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Category: Health

The Holiday’s are coming….Is it time for a Covid test?

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As Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, there is so much apprehension about how and if we should spend these holidays with our family. College kids are coming home this coming week. Many of my friends tell me they plan on getting Covid tests for the family so they can see grandparents, friends, etc. Not to mention, the new NYS traveling guidelines for out of state visitors. In the past week, I have received text after text, asking where one can go for a covid test that is quick, safe, and reliable. Most of these “in and out” rapid tests are really unreliable. Right now we need a sensitive and specific test with the most reliable results especially since the number of Covid cases is spiking daily.

My dermatologist, Dr. Anetta Reszko is performing Covid-19 tests in her office at 266 Purchase Street in Rye. The test she administers will yield the most accurate results (no false positives or false negatives) and complete peace of mind. She is charging a fee of $75 (you can submit the invoice to your insurance) and you will get the results within 24 hours. I have been seeing Dr. Reszko regularly for many years and I trust her explicitly.

Dr. Reszko is taking appointments for the upcoming weekend and the days prior to Thanksgiving.  Her office would be pleased to schedule an appointment, just contact Dr. Rezsko’s office at 646 759 8449. Everyone in the office is also very well informed and can answer any questions or concerns that you may have.

Tips To Take Care Of Your Body

It’s important that we all take care of our bodies throughout our lifetime. There can be many stresses and traumas that can take place, and it’s important to make your health and well being a priority Here are some tips to take care of your body.

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Know When Something Doesn’t Feel Right

When something doesn’t feel right, you should know. It’s your body after all, and we all know that familiar feeling of feeling sick or not feeling like our usual selves. It’s important to be more in touch with your body and to pay attention to any warning signs that might crop up when it comes to your health. Perhaps you’re prone to a common cold, and the signs tend to be apparent a few weeks before you start getting ill. Being privy to this information can help you take the steps to get yourself better sooner, rather than later. With that being said, take note of what is normal for you and what isn’t. If anything is wrong or doesn’t feel right, then it’s important to take your concerns to the medical professional who can help to take a look. Don’t ignore these signs or warnings because it might mean that you catch something earlier than later down the line.

It’s also good to be aware of various symptoms that are relative to different medical conditions, from leukemia symptoms to cancer.

Look After Yourself More

It’s something that’s said often, but we really don’t take good care of ourselves enough. We tend to prioritize other people’s needs before our own. And that’s something that’s important to change. We should be looking after our wellbeing and taking the time to spend on our health and happiness. This might be getting a massage every month to taking more time out, out of your week, to do something just for you. Putting yourself first isn’t something that’s selfish but can actually be quite nice to do every once in a while.

Get Regular Medical Checks

Medical checks are important because if you’re not getting your body checked out, then this could cause issues that are going unmonitored. It’s important to look at changes in your body that might seem irregular or be aware of your body’s usual state. If anything seems off or you have concerns, it’s good to be active in looking after yourself and chasing these fears. After all, it’s better to be in the know, than not to be.

These medical checks also let you determine the best treatments for anything that comes up, such as IV infusion therapy. While the checkups can seem like a chore, they’re key to making sure you live a healthy and happy life long-term.

Eat Well

Eating well is essential to a healthier body. It’s all about eating in moderation, even if you fancy indulging in some junk food every now and then. As long as you’re not overindulging or eating too much, then you’ll be able to feel healthier in yourself as a result. Eating healthy is important, but it can be hard to do for some people.

If you start experiencing any sort of oral pain, ensure to sort out mouth sores at this general dentistry in Avon Lake Ohio as soon as possible.

Taking care of your body is something you can start doing right now. Use these tips to make sure you look after number one – you!

4 Tips For Your Pursuit Of Happiness

 A 2019 research by the General Social Survey suggested that more Americans are growing increasingly unhappy with figures indicating a deeper nose-dive since 2000. Meanwhile, other studies have suggested that acquiring happiness is more of a habit than an act. In his book titled “authentic happiness,” well-known American psychologist Martin Seligman suggested that being happy in life is more of a pursuit than something you can acquire. While this makes sense, it does not mean you will stay upbeat all the time. For example, being at work can make you feel important – yet unhappy, so you should strive to stay happy most of the time. Are you finding it challenging to cultivate this habit? Here are a few tips to make your pursuit of happiness easier for you.

  1. Choose happiness 

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If it were that easy, we would not be here, but trying to see issues in the positive light than negatively can go a long way. In case you do not know how, begin by being mindful of your self-talk. Pay attention to the words you say to yourself, and if they are not positive, replace them with nicer things. A few people naturally focus on positives, yet for others, the first thing they observe is negative. Make a conscious effort to change that as it is even crucial to your psychological wellbeing and happiness. 

  1. Create a personalized work-life balance 

Balancing does not mean half work and half leisure. It is about choosing what is appropriate for you. Start by identifying what is more important to you and create room in your day or week for that. This will ensure you go through life doing the things that add value to you. To deal with that, there are loads of skills you will need; building firm boundaries and discipline is one significant skill to achieve the right work-life balance. 

  1. Stay away from perfectionism

The quest for perfection often leads to disappointment, and eventually leads to negative self-talk. At that point, it is just a matter of time before it starts taking a toll on your mental and psychological well being. Endeavor to accomplish your best work and excuse yourself on those days that it is rarely perfect. This will reduce the pressure you put on yourself and help you to stay grounded. Fortunately, there are several online resources you can use to learn more about the subject.

  1. Comparisons are unhealthy 

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One problematic aspect of the journey towards happiness is not understanding that things may be okay the way they are. More often than not, some people allow the drama and dilemma of each day to get in the way of their happiness. However, there is no point in feeling frustrated about things you cannot change. There is also no reason to change who you are for people to validate you. It is unhealthy to compete with others as everyone has their own path, and you are right where you should be. Whatever discomfort you should feel should be geared towards making yourself better than you were yesterday.  

Protecting Your Mental Health Throughout This Pandemic

Managing your mental health can be tricky at any time but the on-going COVID-19 outbreak is making things a little bit tougher. As well as facing the physical health risks that COVID-19 presents, many people are reporting that the pandemic has triggered or exacerbated mental health issues too.

Fortunately, there are ways you can minimize stress. To protect your mental health throughout this pandemic, take a look at these top tips now:

Understand the risk

There has been near-constant news coverage since the outbreak began but there has been lots of contradicting information surrounding COVID-19. Find an information source you trust and use it to learn more about the risks of the virus. By understanding how to reduce the risk of transmission, you can take positive steps to protect yourself and your family.

Limit your access to news

If you watch every news bulletin and follow trending topics on the internet, it can seem like we’re constantly surrounded by bad news. Of course, it’s not surprising that this can have a detrimental impact on your mental health. By stepping away and limiting your access to news, you can still stay up to date with what’s important, without letting it consume you.

Contribute to your community

Helping others, in any way you can, has a beneficial effect on your own life too. As Community Health Committee Chair for the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Hospitals Boards of Directors, Cynthia Telles, maintains, helping others benefits communities as a whole. By taking the time to support other people during this difficult time, you can enhance your own mental well-being.

Reframe your expectations

This year has been significantly different than any other, so try not to panic if you’re feeling overwhelmed or off-kilter. With many kids still attending school virtually and thousands of people still working from home, your entire life may have been thrown off balance due to COVID-19. Instead of comparing your current routine to your ‘normal life’, try to let go of your old expectations. When the way we live changes, our prior expectations are no longer applicable. By reassessing your expectations, you can minimize disappointment, worry, and stress.

Seek help when you need to

Many people have experienced mental health worries during the COVID-19 pandemic but there are plenty of ways to access help. As well as talking to friends and family members about your concerns, you can also schedule virtual appointments with therapists and counselors. Alternatively, reaching out to charitable organizations and community groups could be a great way to access any practical support you need at this time.

Prioritizing Your Mental Health

When your mental health is suffering, it impacts every area of your life. By putting your mental well-being first, you can enhance your physical health and your life as a whole. What’s more – you can enhance the lives of people around you too. If you want to improve your family life, increase your concentration at work, or simply change your outlook, focusing on your mental health can be the best place to start.

4 Things To Do This Fall That Will Make You Feel Great

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The fall is the ideal time of year to recharge your batteries and take extra care of yourself. Getting cozy at home and taking plenty of time to relax is a perfect way to spend the season. Immerse yourself in the scents and flavors of fall, and enjoy the abundance of the season. This time of year is ideal for nurturing your health and wellbeing, reworking your look, and, of course, feasting on pumpkin pie and spiced lattes surrounded by the people you care about.

Take Care of Your Health

Taking care of your health becomes even more critical when the colder temperatures of fall hit. No one wants to spend fall and winter nursing seasonal bugs, so it is crucial to place extra emphasis on your health. Improving your diet so that you are getting all the nutrients you need to keep those seasonal illnesses at bay should ensure that you don’t miss any of the fun this fall.

Be sure to go for regular health and dental checkups as well. If you require dental care, you can sort out mouth sores or get dental implants in Boynton beach.

As well as eating the right foods, it is also a wise idea to make sure that you are getting enough sleep. As the evenings get darker and the temperatures drop, you may start to feel a little more tired than usual. Listen to your body to ensure that you get all the rest that you need, and use this as a time to practice self-care.

Show Your Skin Some TLC

Changes in temperature can spell trouble for your skin. When outside temperatures begin to cool, and your skin is subjected to harsh winds and rain, it can start to feel uncomfortable and dry. This discomfort is exacerbated further by the contrast of going from the cold air outside into the heated air inside. 

Showing your skin some extra care and attention is essential to keep it looking at its best at this time of year. Focusing on ways that you can boost your skincare routine is well worth the extra effort, as you will be rewarded with healthy skin throughout the season. Why not try a new skincare treatment that could benefit your skin?

Re-Organize Your Closet

It’s time to wave goodbye to those summer dresses and sandals for another year and hello to those comfy knitted sweaters. The arrival of fall is the perfect time to re-organize your closet and to plan a capsule wardrobe for the new season. Why not mix things up a bit by adding some new pieces to your closet to brighten up even the dullest of fall days. Don’t forget to include something gorgeous to wear on Thanksgiving.

Re-think Your Makeup

If you need an excuse to buy some new makeup, then the change of the season is the perfect time to do it. Why not swap summery bronzers and shimmery makeup colors and introduce some fall colors into your cosmetics collection? Shades of brown, gold, and red are the perfect colors to complement the season. Changing your make up colors and products is an excellent way to refresh your look each season.

Change Your Habits For A Healthier Lifestyle

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One of the most important things in life is your health, and yet for some reason, a lot of people seem to be neglecting theirs. Most people have a good understanding of the things that they should be doing to keep their health in check but don’t do them anyway. The only person who is going to suffer from this is you, which is why it is essential that you make the necessary changes now before your health starts to decline. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of these habits that have got to change if you want a healthier lifestyle.

What You Eat

The first thing that we’re going to look at is what you eat. If you are someone who lives on ready meals and takeout, this has got to stop as soon as possible. Cooking doesn’t have to be a nightmare, and there are some pretty simple yet healthy dishes that you can create. You don’t even have to learn to cook properly if you don’t want to, even though this is going to be best. If you do learn, though, start with the basics, buy the proper equipment like that sold by Made In Cookware, and you will find the food you eat is delicious! Work your way up to more complicated recipes once you’ve nailed those simple ones.

Make sure that in your meals, you are getting enough fruit and vegetables. You need the vitamins and minerals that they provide, so avoiding them is not the answer. You might be thinking, but vegetables don’t taste nice. Well, unless you’ve tasted every vegetable or fruit prepared in every single way, there’s always going to be something new for you to try.

Eating healthy food can also do wonders for your dental health. If you’re thinking about enhancing your smile, consider this Invisalign Dentist in Charlotte.

How Much You Exercise

Your body needs to move or else it’s going to start to shut down in places. If you are constantly laying down in bed for long periods of time and not doing any kind of exercise, your muscles are going to start to rot away. When you do eventually try to move, it’s either going to be extremely painful, or you won’t be able to do it, depending on the extent of the damage. Just avoid it getting to this stage by going for a walk once per day. It’s not a lot, but it’s enough to get your blood pumping and your muscles warm, which is enough for now.

Sleep Is Essential

We know that a lot of people have a hard time sleeping, but sleep is essential to the human body. You’ve got to be aiming for around seven to eight hours each night if you want to be healthy. Keep all electronics out of your room, don’t get into bed throughout the day, and have high-quality curtains that block out the light. These are just a few suggestions of things that should help you sleep, but there are more if you’re still struggling. 

We hope that you have found this article helpful and now have a better understanding of some of the changes that you have got to make if you want a healthier lifestyle. It’s better to do this now, rather than let your health decline and be forced to do it later when it could be too late. Good luck!