New Apple Phone Release: What We Know so Far

The When…

Since Apple is quite secretive about its releases, details for the upcoming 13th generation of iPhones come from leaks and speculation. Over the years, there have been some reliable sources for leaks. Looking historically at when Apple released its new generation of phones, it would be reasonable to assume that the 13th generation will be announced towards the end of 2021. The new Apple phone release is estimated to be announced sometime in late September. Some industry experts even gave their best guesses, assuming that the next generation of iPhones will be released towards the end of September. As the months go by, more details can be expected in the form of leaks and the form of an event announcement from Apple.

What to Expect

The lack of a mid-cycle refresh may imply a considerable boost in performance and camera quality from the upcoming generation of iPhones. There is a certain degree of debate between experts. Some believe that the next generation will be the refresh and could be the iPhone 12S. Other experts expect an entirely new generation of iPhones. A refresh would imply that Apple would be using the same design but with updated hardware and an updated iOS. A new generation would imply a completely new design that would set it apart from the current generation of iPhones.

A realistic expectation is to see a slight price spike for the next generation of iPhones. The new Apple phone release is estimated to take place following the announcement that the mmWave 5G technology will be implemented across the world. The new 5G technology should make smartphones more expensive. Similar to how the iPhone 12 had a price spike compared to the 11th generation, the same can be expected from the 13th generation of iPhones. At the same time, the 12th generation of iPhones might have a price drop right after the announcement, which will make them a reasonable purchase for the ones who are looking for a good deal, especially if they are long overdue for an upgrade.

In terms of hardware, the upcoming new Apple phone release is wrapped in mystery. The only thing known is that Apple will be using a 120Hz display and a more powerful chipset. Some sources state that the iPhone will be getting an under-display fingerprint sensor, similar to what Samsung introduced for their 10th generation of Galaxy flagship smartphones.

Another leak revolves around cameras. For the new Apple phone release, experts are estimating an upgraded ultra-wide camera with an f/1.8 aperture and a 2.5x optical zoom.


The upcoming generation of iPhones will be arriving with iOS 15. iOS 15 includes several improvements for FaceTime which should allow Android users to join calls. There will be improvements for messages, photo management, maps, a new weather app, and more. More details will surface as the new Apple phone release date approaches.

Are you ready for less lines and radient skin?…you MUST try the Secret PRO!

I am always so intrigued with new treatments/procedures on the market. I recently read about the Cutera Secret PRO microneedling treatment. It is supposed to be an amazing, highly customizable skin revitalization and resurfacing treatment.

I decided to go ahead and book an appointment at Gotham Plastic Surgery in NYC. What really got me in the door was that, unlike most lasers, Secret PRO RF microneedling can be used on all skin tones, in any season. Usually, I schedule any intense facial treatment in January, when I know I will have some time off from the sun. So I really liked the fact that I could start right away at the beginning of the summer!

The Secret PRO treats a wide range of skin conditions, including fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, burn scars and stretch marks I was really interested in the claim that this treatment would revitalize my skin and would address superficial aging while also stimulating collagen for a smoother more radiant healthier-looking skin.

Secret PRO Benefits:

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The Gotham Plastic Surgery office was fabulous. They explained the treatment to me and I met my Medical Aesthetician, Jill. She was really lovely and talked me through the entire process. She applied topical numbing cream and after about 45 minutes, we moved to the treatment room and she showed me the Secret PRO machine and answered the questions that I had. She then also gave me a stress ball to hold because I was a little nervous.

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Secret Pro Laser Machine in the Gotham Plastic Surgery Offices

The microneedling treatment was a bit uncomfortable at first but honestly, Jill just told me what area she was doing, how much more we needed to do in each section and it was really very calming to know step by step what was happening. I have been for many many laser treatments in the past few years and each time, its just so unnerving having that laser come at you without connecting to the person treating you. I felt so comfortable with Jill. Once the Secret PRO was finished I really did not feel any pain. I was given an ice pack but I did not need it so much. My face was only a little bit red and Jill put sunscreen on me and within 20 minutes, my skin was much less red and really glowing.

This photo was taken mid treatment. The entire process took about 45 minutes.

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It is recommended that you do 1-4 treatments, depending on your own personal goals. So far it has been about a week for me and I am so happy with my results. My skin is much smoother. The fine lines under my eyes are less pronounced and I do see where I had some sun damage on my forehead looking much lighter. I am going to see how my skin looks in the next couple of weeks and I might try one more treatment in a month from now. I was that impressed.

I decided to show you this before and after since so many people wrote in asking for ways to get rid of the lines around and above their mouth. Look at this amazing transformation after just 1 Secret Pro treatment.

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And as for my after image..this was taken on Father’s Day, just 3 days after the can really see the glow from the laser here..

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For local readers, if you are interested in learning more about this Secret PRO treatment, I would contact Jill at Gotham Plastic Surgery  (646) 791-3066. If you are outside the NY Metro area, you can easily find a provider at

5 Common Macbook Problems and How to Fix Them

Apple computer issues are on the rise, with the November 2020 macOS update bugs being some of the latest. Back then, many users of older MacBook units ended up with black screens after the macOS Big Sur update. Some also had problems launching and running software.

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It turned out that the issue was on Apple’s end, so the company was soon able to resolve it.

Happy ending, right?

Not really, because many other problems occur in individual MacBook models. How you use your Mac and your personal downloads can all lead to numerous issues.

To that end, we created this guide on the common problems affecting MacBook computers. Read on as we also included a few Mac tips that can help you resolve such woes.

1. Wi-Fi Problems

If you google “why can’t I connect to the App Store?”, you’ll learn that a faulty Wi-Fi connection is a common culprit. In fact, all your apps that need an Internet connection won’t work if your Wi-Fi doesn’t work, either. That includes browsers, online programs, and Apple services, to name a few.

If none of your apps connect to the Internet, see if the same happens to your other devices or Apple products. If so, the problem is most likely with your Wi-Fi router or service provider. Turn your router off, unplug it for 10 seconds, and power it back on to see if this resolves the issue.

If that doesn’t do the trick, contact your Internet service provider, as their system may be down. If the problem only persists with your MacBook, you may have an outdated operating system. You can install the update by using a direct LAN connection to your MacBook.

However, if your Wi-Fi connection keeps dropping and the issue isn’t limited to your MacBook, it might be time to switch to a new internet provider; this is especially relevant for those living rurally, as it might be that your internet doesn’t work as well due to where you live.  Look for rural internet options that are more suited to your location.

2. MacBook Butterfly Keyboard Hardware Issues

The butterfly keyboard used in new Macs is 40% thinner than the traditional Mac keyboard. This is one of the primary reasons MacBook computers have become skinnier. Thanks to this keyboard, MacBook keys don’t produce as much noise as other keyboards.

However, this slim keyboard also gave rise to some of the worst MacBook issues. These include non-working keys or keys that create duplicates characters. Apple acknowledges fault for these problems, which is why it issued an apology to users.

As part of its apology, Apple launched a Keyboard Service Program for some MacBook models. If yours qualify, an authorized service center should fix your keyboard for free.

3. Spinning Beachball Keeps Popping Up

The colorful spinning beachball is your MacBook’s way of telling you that it is thinking. It’s normal to appear once in a while, especially if it needs to load memory-intensive apps. The higher the RAM (memory), the fewer times it appears and the shorter it stays on the screen.

What’s no longer normal is if the icon keeps appearing and spinning away for minutes on end.

One possible reason is that you’re forcing your Mac to run more programs than its RAM can handle. This is especially true for older MacBook models with smaller built-in memory of 2 or 4 GB. In this case, you either need to limit the number of active programs or get a new laptop with at least 8 GB RAM.

In the meantime, you can make a non-stop spinning beachball go away with the Force Quit command. Do this by pressing Option + Command + Escape. Choose the active programs you want to close in the list, and then hit the Force Quit button to close them all at once.

If the list doesn’t come up or your MacBook doesn’t do anything at all, you can go with the force shut down method. Hold the power button for a few seconds until you get an audible clicking sound and the screen goes dark. Restart the laptop and make sure you run fewer apps to avoid the spinning beachball of death.

4. Impaired Performance Due to Malware

This may come as a shock, but contrary to popular belief, MacBook computers can also get infected. In fact, some estimates say that MacBook infections rose by 1,100% from 2019 to 2020.

As malware is a program, it can deplete your Mac’s memory. As such, one sign your MacBook has malware is if the beachball shows up even if you don’t have too many apps open.

One way to confirm this is to quit all open programs except your firewall and security services. Then, open Activity Monitor through Launchpad or Spotlight. Click on the Memory tab and go through the list to see if there’s anything unfamiliar or suspicious.

Run a quick google search on the items you think may be harmful before you force quit them. If there’s any information about them being malware, uninstall them right away. If you don’t have an anti-malware program yet, now’s the best time to get one, too.

5. Kernel Panic

When your Mac experiences Kernel Panic, it will restart for no apparent reason. That’s because even the warning message can be vague, just telling you to restart your device.

Most instances of Kernel Panic occur due to a critical error, such as if your RAM or storage gets depleted. It can also be due to outdated plugins, missing patches, or old and incompatible drivers.

The first step is to follow what your Mac tells you, which is to restart your computer. Once it’s back on, uninstall all unessential programs and files, such as those you don’t use or need anymore. Open the App Store to see if there are mandatory updates available, and be sure to install them.

Resolve and Avoid these MacBook Computer Issues

Some MacBook computer issues, such as the faulty butterfly keyboard, are Apple’s doing. However, many of those related to speed and performance are due to low memory or storage. Worse, it can be a result of malware that you may have unintentionally downloaded.

So, as soon as you notice these MacBook problems, be sure to follow our tips on how to fix them.

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Learning Enough To Write Your First Book…

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

(Image Credit)

The idea of writing a non-fiction book is something that excites a lot of people. I have received so many questions asking if I knew the steps in which readers can become book writers. With the self-publishing options available in today’s world, there has never been a better time to take the plunge and write something about a topic that you love. Of course, though, you can’t go down this route until you have enough knowledge to write as an authority on the subject you choose. To help you out with this, this article will be exploring some of the best ways to gather the information you need to be able to produce a work of non-fiction.

Research & Reading

The internet provides you with an excellent resource when you’re trying to learn about subjects in greater depth. No matter the topic you are interested in, you can find resources on the web that will provide a wealth of information surrounding the work you’re doing. This can come in the form of articles, research papers, and a range of other resources, but you will need to find them for yourself to get the best results. Many people find it fun to read about their chosen topic when they take this approach.

Online Study

Online study has always been a great tool for those who want to learn without having to go back to school, giving you the chance to expand your knowledge on a professional level. Options like an online masters in health administration will give you the chance to write about the medical world without having to have ever worked in it. Options like this can be great for those who don’t want to spend years of their life at school, but you will still need to dedicate yourself to your studies to find success.

Talking To Experts

There are a lot of experts in the world, and the web has made it possible to talk to people like this whenever you want to. Experts will often be happy to provide their knowledge for non-fiction books, as long as you take the time to credit them properly and ensure that they are recognised for their contribution. This option is great for those who are writing about a subject with good general knowledge, but need those with more specific information to help them.

Working In The Field

While getting a job may seem like a dramatic way to learn, there are few better ways to develop an insight into a topic than working in a field that surrounds it. If you already have a good range of knowledge, it should be nice and easy to find a role that will enable you to expand it, and you can use this to write the entirety of your book.

You don’t need to know everything about a subject to be able to write about it, but it can certainly help you along the way if you have the information you need to make a good start. As time goes on, you will find more and more ways to improve your knowledge, and the methods in this article should make this process much easier.

Nutella French Toast for Father’s Day Breakfast

This is the easiest yet most delicious dish you can make for dad (or yourself) this weekend. My kids have ordered this in a restaurant before and it is such a winner. I am certain that Dad will flip for this on his special day!!! Bon Appetit!

Adapted from Olivia’s Cuisine

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Image Pixabay


  •  4 slices brioche bread, about 3/4″ to 1″ thick
  •  4 tablespoons Nutella
  •  1 egg
  •  1/2 cup whole milk (or half and half)
  •  1 tablespoon sugar
  •  1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  •  1 tablespoon butter
  •  Powdered sugar, for dusting
  •  Berries, for garnishing


  1. Spread Nutella in each of the 4 pieces of bread and join them, 2 by 2, like sandwiches.
  2. In a shallow bowl, whisk the egg, milk, sugar and vanilla extract until well combined.
  3. Dip each sandwich into the custard, letting it saturate on both sides.
  4. Preheat a large skillet over medium high heat. Spray with cooking spray and add the butter, swirling the pan to coat the bottom. Once the butter is melted, add the French toasts and cook each side until golden brown (about 1-2 minutes per side).
  5. Dust the Nutella French toasts with powdered sugar, top with berries and serve.

Ins Followers App-Gain More Instagram Followers and Likes Instantly

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Ins followers app, created by GetInsFollowers Team, is an application intended for mechanical clients to get genuine Instagram followers on your Instagram account for free. As well as expanding followers, you can likewise get Instagram likes on existing posts rapidly and naturally. The free application is 100% safe and there are the same applications to purchase Instagram followers and preferences, the common sense of this application is extremely direct, permitting anybody to utilize it so you can rapidly get Instagram preferences and followers. The stage works with a straightforward procedure where your obligation is to cherish and follow the profile of others and you will commonly get preferences and followers on your profile.

Things we should have to consider about the application?

In this way, the stage has no lines, you can get numerous preferences and followers by deceiving the application. Despite the fact that the more you utilize the application, the more followers and preferences you will get from their Instagram profiles and posts. Not at all like premium applications, this application is special and profoundly appreciated which is 100% free and requires no money or enrollment charges. The costs of the applications aren’t anything and give you the best time. When you begin acquiring followers, your selection of posts will increment.

Other than this, Instagram preferences and followers give you 100% credibility on your profile and post region unit. Aside from this, this application is totally protected and keeps your security stowed away from others and you can get free Instagram followers. Being a survivor of this application is exceptionally straightforward and anybody will begin with this application in numerous things just on most pages. This application has an instinctive interface highlight where anybody will begin searching for it to acquire followers and preferences. Thus, this doesn’t need any extraordinary abilities, simply enter your Instagram information and begin torturing the application.

What would it be a good idea for us to have to think about this application?

Ins followers app is free of Spring Up Business trash, which makes the interface very easy to use. Diverse liked and followed applications incorporate studio filler structures that take basic subtleties from clients that can be hazardous undertakings and increment the danger of log hacking and you can purchase Instagram followers here. This application is free from sickness or malware and this is why clients can without a doubt download and introduce it on their Android gadget. It is totally convenient with the Android device, Windows framework, and iOS design. At that point, you can pick any progression to make free followers for your Instagram account utilizing Ins followers app.

As different followers develop, we are required to sign in with an Instagram account. This may comprise dubious movement in the vault. This more often than not demonstrates an interminable boycott or blackout on Instagram accounts. Regardless, the Ins followers app doesn’t anticipate that we should sign into your Instagram account. That is the reason it will certainly grow followers and tendencies. Ins followers app is the best Instagram Auto Liker instrument that assists us with changing the measure of tendency on Instagram. This application is loved by genuine and dynamic clients on Instagram. Interestingly, you can discover followers and plunder with automated coins given by Ins followers app.

Some pertinent data about the application!!!

Peruse 4 Tips On How To Increase YouTube Views For Free

The best Instagram devotee applications give huge advantages to their clients. Along these lines, it has become the most famous application to get a large number of natural followers on Instagram. The rundown of significant advantages is given underneath.

  • A large number of clients have joined Ins followers app, and they all realized the least complex yet certified cycle to get limitless free likes and followers on Instagram. They realized very well that to be dynamic on the stage they would need to like others’ posts. Along these lines, you can get followers continuously on this stage.
  • In case you’re stressed over your login subtleties and subtleties, don’t go anyplace. You can introduce Ins followers app, which never requests your secret word and profile check. Dissimilar to other applications, there are no limitations or cutoff points to get free Instagram preferences and followers.
  • To get coins, you initially need to follow others, and really at that time will you get followers. Second, you can’t see who has unfollowed you, separately.