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How Teenagers in New York Can Survive Vaccination

Are you scared of shots? Well, you are not alone. A study found that 63% of children aged between 6-17 fear needles. This condition is called Trypanophobia in medical terms. It can be caused due to changes in brain chemistry or learning negative information, according to an article by Healthline. You might experience panic attacks, high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, and dizziness. But it is crucial to address the issue. Or else it can interfere with the doctor’s ability to diagnose and treat you. The fear can also keep you from a peaceful vaccine session. The top Bronx pharmacy has trained staff that administers the right shots to ensure disease prevention and long-term health, according to

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Image Pixabay

But how to not be traumatized when they ask you to roll up your sleeves? Below are a few tricks to prevent the manifestation of distress and anxiety. 

  • Bring a Parent 

Have a caregiver accompany you to the Pharmacy in Bronx, NY. Ask them to rub your hand or simply sit closely. This can calm the nervous system response. A familiar touch goes a long way to reduce the pain sensation. They can also stand next to you offering a comforting hug. All of these gestures are known to regulate your body and help you stay calm and experience positive emotions. But, make sure your parent is not needle-phobic. This might worsen the situation by projecting their fear onto you. 

  • Slow Deep Breaths 

Breath is a powerful tool to help you ease stress and make you less anxious, according to an article by WebMD. There are different methods like deep breathing, breath focus, equal time for breathing in and breathing out, lion’s breath and muscle relaxation. Pick the one that will best suit you. Practice this while vaccination at a Bronx pharmacy. You can also shift your focus to something else like a smartphone game or music. These can also take your mind off the needle prick. 

  • Stay Hydrated 

Post-vaccination syncope (fainting) is rare but a serious problem in young adults. Drinking enough water can reduce the risks. Water also has natural calming properties. It can help manage anxiety and induce a sense of relaxation. You can also drink coffee to soothe your nerves. However, try not to be overly caffeinated before the session. 

  • Learn About Shots 

Dispel the myths around vaccines. For example, pediatric patients get braver with age and can handle the shots without distractions. This is not true. Needles hurt at all stages including adolescence and teenage. People also believe that distractions are enough to get over the pain and fear. Contrary to the popular belief, it is not a one-size-fits-all practical solution. Multiple methods like icing, massages and interaction can lower the pain. Try to be well informed beforehand. The right care at Pharmacy in Bronx, NY will further help you get through. 

Relax your arm, cough once before and once during the shot and ice the area. These are tried and tested ways to keep you pain-free. Further, search for the best ‘compounding pharmacy near me’ that can deliver clinical excellence while vaccinating. It will ensure a pleasant and less traumatic session.  New Y

8 Best Foods to Eat When You Are Sick…

Did you know that certain foods can boost your immune system, work as a remedy for sore throat and congestion, and even shorten the duration and reduce the severity of the common cold?

While medications certainly help, you can support the healing process by eating certain foods.

Foods like garlic have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, while citrus fruits have high amounts of vitamin C to help you feel less miserable and get better faster.

Next time you’re beginning to feel under the weather, remember these eight foods to eat when you’re sick.

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1. Chicken or Other Broth-Based Soup

Broth-based soups are great for when you’re feeling under the weather. Chicken soup has been touted as the best food to eat for colds and flu since the 12th century, and research backs this claim up.

Chicken soup has soothing, anti-inflammatory properties due to cysteine, which is an amino acid found in chicken that is thought to thin mucous in the lungs.

The steam from chicken soup also helps moisten nasal passages and reduces inflammation in the throat. Research has also shown that chicken soup and the thick vegetables and broth that go into it inhibit neutrophil migration in patients with upper respiratory infections.

2. Fermented Food

According to research published in the British Journal of Nutrition, fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut contain probiotics that can help prevent colds and even shorten their duration.

Fermented foods can help you feel better when you’re sick because they contain live “healthy” bacteria that support your gut biome. More and more studies are suggesting that a healthy gut biome aids digestion and supports a strong immune system.

Other fermented foods include cultured plain yogurt, fermented soy, pickled vegetables, kombucha, and miso.

3. Hot Tea

Hot tea is a great way to stay hydrated when you’re sick, and the steam can also clear your sinuses and soothe a sore throat. Some teas have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which can also help support your immune system.

According to the Journal of Complementary Medicine, there is evidence that drinking Echinacea tea can boost your immune system and shorten the duration of the common cold – and a squeeze of lemon and spoon of honey in your tea can help ease other symptoms, too.

4. Garlic

Garlic has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and immune-boosting properties – it is a powerhouse when it comes to fighting colds and flu.

You can add freshly-pressed garlic cloves to soups and stews or you can try a garlic-infused tea. To make garlic tea, chop three cloves of garlic and infuse them in hot water – try adding honey and fresh lemon juice to disguise the pungent garlic flavor.

5. Raw Honey

Like garlic, honey is another powerhouse for fighting colds and flu. 100% pure, raw honey contains an array of antioxidants to fight inflammation of the nasal passages and throat. Honey also has antibacterial and antifungal properties because it naturally contains hydrogen peroxide. Manuka honey kills germs and reduces the duration of infections.

Raw honey also boosts the immune system, helps treat digestive issues, and has also been shown to work as well as dextromethorphan (found in cough suppressant cough medicine) as a natural cough suppressant.

6. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which – according to studies – may reduce the length and severity of the common cold. Citrus fruit such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit also contain flavonoids, which reduce inflammation and give your immune system a boost.

Eating foods that contain high amounts of vitamin C is always a good idea, however, be cautious if you are feeling nauseous or if you have a sore throat because the amount of acid in these foods can irritate your throat and stomach lining.

7. Popsicles and Sorbet

Although it may seem counterproductive to eat something as cold as popsicles or sorbet when you’re feeling ill, they are a great way to stay hydrated. The cold temperature soothes a sore throat by reducing inflammation, and staying hydrated when you are sick helps your body thin out mucous and reduce congestion.

The healthiest popsicles and sorbets to eat when you’re sick are made from 100% pure fruit, and choosing orange and other citrus fruit flavors will give you an extra dose of vitamin C and flavonoids, too.

8. Bananas

Bananas are mild in flavor and bland enough to eat even when you’re feeling nauseous. Bananas contain essential nutrients like potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese, soluble fiber, and several antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. Bananas are also great for gastrointestinal illnesses like norovirus.

Mind, Body, Soul: The Many Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has had a lot of attention recently, and of course, while it is a way to help you lose weight, it is important to note a number of other benefits associated with intermittent fasting, in mind, body, and soul. Let’s show you exactly how it can benefit your life in a number of ways.

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You Can Lose Visceral Fat

Of the many medical weight loss methods out there, people are usually doing intermittent fasting to lose weight. Intermittent fasting is a way for you to eat fewer meals, but intermittent fasting also works to enhance your hormone functions to improve weight loss. Because lower insulin levels increase the breakdown of body fat, using it for energy, which will increase your metabolic rate.

It Changes Functions in Your Body

One of the most exciting things about intermittent fasting is the various changes that can happen to your body. During the fasting process, your blood levels of insulin will drop, which starts the fat-burning process. But also, a process known as autophagy starts. This is the process of your cells repairing themselves. When the body starts to remove waste materials from cells, this is like your body undergoing a Spring clean. It also can improve your human growth hormone. This means that you can burn fat, but also gain muscle! Additionally, there are changes in a number of molecules and genes that relate to protection against disease and longevity.

It Can Benefit Your Brain

One of the less talked about aspects of intermittent fasting is how it can improve your brain. Fasting increases BDNF (Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor), a hormone that has been linked with depression and brain problems when present in low amounts. As intermittent fasting has a number of benefits relating to reducing insulin resistance, inflammation, and oxidative stress, these are all things that can benefit the brain. Additionally, studies in rats and mice have shown that intermittent fasting could increase the growth of new nerve cells, resulting in a number of benefits for the brain. This means that there could be potential for intermittent fasting to delay the onset or, at the very least, reduce the severity of cognitive decline, and even Alzheimer’s disease. However, the results are purely speculative because the studies have only been conducted on animals.

It Can Improve Your Mindset

Of all the health benefits associated with intermittent fasting, one of the more beneficial aspects that can help us all in our daily lives is how it affects our mindset. When people are incorporating a different type of fast, for example, a 16:8, where you fast for 16 hours, this leaves only an 8-hour window to eat your meals, which means that you are likely going to eat food with meals, resulting in less thinking about food. This forces us to eat healthily with those meals, and actually live a better life. Additionally, the very act of starvation requires a lot of discipline, and this is also something that can benefit the quality of your life, and improve gratitude.

How To Stay Motivated To Eat Healthy


Eating healthy can be a little tough, you might have all the right intentions, but putting them into practice is easier said than done. The first step is finding the motivation that you need. To find your inspiration today, read up on these seven simple strategies.

1 . Start a food journal

Starting a food journal is a fantastic way to motivate yourself. Journals can help you to track what you eat, figure out your goals, write down recipes, and more. Start off by writing down why you want to live a healthy lifestyle. Write a list of reasons, and you can refer back to these when you need motivation. Whether you’re looking to boost your immunity, lose weight, or feel more energized, there are plenty of benefits to improving your diet.

Some food journals have prompts to guide your writing, or you can get creative and make up your own. Here are a few examples taken from Health Beet:

  • ‘What are some dieting beliefs worth challenging?
  • What food do I love that loves me back?
  • What is one habit, if mastered, would make healthy living easier?

2. Join wellness-groups 

Sometimes we need a little support to eat healthier. If you’re looking for motivation and guidance, consider joining a wellness group. Meetup is a great platform that can help you to find social groups in your area. The platform allows you to search for various different categories, depending on your areas of interest. You can find groups under categories like foraging, living foods, vegan dining, healthy dinner parties, and lots more.

3. Take a cookery class

When you improve your cooking skills you can learn healthy recipes that you love. When you’re searching for a cooking class, look for classes that are centered around healthy eating, whether it’s wild cooking, vegan or low-carb.

There are plenty of online cookery classes, but you might prefer the in-person experience. If you’re apprehensive, take a friend along and go on this journey together! Once you improve your cooking skills you’ll be more inclined to experiment with foods and cook interesting things for your family.

4. Learn more about nutrition 

Nutrition can be super interesting, and the more you learn, the easier it is to get motivated. You might want to read books about nutrition, download apps, or watch documentaries. You could research immune-boosting supplements, or learn which are the healthiest herbal teas. To get you started, check out the benefits of taking lion’s mane mushrooms. You might even find a new passion, hobby or career goal. Lifelong learning is the key to personal development and growth.

One of the benefits include better dental health. If you require dental care, you can seek dental expertise from the general dentist in Massapequa.

5. Listen to inspiring podcasts

When you need some motivation these inspiring podcasts are sure to do the trick:

  • Liz’s Healthy Table: This podcast is hosted by dietitian, Liz Weiss, here you’ll learn about nutrition, the science of healthy eating, and lots of tasty meal time ideas.
  • Sound Bites: Throughout these fun episodes you’ll learn lots of nutrition and healthy eating strategies. From farming to fad diets, there are plenty of topics to explore.
  • Nutrition Diva’s Quick & Dirty Tips: Looking to learn simple ways to improve your dietary habits? Monica Reinagel has all the answers you’re looking for.
  • The Doctor’s Kitchen: This show focuses on the relationship between food, health, medicine, and certain health conditions.

6. Don’t be too strict 

When you’re trying to motivate yourself it’s important not to be too strict. Set yourself a few simple goals, and allow yourself treats from time to time. Overly restrictive diets rarely work because they aren’t sustainable in the long term. The key is to make changes that you can commit to. Remember, practicing moderation is a big part of leading a healthy lifestyle. If you need some extra support you might consider working with a nutritionist. A nutritionist can help you to define your goals, and work on a customized plan.

7. Healthy changes overall

When you’re being healthy in other areas of your life, these practices have a knock-on effect. Ensure that you have a good fitness regime and plenty of self-care activities. Find tactics to manage stress, whether it’s mindfulness apps, meditation courses, or aromatherapy. When you make healthy changes across your life as a whole, you’ll be more likely to stick to a healthy diet.

Once you’ve worked your way through these seven areas, you’ll soon experience the difference. Remember, making healthy lifestyle changes is a journey, and it doesn’t happen overnight. Be kind to yourself and approach changes at your own pace.

Best reasons why it makes sense to take CBD oil in 2021

CBD is derived from the hemp plant and added to a range of products, including oils, baked goods, and creams. Unlike marijuana, it does not contain much of the psychoactive element THC which is responsible for getting cannabis users high. In fact, any CBD product sold that contains more than 0.3% THC is illegal and should not be on the market.

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While it isn’t a miracle cure, the therapeutic effects of CBD build up over the time period it is taken for. According to DailyCBDMag, the effects of vaping CBD can take hold in as little as five minutes but will vary based on environmental factors such as the user’s weight and fitness level.

Here are some of the benefits.

Reduces pain

CBD is loved for its anti-inflammatory properties which help with everything from sore muscles all the way to chronic pain. By reducing the amount of inflammation within the body, CBD helps to relax the user and ease any discomfort.

While CBD is taken for a whole range of pain-related reasons, an area it seems to particularly shine is helping those with arthritis. A study published by the European Journal of Pain back in 2015 found that rats with symptoms of arthritis that were treated with CBD saw a significant drop in pain over four days with no additional side effects.

Some athletes at the very top of their game such as Nate Diaz and Derrick Morgan have also been known to take CBD to help relieve pain and perform better in their sports.

Improves anxiety

Anxiety disorders are currently the most common mental illness in the US, affecting around 40 million adults every year. With this in mind, it’s clear to see why so many people now reach for CBD to feel better – and it seems to work. That’s because CBD affects the body’s endocannabinoid system, the body’s central function for regulating pain, memory, mood, and motor control. There are two types of cannabinoid receptors – CB1 and CB2. These are responsible for producing and releasing cannabinoids around the body. CBD triggers the body to use and produce more of these cannabinoids naturally, helping the body to function and feel better overall.

Betters skin

Those who suffer from acne or general bad skin should definitely consider reaching for CBD oil to help soothe and calm. CBD oil helps to stop the excess production of sebum which makes the skin oily and causes acne, and its anti-inflammatory products discussed above calm the face even during the worst days. CBD is also an antioxidant, so it’s great at keeping the skin hydrated and preventing aged-looking skin. The next time you step into the restroom to conduct a 10-step skincare routine, consider using a little CBD instead.

Treats insomnia

While more research needs to be done on CBD and insomnia, the product is becoming an ever-more popular treatment for it. By promoting refreshing REM, or Rapid Eye Movement sleep, CBD reduces exhaustion throughout the day and helps users to drift off easier at night. A 2017 review published by PubMed on the effects of CBD and sleep-related behaviors found that patients treated with CBD experienced a substantial reduction in the frequency of sleep disorders without any side effects. It concluded that CBD is able to control the symptoms of RBD, a parasomnia characterized by the loss of muscle atonia during sleep, associated with nightmares and active behavior during dreaming. Many patients with Parkison’s suffer from RBD, so this could be a huge step in helping thousands to get a better night’s sleep and improve their general health.

Alleviates ADHD

ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is one of the most common mental health disorders among children and can make maintaining focus difficult. It can also make children excessively hyperactive and highly impulsive, which can make it hard for them to sit still in a classroom, keep focus, and behave properly in social situations. Now, many are turning towards CBD for help as it has been shown to improve the body’s response to stress and help the brain to focus. According to CBD Kyro, individuals who take CBD for help with ADHD may find a better sense of energy balance and feel calmer and more able to organize their thoughts. That’s because the CB1 and CB2 receptors discussed earlier are triggered to maintain a level of homeostasis that some with ADHD struggle with. While parents should always discuss giving their child CBD with a doctor first, the research on this particular use of the product is looking positive.

Helps to stop smoking

Cigarette smoking is responsible for a huge 480,000 deaths across America each year. According to the US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health, CBD is considered to have ‘better’ side effects than those from taking recreational drugs or smoking cigarettes, which is why it is considered a way to quit tobacco. CBD has a similar effect on the body as cigarettes too, as they both help the body to produce dopamine, a hormone that reduces anxiety and leaves smokers with a feeling of fulfillment. Of course, using a CBD vape also replicates the feeling of smoking for many, which helps to cure the bad habit. By weaning off cigarettes, smokers significantly reduce their risk of developing lung cancer, throat cancer, high cholesterol, and other life-threatening conditions. By quitting cigarettes, most people go on to live longer and healthier lives, and CBD has been shown to help people get there.

Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Include in Your Diet


Inflammation is the body’s natural way of reacting to infection and injury but in some cases, chronic inflammation can actually lead to health problems. External factors can also result in inflammation including stress, an inactive lifestyle, and excessive consumption of inflammatory foods such as sugar, refined carbohydrates, and processed meat. Fortunately, there are also plenty of foods that help fight the symptoms of chronic inflammation. Here are ten examples, with a few delicious recipes to help you include them in your diet. 


Tumeric is the root of the Curcuma plant and it contains the powerful anti-inflammatory nutrient curcumin. This is used to treat inflammation related to arthritis for example. People who experience chronic inflammation or pain from certain illnesses often can benefit from curcumin supplements or a tramadol sale. For those of you who would prefer to ingest it in a recipe, you could try a trendy turmeric latte. These are pretty common in most coffee shops. You could also try making your own curries or other popular Indian dishes at home.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish is beneficial in many ways if you want to improve your health. It’s rich in omega 3 as well as having anti-inflammatory properties as a result. Your body metabolizes the fatty acids found in omega 3 into compounds that have anti-inflammatory effects. The best sources include anchovies, mackerel, salmon, sardines, and herring, so you can take your pick. There are plenty of ways you can include some of these fish in your diet. You can experiment with your favorite recipes. 


Avocados are associated with reducing inflammation in skin cells, and what’s more, they contain plenty of essential nutrients. These include fiber, magnesium, potassium, and healthy fats. Avocados can be used in a number of recipes from smoothies to simple salads. If you want to try something more complicated, you could make baked eggs in avocado. You can bake the eggs directly in the center of the avocado halves for a delicious brunch favorite.



Mushrooms contain various antioxidants for anti-inflammatory protection. Apparently, if you want to reap their full potential it’s better to eat them raw or lightly cooked. Here are some delicious mushroom recipes to give you inspiration. Mushrooms are also a low-calorie source of fiber and protein. They are rich in other nutrients including selenium, copper, and B vitamins. This is why they’re commonly used as an ideal meat substitute.


There are many health benefits to including peppers in your diet. Chilli and bell peppers, in particular, are good sources of vitamin C and antioxidants with anti-inflammatory effects. They’re also very versatile and can be used in a number of different recipes. They can be eaten raw in salads, grilled, roasted, or in stews and curries. You certainly can’t go wrong with peppers and spicier varieties will certainly liven up your cooking. They make the perfect addition to a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet.


Another popular choice on the list of foods that fight inflammation, tomatoes are also very versatile. They can be eaten raw or cooked in a wide variety of dishes. Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. An interesting fact about lycopene is that it’s a carotenoid, a type of nutrient that’s better absorbed if it’s consumed with a source of fat. This means that if you cook or prepare your tomatoes with olive oil, for example, your body will benefit even more from their anti-inflammatory properties. 

Olive oil

Olive oil itself is also considered an anti-inflammatory food. It contains the antioxidant oleocanthal which actually shares anti-inflammatory characteristics with Ibuprofen. Olive oil is great for cooking, as an ingredient in salad dressing, and much more. It’s better to choose the more refined olive oils, however, such as Extra Virgin. Here are some of the best olive oils reviewed by chefs.


Green tea

The reason green tea is considered such a healthy beverage is because it contains a substance known as EGCG. This has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. As well as being a healthy drink you can also experiment with green tea, or matcha, in a wide range of recipes. It actually adds an interesting flavor to desserts and is very popular in both Asia and South America. Check out this green tea ice cream recipe for a different dessert to prepare this year. The subtle bitter taste of the matcha balances out the sweetness of the sugar.

Dark chocolate

Another dessert ingredient on the anti-inflammatory foods list is dark chocolate. In fact, the darker the better, as the stronger its antioxidant levels will be. Chocolate contains flavanols that have antioxidant effects and are beneficial for healthy arteries. In fact, the health benefits of cocoa have been studied for years. Flavanols have been shown to lower blood pressure as well as inflammation, and improve healthy blood flow to the brain and heart. No wonder chocolate is such a great pick me up.

Cherries and berries

Actually, various types of berries and cherries are known as anti-inflammatory foods. If you’re more of a fruit person, then you’re in luck as you can find anti-inflammatory properties in cherries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. They contain antioxidants such as anthocyanins and catechins which help fight inflammation in the body. These types of fruit are also very convenient to eat as snacks and versatile for cooking. You can have them raw, in a smoothie, or prepare desserts, for example. Have a look at these easy cherry desserts to wow your friends and family at your next dinner party. 

By incorporating these anti-inflammatory foods into your routine, along with healthy habits and plenty of exercise, you’ll notice the benefits. An anti-inflammatory diet may help to prevent certain illnesses and ease the symptoms of conditions such as arthritis, skin ailments, and obesity. Studies are often being carried out to confirm the health benefits of these anti-inflammatory foods. One thing’s for sure, there are certainly plenty of delicious recipes that make it easy to include them in your diet.