Peach Cobbler in a Cast Iron Skillet

Ever since I got my Coastal Cast Iron pan..I have wanted to cook everything in it! I read that it is also the best pan to cook sweets in, especially Cobblers and cornbreads. Supposedly, the favor is much better in skillet. This peach cobbler recipe popped into my inbox this week and it seemed like the perfect thing for my first Cast Iron baking project. I am planning my cobbler to be the perfect finale for a Labor Day Lobster Bake…..To get your own Costal Cast Iron pan and 10% off click HERE.


Peach Cobbler in a Cast Iron Skillet

Adapted from


  • 2 cups sliced peaches
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup milk
  1. Pre-heat oven to 375*F.
  2. Places sliced peaches in a large bowl. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup of sugar and flour. Stir to coat peaches and set aside.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine flour, 3/4 cup sugar, baking powder, salt, and milk, set aside.
  4. Over low heat, melt butter in a cast iron skillet.
  5. Pour the batter over the melted butter – Do not stir into the butter.
  6. Pour the peaches over the batter – again, do not stir.
  7. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes, until crust is light brown and puffy.
  8. Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly before serving.
  9. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream or fresh whipped cream.

How To Keep Your Picture Perfect Smile

Of all the things that can influence our appearance, none are quite as important as our smile. It’s the foundation of our style! If you have an excellent smile, then you’ll want to work to ensure that it stays that way. A lot of people take their picture-perfect smile for granted, incorrectly believing that it’ll be with them forever. But this is not guaranteed. If you want your smile to look as beautiful in 30 years as it does today, then take a read of our tips below. 

Pexels – CC0 Licence

Say Goodbye To Sugary Drinks

If there’s one thing that will compromise the quality of your teeth, it’s sugary drinks. Indeed, one of the main reasons why so many adults have teeth problems is because of the number of sugary drinks they drank when they were younger. Drink manufacturers are pretty good at selling the taste of their products, not so good at explaining what’s inside the drink, and how bad it is for you. If plain old water doesn’t do it for you, then look at other options. Even adding some lemon or cucumber to water can make it taste much better, and it’ll be good for you. 

Nail Your Dental Routine

Did you know that one hundred years ago, only ten percent of the population brushed their teeth on a regular basis? It sounds crazy, but it’s true. It’s not that today’s society is completely flawless, however. Many of our dental routines can be described as ‘basic.’ It’s not enough to just stick a toothbrush in your mouth; you have to know how to brush effectively. You’ll also want to learn how to use dental floss properly, and invest in high-quality mouthwash (low-quality options can cause more problems than they solve).

Handling Problems Early On

Even if you are practicing good dental hygiene, there are no guarantees that you’ll be able to avoid dental problems forever. Sometimes, you’re just unlucky. Having dental problems aren’t anything to worry about on their own. What’s important is that you take care of them as early as possible. Treating an abscessed tooth is a straightforward process, but if it’s left too late — or you don’t receive any treatment whatsoever — then you could experience serious health side-effects. As well as handling problems when they arise, you’ll also want to simply take a proactive approach when it comes to your dental health. That means regular trips to the dentist!

For the (Wannabe) Sports Stars

If you’re an active person who loves the rough and ready lifestyle, then you’ll want to take extra care of your teeth. Trauma is one of the leading causes of tooth loss. If you’re engaging in forceful sports, then consider wearing a mouthguard in order to protect your teeth. If your tooth does happen to be knocked out, then put it in a glass of milk, and head to the dentist straight away. It’s possible that they’ll be able to reattach it. If not, you’ll need to work with a dentist that specializes in cosmetic dentistry. 

Additionally, gum health is fairly important too. Don’t hesitate to get a consultation to discuss gum surgery with the pediatric dentist Modesto.

Navy Lobster

I have had it on my list to write the post on one of my favorite local stores, The Navy Lobster in Greenwich, Ct for so long. This little gem is right off the Post Rd and it is filled to the brim with treasures. Mary Beth, the owner, curates her charming space with unique finds from all over the globe. From soaps and candles from Positano to southern embroidered cocktail napkins. If you are searching for the perfect hostess or birthday gift, Mary Beth has you covered. After just one visit you will quickly see why it is a go-to in Greenwich and the surrounding areas.

Here is Mary Beth’s version of the back to school bag. Her pouches are fabulous for cosmetics, pencil and pens, and even masks. The block print masks are soo great too and made of the softest, thinnest breathable cotton!!!

I am such a fan of blue and white accessories. I love that monkey candleholder and those vases…….

Here is the place to go for a book bag….one is prettier than the other…

All of the french soaps are sooo amazing….

These “Art Of” book make great gifts and I love that tissue box holder, so cute in a college dorm room!!!!

Navy Lobster has a never ending selection of cute note pads and cards…

The Bill Cunningham book is high on my list and I love these petit appetizer chic!!!

Love the throws too…..

The selection of cocktail napkins and guest towels is also huge…

Not to get too political!!!!!

Love these napkins and hand towels!

Top Tips For Furnishing Your Home…

One of the most exciting things in life is buying a home, whether it be your fist home, or your dream house. You start to imagine furnishing and accessorising every room of the house, and then you spot the price of a cushion and you realise that you will have to change your expectations when it comes to the big shopping trip. 

Once you’ve finalised your mortgage or rental agreement, your next steps include furnishing the house you’ve just moved into. The process is a big one, but it doesn’t have to be stressful, not if you plan properly. The internet will give you article after article on how to furnish your house with Feng Shui in mind and it’ll tell you how to balance colours and lights. When it comes down to it, though, you need to consider your budget. You can read all the articles in the world, but your budget is what will determine how you can furnish your house. So, with this in mind, let’s check out what steps you can take to furnish your house on a budget.

Green Cactus Plant Near to White Ceramic Plate on Brown Wooden Table

Image Source: Pexels

Know What You Want

When you walked through the house for the first time, you likely visualised exactly what colour scheme you wanted. You could even picture the appliances and the sofas, beds and bedside tables. It comes to life in your head, so make a list based on what you need from room to room. Once you do this, you can write down the smaller items, too, from lamps and bedding to rubbish bins and cushions. You have to make these lists so that you know what to look for when you are actually shopping, and then you can fit it all to your budget.

Get What You Need First

On those lists you just wrote, put stars next to the things that you absolutely need in the house. Everyone has those dreamy ideas of what to have in their homes, but you really don’t need eleven billion throw pillows – those are wants. The things you need are the big ticket items, such as your bed, your sofa and your refrigerator. You may even decide you need a freezer separate to the kitchen. Once you budget for the things that you need, you can see what you have left for the things that you want.

Plan The Actual Budget

You could be saving for a long time to get what you want for your house, but you need to know what the actual budget will be for your house before you go shopping. You can window shop online and compare the things that you need over several stores if you are looking to find good deals. You can even get great options from and find some discounts and vouchers to make your furniture shopping experience a pleasant one. Either way, you have to know what your budget for furniture will be so that you can stick as closely to it as possible when you’re buying. To that end, it’s a good idea to try to avoid getting credit or store cards for furniture. If your monthly budget isn’t particularly high, the last thing that you want to do is add to it and have to pay more.

Be Smart With Furnishing

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to put something in front of every wall in the rooms of each house. Go through your priority furniture list and start buying the things that you need. When the budget starts to run out, save for the next room or the next furniture piece. Continue on from there and start with ONLY the things that you need.

Interior Design Of A House

Image Source: Pexels

Watch The Sales Cycles

Every single store goes through cycles of putting items up for sale or adding discounts to things that they sell. End of summer, Christmas, Black Friday – you name it, there’s a sale for it. If you aim to buy much of your furniture through the sales, you can save yourself a lot of money along the way. You could even look at buying last season’s models in the sales, which will make your money go further.

Go For Second-Hand

Facebook Marketplace is an invaluable resource when you are furnishing a house for the first time. You can find some gems on there, as well as those in car boot sales and antique stores. Thrift stores and flea markets both offer tons of items at cut-down prices, and these can either be excellent options for your house, or they’ll tide you over temporarily while you save for the better options.

Choose Quality

Don’t let your choices for the houses be overtaken with quantity over quality. Yes, you can fill a room really cheaply, but you can fill a room with quality furniture and take your time instead. Quality furniture will last you for years, but too much cheap furniture will just rinse your budget and break down early. Don’t worry about buying end tables that are expensive, either, not when you can use the cash on a high quality mattress. You spend more of your life in your bed than you do resting a coffee on an end table!

Filling up your first home with new furniture takes some time, but embrace it! Take your time and get it right, and you can avoid sacrificing your dream furnished house. You should feel settled and you don’t have to get into debt to do it. If you take a targeted approach with furnishing your home, you can ensure that you have the perfect house for you. It will never be the perfect house for those in interior design, but it will be the perfect house for you and that’s what counts. Choose your budget and live to it carefully – it will make all the difference in the future.

Isn’t It Time To Start Dressing Like Audrey?

I am so excited to tell you that I have partnered with a fabulous Italian shoe company called Andrea Carrano. The Carrano family began creating their uber comfortable and stylish shoes during World War II in Naples, Italy. During this time, when shoes were in high demand, women from all over began trading in their leather bags for a pair of shoes. The company took off and by the 60’s the Carrano’s had chain boutique stores all over Italy!!! And then later, all around the world and with such haute couture collections such as Christian Dior, Alberta Ferretti, and Norma Kamali. Today, the son of Andrea Carrano has taken over the reins of the company and still manufactures the shoes in Naples but now incorporates contemporary designs with their classic styles from over 60 years ago. Andrea Carrano remains one of the most prestigious names in fashion throughout Italy. The family just reintroduced one of their most popular shoes, the Mocassino collection. This timeless style was a favorite of the fabulous Audrey Hepburn. I am so in love with all the colors of the suede version. They will look so great with jeans all fall. While I am deciding you can check out all of the amazing styles and colors on their WEBSITE!

How beautiful was Audrey? And love her in the Moccassinos. She was a fan of the light tan!!! So Chic!!!!

I love all the colors…

I am in love with the Blue Suede Shoes….

Jewel tones are always so popular too!!!

I can see the purple with a great pair of white jeans…Just like Audrey’s

Dark Chocolate suede is always a winner…

For the green lovers….

Pumpkin is always a fab Fall staple…

The Uber Stylish Olivia Palermo is also a big fan…

The Best Steaks That I Ever Cooked…

I recently partnered with a company called Coastal Cast Iron. The founder Mike is a cooking enthusiast with a professional background in metal finishing. He has spent the better part of the last decade inventing a special nonstick, easy clean coating that will hold up to the “rigor that a cast iron pan is expected to go through. Mike believes that there is no turning back after you cook with cast iron. “It just feels different and it feels like you are creating something special”. Costal Cast Iron sent me the most beautiful grey pan. It is so fabulous I do not want to even cook with it and get it dirty!!!! BUT then Mike sent me his EXCLUSIVE Best Steaks EVER recipe and I had to try it. The pan is incredible..The Filets were so easy to cook AND the clean up was even better. There is currently a promotion going on on the WEBSITE right now, 10% off your order with the code SUMMER10. How great is that??!!???? I will be working with Mike and Coastal Cast Iron from now until the rest of the year so stay tuned for even more fab recipes….

The Best Steaks That I Ever Cooked Recipe from Coastal Cast Iron:

Get filets, not too terribly thick. Maybe 1 1/4 inch. Season heavily with salt and pepper about an hour before you plan to cook.

Heat up your skillet to about 400 degrees and put in Avacado oil and let that heat up for a few seconds.

Put the steaks on and don’t touch for 4 minutes.

Add 4 tablespoons of butter, 4 smashed garlic cloves and 3-4 rosemary sprigs then flip the steaks.

Once butter is melted, tilt the pan and spoon the butter/garlic/rosemary over the steaks regularly.

Cook for about 4 minutes on the second side and remove from heat.

While your steaks are resting, but still super hot, we put a Gorgonzola compound butter on top and let it melt.