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Are You Ready For A Laundry Cleaning Miracle?

I was so excited when Tide asked me to partner with them for their new detergent, Tide One Wash Miracle. It is absolutely amazing in getting those really stubborn impossible smelling items looking fresh and as good as new! I am always asked by readers for the best detergent for getting athletic clothes fresh smelling or to get pet orders out of fabrics or musty orders out of towels, and this is the best product I have found so far.

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You will get a certainty of clean for your family’s laundry with Tide One Wash MiracleEliminate stubborn odors and get a deeper clean for your laundry than regular washing.

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Use One Wash Miracle in place of your regular detergent and let the dual-chamber formula handle the rest. Safe on virtually all fabrics that are machine washable, including:

  • Everyday Clothing
  • Musty Towels
  • Sweaty Athletic Wear
  • Washable Smelly Pet Items
  • Washable Smelly Sports Gear
  • Any Washable Smelly Clothing
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Simply remove the cap, pour it in or drop in the canister, and start your laundry. The powerful liquid detergent and odor-eliminating agents combine at the time of the wash, maximizing the cleaning power and cleans fabrics without masking scents or perfumes. Tide One Wash Miracle is safe for front load, top load, and HE washing machines, and comes in a Tide Fresh Coral Blast scent (lightly scented).

Are you curious or ready to try? Click HERE to try this laundry miracle and get 10% off your entire purchase.

View full ingredients list click here

Swapping the City for the Country Post-Pandemic: A Guide

The pandemic has highlighted areas of our lives that we once turned a blind eye to. Spending more time with the people we care about and doing the things we enjoy; just can’t be beaten.

There are some people out there who are also reconsidering the areas they live in. With millions of people fleeing the cities throughout the various city and state shutdowns, there is no doubt others wanting to make this move in the post-pandemic world. 

Read on to discover what you need to know when doing just that. 

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Image Pixabay

Decide On a Location

Establish where you want to move to. The United States boasts thousands of cities. Alongside that, you will find a plethora of countryside locations. Research areas and places that you have ventured to against those you wish to.

Narrow down the options you have. Compare them against one another while conducting your research. 

Find the Right Property for You

Explore the housing opportunities in these areas. Do you want a house that has been renovated or to move into one to work on yourself? Ensure you are getting the most for your money. Maximize your real estate venture by consulting Indiana mortgage lenders like The Home Loan Expert. 

Make sure the amenities in the property and the local area suffice and meet any needs or demands you have. View any properties you have your eye on, whether in person or through video call. Imagine yourself and your belongings in the property. 

Complete Documents and Registrations

Compile the relevant and appropriate paperwork you need for relocating. Consult with local authorities to distinguish the jurisdictions you will be governed by. Register your vehicle with the state governing bodies you will be under. 

Research the state and national laws and how they differ in your new home; each state has its own variation of rules and regulations. Update your details with the relevant bodies. Leave no stone unturned before relocating to your new home. 

Transfer Details Across

Enroll your children with any local educational institutions. Minimize any disruption to their teaching should you move partway through the academic year. 

Register any pets with a veterinarian. Do not forget to register yourself and any family members with a general practitioner and doctor’s office. Update your details with any health insurance providers that you may have. Ensure you can access any treatments or medication without disruption. 

Integrate into Your Community

Country communities tend to be tight-knit. You will get to know your neighbors well. Encourage your children to engage with any children in the area. Network with other people in your area. 

Socialize with them and delve into the local culture. Build a support network as soon as possible to make the transition from bustling city life to a quiet, idyllic township a bit easier. Join social groups and clubs to meet like-minded individuals. Put yourself out there rather than alienating yourself. Your new friends await you! 

Come See Sarah Bareilles in Waitress on Broadway…

Order up! The newest episode of Broadway Profiles features Waitress creator and incoming star Sara Bareilles. “The Broadway community is the heartbeat of New York City,” she said of the reopening. “I’m not the first to say it. I am echoing sentiments of people all over the world who feel like the pulse of this city is born in and out of this 10-block radius.”

We are lucky enough to have a block of orchestra tickets to see Sarah in Waitress on September 15 for the 2:00 pm matinee for $150. After many requests, we added a few matinees to our montly broadway scheudle. All of our readers who attend our group shows need to show proof of vaccine and a mask MUST be worn during the entire show. EMAIL me to save your spot!

Sara Bareilles (Photo by Emilio Madrid for

Bareilles spoke about the decision to bring the musical to the Barrymore Theatre beginning on September 2. “When we talked about bringing Waitress back, the idea of being a part of the first night of shows back on Broadway—it gave me goosebumps, this opportunity to stand on stage and to feel the return, especially for my castmates and musicians and crew members and house staff and people who have been waiting to get the green light to go back to work,” she said. “We’re thrilled to say that the diner will get one more run on Broadway.” Oh and don’t forget we get to taste the pie too!!!!

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Tips for Jewelry Care

Jewelry can be more than an accessory. Many of your most valuable pieces are not valuable because of what they would sell for but for what they represent. For many people, jewelry can serve as a reminder of an important memory, relationship, or a family heirloom that has been passed down to you and carries a great deal of sentimental value. No matter the reason your jewelry is something you want to take care of and protect from avoidable damage or wear. Proper care (including how to respond to repair needs such as what to do when a stone falls out) and cleaning techniques will help your jewelry last longer 

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Image Pixabay

Day-To-Day Tips

To help your jewelry last longer by avoiding common errors. You should never wear jewelry when performing certain activities that could expose your jewelry to potential damage. This includes exercise, sporting activities, and involved housekeeping or home maintenance projects. Exercise and sporting activities can cause physical damage and home projects could expose your jewelry to corrosive chemicals. You should also avoid wearing your jewelry in swimming pools as chlorine can damage your jewelry’s gemstones and metals. 

Storing Your Jewelry

Proper care and storage can help your jewelry last longer, avoid scratching and scuffing, and retain its beauty. When you’re not wearing your jewelry it should always be properly stored in a fabric-lined box (such as a jewelry box) or wrapped in soft tissue to avoid friction. You should also wipe your jewelry off when you remove it before storing it as this removes sweat and the natural oils your skin produces. Finally, you should always put on your jewelry last as this helps you avoid exposing your jewelry to personal care products such as cosmetics or haircare products.

Cleaning Your Jewelry

When you clean your jewelry you want to avoid damaging the metal or stones. When polishing or cleaning your jewelry you should always use a soft non-abrasive cleaning cloth designed to be used on jewelry and other delicate items. Not all cleaning cloths are the same and some are not designed to be used on delicate items and can scratch your jewelry. Depending on the type of metal used in your jewelry certain chemicals can be harmful. Cleaning chemicals to avoid include salts, acetone, ammonia, turpentine, and chlorine in addition always read the ingredients of any cleaner you’re planning to use as many home cleaning products are also abrasive to jewelry. Full immersion in a liquid, such as water, should also be avoided as it can loosen gemstones and damage certain types of jewelry.   

If You’ve Lost a Stone

Over time your jewelry can become damaged or simply wear down causing gemstones to loosen and fall out. Sadly, you likely won’t notice a stone has fallen out until you take your jewelry off. If you’ve had a busy day retracing your steps may be ultimately unproductive. Luckily, stones can be replaced by professionals and match the original stone in terms of look, cut, and fit. Plus if you were fortunate enough to find the lost stone it can be reset. If you have jewelry many insurance companies offer jewelry coverage as a separate option to add to your existing policy and some companies specialize in just jewelry insurance.

Final Thoughts

Your jewelry can be an important part of your daily life and something you wear every day. Like many of your most important possessions, your jewelry requires regular upkeep and care. By taking care of your jewelry you help it last longer and age better. In addition, a professional can help by providing regular cleanings that keep your jewelry looking its best and that use methods that are both safe and effective.


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Modular Closets Organization Expert Marty Basher Shares Tips for Finding Things in its Rightful Place 

August has arrived which means back to school is just around the corner. There’s no better time than now to not only organized your home but to bridge the organization of where things belong gap so that all family members can find what they are looking for during the hurried rush of school mornings.

The Key to Finding Things In Your House

You reach into the kitchen pantry, expecting to lay your hands on a can of tuna for lunch, and instead come out with a can of beans. Or maybe you go to the mudroom, expecting to find the coat you left hanging there yesterday afternoon, and instead, you find an empty hook.

We’re all spending a lot more time at home these days, and if you happen to live with someone who is a compulsive organizer, you might be finding yourself looking for what you need in all the wrong places.

But is it the “wrong” place? Or is that someone in your household has decided what the “right” place should be, possibly without telling you? This is an oddly common complaint with couples and families who have a compulsive tidier in their midst. The one who is organizing might be frustrated because they’re always having to clean up; the rest of the family might just be annoyed because they can never find anything when they need it, having to rely on the one who organizes to help them time and time again!

Living in close quarters with that kind of disconnect can result in some real arguments and hurt feelings though, so with the aim of keeping everyone safe and happy during these times, here are some solutions to make sure that the “organizers” and the “organizees” get on the same page.

Communication First

If you are the one who is usually organizing, tidying, and in general keeping the mess at bay, you probably have a system. If you’re not this person, you might be subject to a system that you don’t understand or that hasn’t been communicated to you.

Overall, communicating on keeping things tidy fundamentally requires agreement between two or more people that there is actually a problem with mess and clutter encroaching on life. Like every civilized society, there are compromises that need to be made to ensure that everyone is happy. Even if you think the house is fine, the person who wants to tidy clearly does not. And if you are the one doing most of the organizing, don’t be heavy-handed about it: ask for the opinions of others. You might be surprised and find out that they have a better idea!

Putting a system in place to keep the house tidy works best if everyone in the household gets involved in deciding how all of your household items will be stored. It guarantees compliance if they are part of the decision-making process, rather than simply having it dictated to them.

How can you bridge the gap between the person who knows everything and the person who does not?

Work together to organize the house. Pick a day or evening when you both have time off from work and organize a section of your home together. Since it’s better to tackle one or two things at a time than everything at once, choose one area a week and pull everything out, take inventory, and discuss where things should go. Not only does this get partners on the same page, but also it gives them a sense of cooperation and accomplishment when meeting their weekly organization goals.

Delegate areas for cleaning and maintenance. Another great way to bridge the gap is by dividing areas between partners when it comes to maintenance and organization. For example, one partner can be in charge of keeping the kitchen and downstairs bathroom organized and clutter-free, whereas the other captains the linen closets and garage. Delegating areas relieve the stress from the person who knows where everything is, as well as empowers the other partner with an opportunity to feel like they are doing something good for the household.

Remember to show your partner any new arrangements. For stay-at-home partners who may have to rearrange cabinets and drawers often so their precious little ones and pets stay safe, it’s easy to forget that moving cups from one area to another may seem like a simple, mindless task, but for a partner who isn’t around all day, this minor shift in normality is confusing. Their forgetfulness or inability to find things is not entirely their fault. With this in mind, always show your partner where you put things after any spur-of-the-moment or planned organizing venture.

Consider Purging What Isn’t Needed

Taking a little time to review what is currently in your home and whether or not it actually needs to be, is a great first step to figuring out how to organize what’s left. You’ll probably find that the board game with the missing pieces or the glassware in the kitchen with chips can be disposed of, while the clothes that were bought and never worn can be donated.

A little time spent triaging what you all want to keep, throw away, or donate will help whittle down the number of items you need to keep tidy. It’s not a question of living like a minimalist, but the stack of long out of date magazines? That probably doesn’t need to be taking up space anymore.

Everything Has a Home

Once you’ve agreed with your spouse or family that a little organization would be a big help to keeping the house tidy and gotten rid of things you don’t want or need anymore, it’s a question of finding a home for everything in your house.

An example most people deal with every winter is where to put mittens, hats, and scarves. Depending on how much space you have, a basket for each person to put their items in makes sense. There’s no wondering where these items are at the start of each day!

Look at each room and see what storage you have in each and what should be stored in that space. You’re not going to put canned goods in the living room, obviously, but do you have a spot for board games, blankets, and books? It’s a good time to evaluate if you have enough storage in each room for what needs to be in there and, if you do, to organize it so that it makes sense for everyone. For example, bookshelves should have books for the little ones where they can reach them, and books for the big ones higher up. It’s functional, practical and will save time putting things away when you need to. In fact, spending more time at home is a great opportunity to rejuvenate closets and other storage spaces so that they are more functional and less cluttered too.

Practice Makes Perfect

Once everything has a home, it’s a question of getting the others in the house to practice putting things away. Every day. After a while, it becomes second nature but that doesn’t happen overnight.

Take a breath and realize that a picture-perfect home isn’t the goal, particularly with everyone home a lot more than in the past. The goal is simply to reach a point where someone can think to themselves: “I need XYZ” and they know exactly where to go to find that item. This process will save you from having arguments and frustration all around, create a pleasant living environment, and in general, will improve the reality we’re all living with right now.

Marty Basher is the design and organization expert with Modular Closets, Marty regularly contributes on topics of DIY renovations, home design, organization, improvement, and more, helping homeowners get the most of the spaces in their homes. Modular Closets are high-quality and easy-to-design closet systems made in the USA that you can order, assemble and install yourself, in no time at all. Using closet modules (closet pieces you can mix & match to design your own modular closet), homeowners everywhere are empowered to achieve a true custom look- for nearly 40% less than standard custom closets

Cities with the best single men: Trends in dating profiles

With the end of the pandemic insight, dating should return to some form of normalcy in 2021. The last year of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many Americans to embrace online dating as their primary way to meet new singles with in-person dating being several limited.

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Kingsmen Beard Club recently released a new study just in time for Valentine’s Day to highlight some of the biggest dating app trends in 2021. In the study, they analyzed more than 3,500 Tinder profiles of men living in 31 of the biggest American cities to learn more about single men in America and what the typical dating profile looks like.

They focused their attention on the main profile picture compiling insights into more than a dozen characteristics, including smiles, facial hair, attire, selfies, kids, and cars.

Those who want to enhance their smiles can Check Out this dentist in Alhambra ca for teeth whitening treatment options.

Highlights include:

  • 71% of men wear casual attire in their main profile picture. 20% dress like a slob and only 9% wear formal attire.
  • 61% of men’s profiles have some sort of facial hair, while 39% are clean-shaven.
  • Surprisingly, 53% of men hide their bodies in their main picture.
  • Smiles go a long way to making a first impression, however, only 51% of men smile in their main picture.
  • Top cities for single men: 1. Denver 2. Washington D.C. 3. New York 4. Indianapolis 5. Nashville.

Let us further explore what they found in their analysis.

The Fundamentals

Naturally, they looked at facial hair first. Sixty-one percent of men who were analyzed have some sort of facial hair, while 39 percent are clean-shaven. They seemed to take a very liberal view of what exactly constitutes facial hair. They included everything from a couple of days of chin stubble to a full on mustache. Since they included many types of facial hair, they categorized facial hair in two categories “heavy facial hair” and “light facial hair”. In order for facial hair to be classified as “heavy facial hair”, it had to be full coverage and something so thick that you could run your fingers through.

The next part of the analysis looked at smiling. A smile can go a long way for both men and women. Many women like a guy who smiles as it can make them seem approachable and trustworthy. In the analysis, Kingsmen Beard Club found a mixed bag between men who smile and those who do not in their main dating profile picture. They found that 51% of men smile in their main profile picture, where 49% do not smile.

Anyone using a dating app in 2021 is probably going to make a snap judgment on swiping left or right based on what they see in the main profile picture. Because of this it makes sense for many people, both men and women to try and show off to make a lasting first impression. When it comes to men, more men choose to hide their body in their main profile picture than not. The analysis found that over 53% of men do not clearly show their body off in their main profile picture.

The next part of the analysis looked at how men dress in their dating profiles. Kingsmen Beard Club found that a majority of men dress very casually in their main profile picture. This may be as a direct result of the pandemic, but the numbers were surprising. 71% of men had a casual look in their profile picture, where 20% were dressed like a slob and only 9% had formal wear in their main picture.

The last consideration among the fundamental part of the analysis looked at men taking selfies. Selfies are convenient and during the pandemic, they are more prevalent than ever. They found that 47% of men used selfies as their main profile picture, where 53% did not.

Other notable trends

It additional to the fundamentals listed above, they noticed some other notable trends in men’s dating profile pictures.

  • 9% of men use a selfie taken in their car.
  • 9% use a selfie taken in the mirror.
  • 5% of men go shirtless in their main profile picture (we thought it would have been higher!)
  • Only 4% pose with a dog.
  • 3% pose with a group of friends.
  • 2% pose with their can or a motorcycle.
  • Only 1% post with their children.
  • Men posing with cats, guns, and fish show up in less than 1% of all dating profiles.

The top cities for single men\

Kingsmen Beard Club ranked the top cities for single men based on the highest number of men’s profiles that they deemed as the “Total Package”.

They defined the “Total Package” as smiling in their main profile picture, showing their body, not a slob, not using a selfie picture, not shirtless, not posing with a group, not at the gym, not in a car, not posing with a car and not using a mirror selfie. Overall, they found that only 17% of men in the U.S. met the standard of being a “Total Package”.

Listed below are the top cities with the % of men defined as the “Total Package”:

  1. Denver (26%)
  2. Washington D.C. (26%)
  3. New York (25%)
  4. Indianapolis (23%)
  5. Nashville (23%)
  6. Austin (21%)
  7. Philadelphia (21%)
  8. Columbus (20%)
  9. Minneapolis (20%)
  10. Atlanta (19%)
  11. Phoenix (19%)
  12. San Francisco (19%)
  13. Seattle (19%)
  14. Boston (18%)
  15. Detroit (18%)
  16. Baltimore (16%)
  17. Chicago (16%)
  18. Cleveland (15%)
  19. Memphis (15%)
  20. Portland (15%)
  21. San Diego (15%)
  22. San Jose (15%)
  23. Dallas (14%)
  24. San Antonio (14%)
  25. Charlotte (13%)
  26. Cincinnati (13%)
  27. Los Angeles (13%)
  28. Jacksonville (12%)
  29. Las Vegas (12%)
  30. Miami (11%)
  31. Houston (10%)


Between December 18-31, 2020 Kingsmen Beard Club analyzed the first profile pictures of 3,100 heterosexual or bisexual men between the ages of 24-35, living in one of 31 American cities. For each city, a sample size of at least 100 men was used.

The analysis was completed used a premium Tinder account with no history and a verified profile. In order to not bias or our analysis towards certain characteristics, we exclusively swiped left on all 3,100 profiles.

**** This study was provided by