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DeTAPAS Spanish Gastrobar Celebrates 1 Year in Westport 

Diners are invited to celebrate the 1-Year Anniversary of DeTAPAS Spanish Gastrobar on the weekend of January 14th and enjoy a complimentary glass of Cava.

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Last January Westport’s international food scene diversified even more when DeTAPAS Spanish Gastrobar opened its doors. Restauranteur Carlos Pla, a native of Barcelona, gave up a long and successful career in finance to fulfill his dream of opening a restaurant. Pla is excited to introduce Americans to the culture and flavors of his country and to clear up the common misconception that Spanish food and Latin food are one and the same as they are vastly different. Pla does this by sharing the recipes, stories and flavors that are prevalent in the European country that leads the world’s Michelin starred restaurants just behind France, Japan, and Italy (and ranked just ahead of the United States.) 

Pla introduces diners to the inimitable flavors and recipes from Spain by introducing tapas, main dishes and paellas as served in his native country which is quite different from what most Americans are accustomed to. In so doing he offers a bit of an education and shares many stories surrounding his food and drink – he only serves Spanish wines and Cava – and his guests are grateful for these experiences.

Inside the restaurant, the vibe is quintessentially and distinctly European. The design is as deliberate as the cuisine. The large mural that runs the length of the restaurant, with its bright, boldly-colored tiles imported from Spain along with the clean lines and streamlined interior pull you out of Westport and right into a busy little gastropub in the heart of the urban Spanish city. Regulars will notice an addition – a new bar was built over the holiday and a television was added for those who want to cheer on their favorite (Spanish) sports teams!

Eager to share his culture he has introduced a monthly and always sold-out Flamenco Night, a Jamon Jamon Iberico and Wine Tasting, and many more events are planned for the upcoming year including a Happy Sangria Hour, and cooking classes to name just a couple. 

About Carlos Pla, Restauranteur

Pla moved to Greenwich by way of Ireland, and Miami. Whenever he traveled, which he has done extensively, he would seek out Spanish restaurants. With the exception of New York City, his search would always come up short or he would be disappointed with what he found. Realizing that he needed to gain some hands-on experience he found himself with the opportunity to manage Mercado Little Spain, owned by the esteemed Michelin Star Chef, José Andres. When the pandemic hit shuttering the restaurant industry, Pla began catering anniversaries, birthdays, and all sorts of other celebrations bringing his equipment to people’s backyards. Word spread quickly and soon his tapas and paellas were in great demand. As the restaurants opened up again Pla jumped at the opportunity and found the perfect spot in the heart of Westport. This is his first restaurant and Pla has plans to open more locations in the next few years.

Top Things To Take On A Road Trip

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Road trips are really fun and a great part of life, you could enjoy them alone, with your friends or even do it regularly with your family. It is something that can be adapted to everyone planning a road trip is one of the most exciting parts of traveling. The only thing better than planning your trip is actually doing it, but if you’re not prepared for all that goes into making sure everything goes smoothly and safely, things could get pretty stressful (and even dangerous). If you haven’t been on a road trip before or aren’t used to driving long distances with multiple people in the car, here are some tips:

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is a must for any road trip, especially if you’re headed out on a cross-country journey. No one wants to worry about the unexpected when they’re in the middle of nowhere and need medical attention—but that’s exactly what could happen without travel insurance. Many people neglect travel insurance because it feels like an unnecessary expense, but it’ll protect you from having to pay for unforeseen expenses such as lost luggage or medical bills.

Travel insurance can cover things like:

  • Lost luggage or personal items
  • Medical expenses (including emergency evacuation)
  • Emergency dental work
  • Rental car damage costs caused by theft or vandalism

Route map

If you’re going to be taking a road trip, it’s a good idea to have a map with you. You can print one out from Google Maps or Mapquest and laminate it, but if all else fails, your smartphone will probably have an app that can do the same thing. Make sure that the route is up-to-date when planning your trip and don’t forget about any tricky turns along the way!

Emergency money stash

You should always have an emergency fund on hand. The amount you need depends on the length of your trip, but it should be enough to cover a night in a hotel and/or a flight home—and it should be in a separate account from your regular bank account. The last thing you want is for someone else to access this money and use it for something else (if you’re traveling with others, set up individual accounts for each person too).

Your emergency money stash should be in small bills so that you can use them easily at ATMs or gas stations along the way. It’s also smart to keep some coins on hand, as many restaurants and hotels still accept cash payments in coin form instead of credit cards.

Accommodation bookings and itinerary

Booking accommodation well in advance is the best way to ensure you end up with a comfortable place to stay. You’ll want to book the whole trip, not just one leg of it, so your options aren’t limited by when you start your trip.

This also means that if something changes later on (e.g., an unexpected delay), then it won’t throw off all your plans for finding accommodation along the way.

If possible, try booking accommodation through a website with a cancellation policy instead of directly with a hotel or hostel itself. That way if there are any problems or issues with what they offer and how much they charge at that time, you have recourse against them as opposed to being stuck without any sort of recourse should anything go wrong later on down the line!

GPS Tracker

It’s a good idea to keep track of your route, and if you have a GPS tracker, it’s easy. You can track your car and make sure that you don’t get lost. If you have kids or pets that are riding with you, they can still be tracked through GPS even when they’re not in the car.

If there are items in the trunk or backseat of your vehicle that need monitoring while on the road trip (for example luggage), then it might be useful to use a GPS tracker as well so that no one accidentally leaves something behind in case of an emergency situation such as a flat tire or breakdown in traffic.

Two-way radios

Two-way radios are a must-have on any road trip. If you’re going to be driving long distances, it’s important to have some means of communicating with other drivers—and being able to call for help if something goes wrong. These devices can be used for many purposes:

  • You can use them to communicate with the driver of a tow truck or other emergency vehicle if you break down or get into an accident.
  • You can also use them to communicate with other drivers in case of emergency (like when there’s heavy traffic).
  • You can even use two-way radios as a way to contact law enforcement officers if necessary (in case someone gets pulled over, etc.).

Car manual, plus any other necessary documents

It’s always a good idea to carry a car manual in case you need to reference it. You’ll want to keep this on hand if anything goes wrong with your vehicle, or if you’re traveling long distances and tire pressure is an issue.

Other documents that will be helpful include:

  • Your registration and insurance card
  • Your driver’s license (or international equivalent)

If you are driving a rental car, make sure you have the rental agreement with you in case you are pulled over by authorities for any reason.

Emergency Supplies and Tools

Since you can’t predict what will happen on your road trip, it is best to be prepared in advance. Along with first aid kits and other emergency supplies, pack auto repair tools like jumper cables and an extended Slim Jim unlock tool in case your car doors accidentally lock and you are unable to call AAA. Also, bring along a portable fire extinguisher and a flashlight with spare batteries in case of low-visibility conditions.

Having a touch-up paint kit in your emergency supplies and tools is a smart idea, as it can easily repair minor exterior scratches on your vehicle. Keeping one handy means you can quickly and easily fix unsightly scratches, ensuring your car always looks its best.

Travel journal/camera kit and entertainment

Take pictures. A camera is a great way to capture the beauty of the world around you, and it also helps keep your memories alive by allowing you to revisit them later on. You can get a special backpack to keep it safe. If you share your content online from road trips or want to take your pictures and videos a step further you could get a drone like the DJI Mavic classic.

Keep a travel journal. Don’t just take pictures; write down what happened, too! Whether it’s something funny that happened or just thoughts running through your head at any given moment, writing things down can be a great way to remember all the things that made this trip so special when it’s over. Plus, there are tons of benefits for people who keep journals: It helps with stress relief and self-reflection; it gives you something to do when bored, and having an actual physical object (like paper) instead of just digital entries makes remembering easier because there is no need for searching through endless files full of data. 

Clothes for every weather type in your trip location

The first thing you should do when deciding what to take on a road trip is to think about the weather. You want to be prepared for anything, so you should pack clothes for every type of weather—rain, hot weather, cold weather, windy conditions, and more. Be prepared for anything by having these items in your car when hitting the open road: A first aid kit with bandages/painkillers; bottled water; an extra gallon of gasoline if possible; jumper cables and tire jack if applicable; AAA membership card (not required but highly recommended). Also, remember that if possible internet access while traveling would be nice too!

We hope this article has helped you prepare for your next trip to the great outdoors. If you have any questions about the things we’ve mentioned in this post or any other travel-related queries, feel free to contact us. Also, don’t forget to check out our blog for more great tips on how to make your travels go smoothly!

3 Home Renovations To Protect Against Severe Weather

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Many homeowners undertake renovations to improve the value of their property. By taking such steps, there is an increased chance that their houses will attract great offers if listed on the market. In other situations, however, these home renovations are done with the sole objective of protecting the structure from extreme weather. Statistics indicate that the average cost of such repairs can rise to $19,513. Depending on the structure, the extent of damage can cost millions. This is why your home renovation must include the following.

  1. Reinforcing the roof

You never know how strong your home’s roofing is until it endures the harshest weather. It is the first line of defense against the vagaries and, most often, the most vulnerable part of the house. According to building experts, the roof holds several risks because of its elevated horizontal position. Strong winds traveling at 200mph can hit the side and make a clean rip off the structure. Therefore, reinforcement of your home’s roofing is vital in any renovation project. It doesn’t matter if it appears in excellent condition.

That extra protection layer can be in the form of replacing loose, cracked, or missing shingles. This also includes sealing holes that may look like nothing in the early stages but can wreak havoc in extreme weather. When buying sealants, it is important to know which type is best for your type of roofing. You will find the information you need on the sealant container.

  1. Strengthen the windows

Any object can become a dangerous projectile, especially in extreme weather like a hurricane. This is why you need protection for your windows. No matter how well your window installation was done, they often take a beating from the changing seasons. Summer heat, rain, and frigid conditions slowly eat at the frames. This is why it is advised to always check your windows for signs of draft. When the frames weaken, they gradually detach by a few inches from the structure. This is how window weakening begins, but you can nip it in the bud.

Strengthening your windows during renovations can save you from spending a significant sum on repairs. Hurricane window shutters are designed to offer that extra line of defense for your home’s potential weak points. They are made from durable materials that can block flying projectiles in strong winds. While you consider hurricane shutters, it’s important not to overlook code compliance. These shutters are created to meet strict pressure and load. It would be best to check with your state’s requirements.

  1. Use sturdy doors

If you haven’t yet considered what to do with your home’s exterior doors, it would be an opportune moment to do so. Failing to reinforce your doors during renovation can make them the weakest links. Weak doors can easily get kicked off their hinges in extreme weather. They may also have cracks that eventually become entry points for rainwater. 

The best way to reinforce an external door is to install an additional one to the existing frame. A storm door may be your best protection against extreme weather that has the potential to cause damage. Thanks to technology, new door designs and models are manufactured with durable materials for added protection. When your home renovation is completed, you stand a better chance of minimal or no damage to your property.

How To Plan The Perfect Orlando Trip

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When you’re planning your next vacation and looking at your travel wishlist, it makes sense to consider somewhere warm and full of things to do. Orlando is a fantastic option, as it’s a great place to visit and live.

While most people associate Orlando with Walt Disney World, there is a whole host of other things to do and visit while you’re there. Here are some tips to help you plan your next trip to Orlando.

  1. Booking and Paperwork

When you’re looking forward to a vacation, the last thing you want to think about is the paperwork. However, the sooner you get all of the documentation sorted out, the better. If you’re flying from the US, then you will have to deal with less paperwork than on an international flight, but you should still double-check and make sure everything is above board.

Start saving and planning your vacation as soon as you decide to go. Check that your passport is up to date and, if you need a VISA or ESTA, get that sorted sooner rather than later. You should also get travel insurance so that you can fly without worrying about your luggage getting lost or anything else going wrong.

When booking your flights and accommodation, you might get better deals by leaving it to the last minute, but you do run the risk of not being able to get tickets. Do your research and weigh up the best option for you.

  1. Getting Around

Getting around Orlando and the surrounding areas might require hiring a vehicle. The good news is that you can hire a car as soon as you arrive. Look into car rental Orlando Airport deals and find a car as quickly and conveniently as possible, allowing you to start enjoying your vacation right away.

  1. What to Do

There is so much to do in Orlando. You have the world-famous attractions found at Walt Disney World, but you can also enjoy some other brilliant activities that make your Orlando experience something to remember for the rest of your life.

You can visit other theme parks and zoos in and around Orlando. Or you can hit the shops and explore the city itself. If you’re willing to hop into your car and travel a few hours, you can even visit some of the famous Florida beaches. 

  1. Being Prepared

As with any other vacation, you’re more likely to have a great time if you’re prepared. Orlando, as you’d expect, is a hot place to visit. If you aren’t used to the heat and humidity, you might struggle, especially during summer. 

Take plenty of sunscreen and carry water around with you. Bring clothes that keep you cool, such as hats, sunglasses, and even a light cardigan to keep the worst of the sun off. If possible, visit Orlando during the cooler months of the year, and avoid hurricane season.

If you’re ready for anything, then nothing can spoil your Orlando adventure.

How to Ensure More Success For Your Hospitality Business

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Your hotel or hospitality business might have the best location and fantastic facilities, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re enjoying the amount of bookings that you should. Any business depends on its customers to survive, and the hospitality industry is no exception.

If you’re struggling to get the bookings that you need, then it might be time to try another strategy. Here are some tips to help you to get ready for success in time for the next holiday season. 

An Online Presence

The vast majority of businesses have embraced the digital world. This shift has encompassed every industry, including the hospitality industry. The simple fact is that customers prefer to shop online, especially when they’re booking a vacation or a trip.

If your business wants to have a hope of keeping up with the competition, this means establishing a firm online presence. This includes social media and a website to allow people to learn more about your facilities and how to book with your hotel. 

Ideally, your hotel website design should be attractive and functional, designed to encourage customers to quickly and easily find and book their dream trip at your accommodation. You should also link your website with businesses that allow people to compare and book trips directly.


Every business should market its services so that customers know where to go to access your services. Good marketing involves identifying your target market and making sure that your brand is both visible and appealing. 

Your social media account will help you to market your business, as you can take pictures of your rooms and surrounding areas. Pay attention to people who get halfway through the booking process and then leave it, offering promotions and deals when possible. 

In some areas, there are dozens or hundreds of other accommodation options for travelers to take, so it’s up to you to make sure that you stand out from the rest. One way you can do this is by gearing your hotel and your marketing strategy to a specific demographic and sticking with that.

As mentioned above, getting your name out there means going where the people are. This means getting in touch with booking services, travel agencies, and other vacation planning services to drum up business.  

Treat Your Staff Well

While your customers are necessary to bring the money in and allow your business to survive, your employees are what allow it to thrive. Every business owner should find ways to reward their employees and treat their staff well.

This will encourage your employees to stay loyal and keeps morale high. Customers notice when your employees are poorly treated, and it can reflect poorly on your business. Also, happy employees are more likely to go the extra mile for you and your customers, especially when you make sure they feel appreciated.HR software can help your business to manage your employee’s needs and make sure that they are treated fairly. 

5 Must-Have Gadgets For Every Modern Woman

Technology has become essential to daily living, as its application can be observed in nearly all everyday tasks. However, tech continues to grow at an increasingly rapid rate, with gadgets and devices changing in style, model, and function. And as a modern woman, investing in smart gadgets to simplify your lifestyle becomes essential. Here are five such gadgets worth considering.

  1. A wireless neckband Bluetooth speaker

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This is a stylish yet modern Bluetooth speaker with microphones worn over the back of the neck and sits on the shoulder. If you are the type who is always multitasking, this device is for you. You can be connected to an important call or listen to your favorite music while you engage in other equally crucial tasks or chores. This is also great for joggers, so feel free to consider this. They come in different designs, sizes, and colors to suit your style, so keep this in mind. 

  1. The touchscreen vanity mirror

The touchscreen vanity mirror is a LED mirror gaining popularity on the market and is a go-to if you want your makeup to be on point and photoshoot-ready. Moreover, having one can give your home a luxurious look and feel. These mirrors are worth your investment for your home as a modern woman. It also comes in various shapes, sizes, and sometimes heights.

  1. The Apple Mac laptop

Mac is well known for its innovative and advanced software features. So having this device will put you ahead of others since it provides unlimited modern additions. Apple periodically introduces updates to improve its products to render them more effective. However, updating your mac might be challenging because it initiates newer features unknown to you. Moreover, you may experience some challenges installing these updates. Fortunately, the problems can be addressed easily with the right tips, so keep this in mind.

  1. A charging purse for mobile

Spare yourself from the problem of multitasking by getting yourself this cool charging mobile purse. This sure comes in handy when you must care for everyone and everything around you and have little time for mobile conversations or charging your phone. It is usually the size of your phone, making it easier to carry around. However, you want to ensure that you’re investing in the right brand to get value for your money. 

  1. The professional all-in-one hair styler

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You can get your desired hairdo with the all-in-one professional hair styler without struggling to get your hair straightened or curled. This set comes with it styling extensions for all your style preferences. It also comes with a blow dryer that performs more efficiently than older models you likely still have. The professional all-in-one hair styler is a must home in your home as a modern woman.

Indeed, technology is a must-have for modern women because it makes processes and procedures very fast and efficient. However, investing in gadgets, you don’t need may also be easy. Therefore, you’ll find it helpful to list the items you need to prevent impulse buying. Hopefully, you can consider the devices mentioned earlier for a more practical lifestyle.