she thought she knew not only about friendship, but the institution to which she’s devoted her life. –

For more information or to purchase this book, click HERE.

Calling Single Ladies..Signs That He Wants To Marry You One Day….

This post is for all my single ladies out there who write in to me and are keeping the faith. I have heard of sooo many covid romance stories new relationships and many proposals!!!…It is sooo exciting…well for all of you who ask me about relationships and the next steps…….Here’s to Wedding Bells Ringing soon!!!!

image Pixabay

Love can be exciting, but it may not always be clear cut where your love is headed. That doesn’t mean, though, that there aren’t clear signs that he’s thinking about taking your relationship to the next level someday. If you’ve been wondering where your relationship is headed and whether you’ll need Mona Salehi Notaire services one day here are a few things to look for. 

He Always Talks About the Future

If a man mentions the future to you a lot, it’s pretty likely he sees a place for you in it with him. Men don’t typically mention their future plans to a woman they have little interest in, so if he’s talking about future plans, particularly plans that are months or even years away, there’s a pretty good chance he wants you to be a part of those plans, too. 

He Values and Asks for Your Opinion 

Another sign that you mean a lot to him is that he takes your opinion seriously. If he’s frequently asking you what you think, or asking you to weigh in on things that are going on in his life, it means that he cares what you have to say and values your input. It also shows that he’s starting to lean on you for support, which most likely means he can see you being in his life long term. 

image Pixabay

He Always Remembers the Little Things, Even When You Don’t

A man often won’t pay very close attention to a woman he isn’t deeply interested in. If he’s always noticing the little things, and remembering things about you that you don’t even remember yourself, it shows that he is truly focused on you, in a meaningful way. This kind of focus is usually a good indicator that he wants to know everything about you that he possibly can. 

He Wants To Make Smaller Commitments

Yet another sign that he’s in it for the long haul is that he’s already making smaller commitments with you. Whether it’s getting on the same cell phone plan or giving you the keys to his apartment, if he’s willing to make smaller commitments and show signs of trust, there’s a high probability he can see himself making larger commitments, like marriage, eventually, too. 

Even though love can be exciting, it can sometimes feel confusing, too. This can be particularly true if you’re wondering where your relationship is headed, and if he wants to commit to you, long term. While love isn’t always easy to figure out, the truth is that there can be many easy to spot signs that he wants to be with you for the long run. 

He talks about proposals and marriage

One of the dead giveaways to whether a man wants to marry you one day or not is if he openly, and actively talks about proposals or marriage with you. Some women may become concerned if their partner is talking too frequently about proposals and marriage and worry that they won’t make the event special. However, when a man talks about proposing to you and asks a lot of questions about the subject, it is likely that he is just gathering as much information as possible so that he can make it as special.

For example, he may one day ask you to browse through a moissanite stones catalog to pick out, or identify the kind of stones, and designs you like the look of. This could be so he has a better idea of what your preferences are for the all-important engagement ring.

If he is trying to be sneaky he might use his friends, or work colleagues and their girlfriends as examples rather than asking you for your direct opinion on something. So, keep an eye out for this little trick that men like to implement.

Men can sometimes be hard pushed to take the next step and fully commit, so if your partner is talking to you a lot about proposals, and marriage in general, or asking you for your opinion and thoughts around these subjects, it is likely that he is interested in marrying you one day.

A Few Summer Wardrobe Must-Haves

It has been a while since I have posted a must-have list…I partnered with Shop Bop to bring you some great looks in dresses and accessories. Since our socializing time is very minimal these days, I thought it makes sense to invest in one or 2 cute dresses and maybe a new pair of earrings and a pair of shoes. Any of these looks would do and they are so perfect you can wear them over and over all summer long….Happy Sunday!!!!

Stoney Clover

Have you heard of Stoney Clover Lane? It is the cutest line of lifestyle and travel accessories to help you stay organized on the go…The company was started by two sisters, Kendall and Libby, who love to “keep things lighthearted and labeled” and offer an assortment of decorative patches, inspired by their love of travel, sports, and beauty, to personalize your own Stoney Clover item for yourself, or for creating gifts to celebrate friendships and milestones. They have also recently collaborated with Love Shake Fancy and are selling fabulous floral, totes, travel bags, and cosmetic bags. The newest Stoney Clover store just opened in East Hampton where my friend’s uber-stylish daughter, Claudia just started working. She sent me some photos of the store and all the great items they are carrying…I cannot wait to go visit. If you are in the EH area stop by and tell Claudia that I sent you..In the meanwhile, check out the Stoney Clover website…it is so hard to choose!! Everything is perfection!!

Aerin Lauder’s Summer Sangria

This awesome recipe was in my inbox today from Aerin Lauder’s mailing list…it is her favorite Sangria recipe. I have been asking friends over for a social distance outdoor dinner during the past few summer Friday nights. It is a nice way to catch up on the many weeks missed, spend some quality time together al fresco, and try dishes and drinks that have been on our list. I just love the idea of this easy refreshing Sangria and I think I am going to make it this weekend. Bottom’s Up!!

image Elle Decor

Aerin’s Sangria

Add 2 types of fresh fruit to a bottle of light, fruity white wine

Whatever fresh fruit you have on hand will do…sliced strawberries, cut melon, orange slices, blackberries, raspberries

A splash of Cognac and throw in a clove or 2

Add a teaspoon or 2 of sugar (depending on how sweet you prefer)

Refrigerate for at least an hour and serve over ice in really pretty GLASS.

image Williams Sonoma