I recently became OBSESSED with the new site The Ann Park Collection. The page is full of vintage and modern Objets d’Art & Animalia that bring a home to life. From Antique Staffordshire to Majolica, and Paintings…The Ann Park Collection has gifts of all sorts for loved ones who love animals. Here is just a sampling of some of the fabulous items you might find when visiting the online shop HERE. And there is still time to get any of the beautiful Ann Park merchandise for Christmas via local delivery!!!!!
Winter is not just about fun and festivities. It is also the official cold and flu season, so you have to be extra conscious about your health. The pandemic makes it even more crucial as you cannot let your guard down. The best bet is to double up on safety measures to protect yourself and your family from the coronavirus and every other virus around. Make sure you take ordinary germs seriously because sickness lowers your immunity. Thankfully, you need not do a lot to survive the flu season. Here are some actionable tips you can rely on.
Bolster your immunity with the right lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle gives you a head start with beating the blues of the flu season. It begins with a balanced diet comprising warm, fresh, and nutritious foods. Pick seasonal fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and probiotics. Avoid sugar and processed foods as they can disrupt gut health and make you sick. Physical activity also boosts your immune system. Work out with thirty minutes of moderate activity at least thrice a week.
Stay warm inside and outside
Warmth is your best defense against cold and flu, so make sure you are warm inside and outside. Wear ample clothing to keep the cold wind at bay. Covering your hands, feet, and head is important. Avoid going outdoors unless it is necessary. Warm drinks like coffee, tea, and broth are good for avoiding colds. You can double up your defenses by sipping herbal teas and immunity-boosting concoctions.
Keep up with your vaccination schedules
According to experts, the single best way to avoid getting sick during the season is to get your flu shot each year. Everyone must have their vaccinations, but it is crucial for pregnant women, children, the elderly, and immuno-compromised individuals. Early autumn is the best time for vaccination, though it is not too late if you miss it. Check with your healthcare provider to ensure that you get a vaccine that covers you against the currently active strains.
Avoid stress and insomnia
Immunity does not depend only on food, exercise, and vaccines. Stress and inadequate sleep can hit it hard. Measures like meditation, deep breathing, and aromatherapy can help you steer clear of stress. The holidays coincide with the flu season, and late nights are common. Make conscious efforts to clean your sleep schedule during the season. Avoid staying up too late, ditch your gadgets, and follow optimal sleep hygiene.
Fight germs with good hand hygiene
Keeping flu at bay is also about fighting germs, and you can do it with good hand hygiene. Following the hand-hygiene rules are easier than ever as you will probably be habitual with frequent hand washing and sanitizers by now. Also, clean the surfaces and avoid high-touch zones as much as possible. The habits can double up your safety against COVID infection as well.
Surviving the flu season is not as daunting as you imagine. You have to do your bit to ditch the germs around and enhance your immunity. A strong immune system will do the rest.
Cannabis has long been rumored to support the flow of creative juices and that’s probably why you might find a number of people swarming recreational Seattle dispensaries trying to get their hands on it.
For a long while, the use of cannabis has always had some sort of stigma attached to it as it had been classified as a drug. However, with more cities legalizing its medicinal and recreational use, there has been an increase in the number of businesses supporting the adoption of the use of cannabis into the local communities.
With more acceptance of cannabis use amongst individuals and increased accessibility, a lot more newbies within the creative community have their interest piqued trying to figure out if cannabis is what they really need to get out of their funk and finally get some work done.
Famous successful individuals are on record describing that they indulged in the use of cannabis and it yielded positive results for them thus creating a need to experiment for people who look up to them. We’ll look at notable examples that have promoted the cannabis boosts creativity theory.
Steve Jobs, famous for Apple products and groundbreaking innovative technology, in his biography written by Walter Isaacson revealed that he used Marijuana as well as other drugs in the 1970s and that the effect that it brought to him was relaxation and a creativity boost. Having been considered a genius in his field, his expression of this belief created a powerful lasting impression especially on young people who felt stuck in a rut.
Another notable mention is Tara Wells, a Californian based producer that has won the coveted Emmy award for the production of The Amazing Race tv show, who in her own words described Cannabis as something that makes you feel good emotionally, physically and spiritually and that it heals people and it allows the ego to soften, so acceptance and creativity are more present in the user. Seeing her immense success throughout time, it only seems logical that more and more people buy into the creativity story that has been woven and cemented within the creative community.
Within the music sphere, cannabis has always been regarded highly with many musicians claiming that its use enables them to access a creative space that would otherwise be out of reach. Throughout generations, there have been those who have not been shy to express their love for cannabis and have candidly let the world know that they use it. Some obvious examples are Bob Marley, a famous reggae musician who was seen to smoke even during his live stage performances, and in more recent times, Snoop Dogg, a US-based rapper that has been open about his use of the drug.
Perhaps the words of Adrianigual, a US Latino musician would be able, to sum up, the feeling that cannabis evokes in musicians. He said, making music with cannabis is more fun because you lose touch with reality and are able to laugh more at yourself and therefore create with ease.
In his words, he continues to say that it allows you to get in touch with your mind and have a higher degree of concentration that would have otherwise been challenging to attain.
Even with all the goodness that is expressed about creativity and cannabis, admittedly artists attest that there are numerous occasions where they have experienced instances where they go back to a body of work that they were creating while under the influence and get completely lost and have no understanding about what it is that they were talking about at that particular moment in time.
To have a better understanding of creativity, it is important to understand what it is. Creative thinking can broadly be subdivided into two major categories, divergent thinking, and convergent thinking. Divergent thinking is a spontaneous and free-flowing process that leads to the generation of many ideas as a solution to one problem. Convergent thinking on the other hand is as you have assumed, the total opposite of divergent thinking. It focuses on the use of logical reasoning to arrive at a singular answer to an identified problem.
Whilst understanding the correlation of cannabis to creativity, the belief is that it aids greatly in divergent thinking, which creatives believe is paramount to the achievement of their success in their respective fields.
Contrary to popular belief, recent studies have also established that convergent thinking is just as important as divergent thinking in the creative process. The ability to converge all the ideas derived from divergent thinking into a specific execution-able idea to a very large extent determines the degree of creativity in a person.
The following study covered in this article seeks to define from a scientific point of view how cannabis impacts creativity so that you as a reader can make an informed decision whenever you’re thinking of leaning on it to spur your creative juices.
Those that are seeking to try out Cannabis for the first time in a bid to boost their creative juices are most likely going to get their information from the budtenders within the dispensaries. There are quite a few dispensaries near me where it is possible to definitely acquire information suitable for first-timers, but what does science really say about the correlation between cannabis use and creativity?
Studies carried out by renowned Clinical psychologist Gráinne Schafer have attempted to debunk the myth of cannabis use and its relation to creativity, and in this article, we shall explore those findings to help you our reader get a better understanding of it.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the interaction between schizotypy, divergent thinking (a measure of creativity) and cannabis use. Previous studies have shown that creative individuals have higher levels of schizotypy, so the study sought to confirm the effects of cannabis on it, and also affirm if it really boosted divergent thinking as claimed.
The study was carried out on 160 users, who were categorized into two distinct groups, those with low-level creativity and those with high-level creativity. The study consisted of a series of tests that were carried out when the participants were intoxicated and when they were not intoxicated. The tests that were carried out were;
1. Verbal fluency task, a divergent thinking related task that sought to show how many verbal responses a participant was able to give out in a span of 1 min for a given letter.
2. Category fluency task that also falls in the line of divergent thinking that sought to find out how many responses a participant was able to achieve in a span of one minute for a given category.
3. Remote associates test. This test consisted of a set of 16 triad words that were provided to the participants who were then tasked with generating a word that related to a particular task. This particular task was given a time range of 4 minutes.
After measurement of the results, these were the findings.
1. The individuals who were considered low in creativity had their performance significantly boosted in the verbal fluency task that was carried out in relation to divergent thinking when they were intoxicated to the extent that they were almost on a similar level to those with high creativity. When not intoxicated, the low-level creativity group’s performance was less than impressive when compared to the high-level creative group.
2. In terms of the category fluency task, the individuals falling under high-level creativity outperformed the low-level creativity group in both instances. This result was attributed to the fact that despite both tasks being related to divergent thinking, they were moderated by different parts of the brain. The verbal fluency tasks tap into the area of the brain that is designed to undertake individual mental tasks. The use of cannabis can trigger the release of dopamine into the mesolimbic pathway, which is a part of the frontal cortex, and this is probably the reason why intoxication creates significantly boosted results in a group of low-level creativity. The category fluency task on the other hand taps into the lower lobe of the cortex, sitting close to ear level within the skull. With this regard, it is highly likely that the high creativity group naturally has enhanced functioning in the temporal cortex in comparison to the low creativity group and this may not be affected by cannabis use, and therefore intoxication or not, they will score highly on this task.
3. The remote associate test also resulted in high-performance scores being registered by the high-level creative group in comparison to the low-level creative group in both instances. This test however also showcased an unexpected result in the high-level creative group. When the performance for before and after intoxication was measured for the high-level creative group, it became clear that the scores reduced after intoxication. Being that the remote associate test covered convergent thinking, it became evident that the use of cannabis negatively impacted convergent thinking which definitely has implications on the overall creative thinking process for an individual. Whilst divergent thinking helps one generate a number of ideas, convergent thinking ties it all together and helps one settle on the best idea.
From this study, it’s quite evident that creativity and cannabis use isn’t as simple as it has been made out to seem. There are certain aspects that the use of cannabis has been determined to positively contribute to. In terms of loosening up an individual and allowing them to let go of their inhibitions and therefore being able to relax and thus easily churn out ideas, that has been seen to be a proper advantage derived from the use of cannabis.
On the other hand, the negative impact that is experienced with regard to convergent thinking may result in the lack of connectivity between the number of generated ideas and therefore the overall ability to solve an actual problem.
It is important to be aware of the THC levels that are appropriate for consumption when the goal is to stimulate creative juices. The use of Delta-9 THC has very powerful effects that may lead to adverse reactions such as heightened anxiety and you may end up missing out on the actual intended effect that you had desired to experience in the first place.
Seattle dispensaries are well known for having experienced budtenders who will guide you on the appropriate cannabis that you should be consuming depending on your desired goal. If you’re looking to get your feet wet, their work will be to ensure that you don’t drown and that you actually get to enjoy the experience and decide whether it’s something that you want to do many times over, or if it was a one-time occurrence.
Everyone is different and has a different tolerance level. Ensure that you have done adequate research that involves finding out the amount that works for you professionally. Coupled with this scientifically-backed research in this article and that very important piece of advice from your experienced budtender, it is now left to you to figure out for yourself whether cannabis helps you unlock your creativity or not.
There are so many cannabis-related products that are on offer for various tolerance levels and that come in different forms. The landscape is so different from what it was a decade ago and with the internet, information is literally at your fingertips. Gone are the days that you would need to benchmark with your friend who you know is a seasoned user. You can absolutely get a tailor-made solution that works for your taste, for your tolerance, and for the type of activity that you need to use it for.
It is also important to be aware that sometimes the things that you may subject yourself to incorporating into your daily routine may eventually refuse to let you stop using them. As you slowly reap the intended effects, you should also be ready and prepared for the occurrence of unintended effects.
Before buying any product online or offline, read customer reviews first to understand what people think about it. It will provide you with valuable insights concerning whether they like it or not and why they feel that way. This way, you’ll know exactly what to expect when using it yourself.
Analog alarm clocks are the traditional type that uses needles indicating the time of day. On the other hand, digital alarm clocks display clearly where numbers can be seen. While analog ones are cost-effective and classic, digital models have several useful features such as projection, radio, or USB charging ports. The choice is yours to make.
Do you love to sleep? Of course, you do. However, this may not always be possible, especially when you have an important meeting in your office or seminars at school, thus forcing you to reveille matin. For this reason, check whether your prospective purchase comes with a snooze button so that you can delay waking up without changing its settings.
Many alarm clocks come with built-in lights which are bright enough to make you wake up when it’s still dark. However, some people turn this feature off when they want to rest in complete darkness. For this reason, choose an alarm clock with the ability to automatically dim its light so that you can sleep at night without being disturbed by them.
This is perhaps one of the most important things to consider when shopping for the best alarm clock. After all, how would you feel if your alarm clock woke up your loved ones instead of yourself? Also, check whether the noise is pleasant because nobody likes unpleasant sounds. With these two factors in mind, it’ll be easier for you to make a decision.
Alarm clocks come in two types of power: battery and electric. If you’re the type, who forgets to charge things often, then a battery-powered alarm clock would be best for you. However, if you have easy access to an electrical outlet, go for an electrically powered alarm clock. This way, you don’t have to worry about running out of battery juice at the worst possible time.
Last but not least, set a budget before going shopping for an alarm clock. This will help narrow down your options and make it easier to choose the best one that fits your needs and pocket.
With the tips mentioned above in mind, you’re sure to find the best alarm clock for yourself in no time. Do some research, compare prices, and read customer reviews before making your purchase.
With the advancement in technology, many alarm clocks are available on the market today. Many of them come with interesting features which can be quite useful to their users. However, for this reason, it has become increasingly difficult to choose the right one which matches your needs perfectly. Therefore, here are several tips to help you get the best alarm clock ever:
Before buying any product online or offline, read customer reviews first to understand what people think about it. It will provide you with valuable insights concerning whether they like it or not and why they feel that way. This way, you’ll know exactly what to expect when using it yourself.
Analog alarm clocks are the traditional type that uses needles indicating the time of day. On the other hand, digital alarm clocks display clearly where numbers can be seen. While analog ones are cost-effective and classic, digital models have several useful features such as projection, radio, or USB charging ports. The choice is yours to make.
Do you love to sleep? Of course, you do. However, this may not always be possible, especially when you have an important meeting in your office or seminars at school, thus forcing you to reveille matin. For this reason, check whether your prospective purchase comes with a snooze button so that you can delay waking up without changing its settings.
Many alarm clocks come with built-in lights which are bright enough to make you wake up when it’s still dark. However, some people turn this feature off when they want to rest in complete darkness. For this reason, choose an alarm clock with the ability to automatically dim its light so that you can sleep at night without being disturbed by them.
This is perhaps one of the most important things to consider when shopping for the best alarm clock. After all, how would you feel if your alarm clock woke up your loved ones instead of yourself? Also, check whether the noise is pleasant because nobody likes unpleasant sounds. With these two factors in mind, it’ll be easier for you to make a decision.
Alarm clocks come in two types of power: battery and electric. If you’re the type, who forgets to charge things often, then a battery-powered alarm clock would be best for you. However, if you have easy access to an electrical outlet, go for an electrically powered alarm clock. This way, you don’t have to worry about running out of battery juice at the worst possible time.
Last but not least, set a budget before going shopping for an alarm clock. This will help narrow down your options and make it easier to choose the best one that fits your needs and pocket.
With the tips mentioned above in mind, you’re sure to find the best alarm clock for yourself in no time. Do some research, compare prices, and read customer reviews before making your purchase.
Insomnia is one of the biggest problems suffered by teens and adults globally at the moment. The pandemic, job stress, education model, and many other factors have led everyone to be stressed continuously, affecting the quality of sleep and bedtime. If you’re looking for a solution to help you sleep better, considering CBD oil or tincture can help immensely. This blog will explore the benefits you can reap from just a few drops.
Wrapping Up:
Getting a good night’s sleep can do much more than help you feel well-rested. Your body performs all the repairs, detoxification, and maintenance as you sleep. This is why sleeping better also improves your overall health and mental outlook. We hope you try out CBD oil and experience the change for yourself.
Start 2022 Happy and Healthy: Here’s What You Can Do
Lifestyle trends come and go. However, this past year has seen a significant increase in the awareness of personal health. Now, many people are looking to change their lifestyles in order to become happier and healthier within themselves.
There are plenty of steps that you can take to look after your health. Today, we will be discussing five of them in more detail.
Make Healthy Changes to Your Diet
It can be easy to fall into the trap of an unhealthy diet. When we’ve had a bad day, it can be easy to reach for some fast food instead of a healthy meal. However, eating unhealthy foods can not only have a negative effect on your physical health but also your mental health. Adopting a healthy diet doesn’t have to be so dull. In fact, even making the smallest of changes can help. Now, you don’t have to travel far online to find some easy healthy recipes. You certainly don’t need to be a top chef to pull off a great dish.
Those of us with busy lifestyles can tend to snack. However, it is important that you have three meals a day and if you’re going to snack then maybe consider swapping a sugary treat for a piece of fruit. A healthy diet can not only improve your health in general, but it can also uplift your mood.
Minimize Alcohol Intake
Drinking alcohol excessively can have a negative impact on your health. Not only can it affect your mood, but it can also damage your liver and affect important health factors like sleep. Minimizing your alcohol intake can have several fantastic health benefits. Not only can it give you a boost in energy, but it can also improve your stress levels and better your concentration. When it comes to drinking alcohol, you should always follow the recommended guidelines. If you are worried about your alcohol intake, then it is recommended that you consult with your doctor for some guidance.
Look After Your Gut
Your gut health is hugely important. Not only does it contribute towards a strong immune system, but it can also have several other benefits. Improved sleep and effective digestion are just two of them. So, what can you do to maintain a healthy gut? Minimizing the amount of sugar and sweeteners in your diet can certainly help and even getting a good night’s sleep can contribute.
If you are concerned about your gut health, then it always helps to consult with a professional. This gut health expert can help you make changes to your lifestyle that will contribute towards a happier and healthier future. Sometimes you may be surprised at just how many small changes can make a big difference.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise is something that we can often dread. However, it is crucial that we regularly incorporate it into our everyday lives. Physical activity can positively contribute to your health, and it can also lower your risk of developing serious health conditions like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Regular exercise doesn’t always have to involve going to the gym. In fact, those of us who with busy schedules can find it hard to fit it in. However, exercise comes in many different forms. Even getting out to go for a walk each day can sometimes be enough.
If you are struggling to find an exercise routine for you then don’t hesitate to use the internet to your advantage. There are plenty of free exercise routines out there that you can try. Once you find something that works for you, you can start striving towards a healthier lifestyle. Your body will be very thankful for it.
Get Into a Healthy Sleep Routine
Sleep is so important. If you are someone who tells yourself that you don’t need much of it, it’s time to get out of that habit. Sleep contributes massively to your physical health. As you sleep, your body has time to heal and repair itself, so you have the energy to get up and go the next day. A lack of sleep has been linked to several different health conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease to name a few.
Getting into a healthy sleep routine is not always easy for everyone. In fact, some people can really struggle with this. In these instances, it is important that you create a nighttime routine. You can learn more about this through various online resources. Basically, you need to create a routine that gets you in the right frame of mind to sleep and relax. This can be anything from banning the use of technology an hour before bed to reading a book for half an hour. It is important to find what works for you so you can start enjoying the health benefits that a good night’s sleep can offer.