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It’s a Fabulous Night for a Moondance

Happy Labor Day!!!  As we approach the last night of summer, we reflect on all the great times spent with family and friends.  The many memorable vacation days and celebrations.  The making of new friends and cherishing the old.  What a great summer it has been. 

It has also been a great summer for our readers.  I have loved seeing all your photos over the past few months.  I really cannot help but sharing just a few:

Weekend Real Estate Stalking

Today we are featuring a Connectiut country house.  It is much different from the other homes we have featured in the past.  It has a cool rugged outdoorsy feel.  Almost like you could see this home transplanted out West.  If you would like more information on this home, please contact Christine Olyenick HERE

Or if you would like to see this home in person there is an open house tomorrow 10-4
81 Kettle Creek Rd, Weston, Ct 06883

Fashionable Friend Friday

Today’s Fashionable Friend Friday is a pint sized powerhouse.  My little friend Annie is amazing.  She is a history buff that knows more facts about the presidents and first ladies than the Libray of Congress!!  She’s only in second grade but she has already been featured on another blog, been named Camper of the Week at Cape Cod Sea Camp, played and Oompa Loompa,  perfected the back flip dive, was a colonial girl in a historical play, seen Taylor Swift live, and has better dance moves than Michael Jackson.  Annie, you are AWESOME!!!  I want to be just like you when I grow up!!!!!  Bon Weekend!

First Day of School Breakfast

I saw this recipe and thought it would be perfect to make for the first day of school.  You can prepare it the night before and get up early to cook it, before school or cook it the night before and heat it up in the morning.  Either way, it is a fun recipe to kick off the school year!

Slow Cooker Lemon Poppy Seed Bread
adapted from
non stick cooking spray
2 c all purpose flour
1/4 c poppy seeds
1T. baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 c. sugar
3 eggs
1/2 c. vegetable oil
1/2c greek yogurt or sour cream
1/4 c milk
1 tsp lemon peel finely shredded
1/4 c lemon juice fresh
1 tsp. vanilla

2 c powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. lemon peel finely shredded
lemon juice or milk

1. Spray a 5 quart oval or 4 quart round slow cooker with cooking spray.

2. Combine flour, poppy seeds, baking powder, and salt in large bowl.  Set aside

3. Whisk sugar, eggs, oil, yogurt, milk, lemon peel, lemon juice, and the 1tsp vanilla, until sugar dissolves in a medium bowl.

4. Mix sugar mixture with flour mixture all at once.  Stir until combined (mixture will be lumpy).  Spoon batter into prepared slow cooker.  

5. Cover.  Cook on High for 1 1/2 hours or until top appears set.  

6. Turn slow cooker off.

7. Remove lid CAREFULLY so condensation from lid does not drip onto bread.

8. Cover the top of the slow cooker completely with a paper towels placing the lid on top.  Cool for 10 to 15 minutes.

9. Run a knife around the edges of slow cooker, remove bread from crock or remove the baking dish and set on countertop to cool.

10. Cool completely on a wire rack or plate.

11. Drizzle bread with lemon icing.

Wish List Wednesday

The lace-up flats have recently caught my eye.  I really love this look and think it would be a smart move to add this look to my fall wardrobe.  I cannot decide which pair to choose.  They are all so chic looking.  Luckily for me I am having lunch with my very fashionable friend, Linie, soon and I know she will have some fab recommendations for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Until then I will virtually dream about owning a pair.

Wish List Wednesday

Aquazzura pointy toe flat

Billy Ella flat shoes

Boden pointed toe flat

Office flat shoes
$61 –

River Island black shoes

Zara ballet flat

Warehouse black shoes
$61 –

Black shoes

Ambra flat shoes

Back To School

With school starting next week, we have been on the lookout for adorable unique school supplies.  Long gone are the days of the denim color binder.  Today’s options are so much fun.  We have picked out the best of the best for you.  In my house, the Lilly Planner was a home run.  The Herschel backpack and printed binders were a close second.  Go Forth and School Shop!!!!!!!

Back To School

Herschel Supply Co purple bag
$84 –

Herschel Supply Co blue backpack
$84 –

Longchamp dopp bag
$40 –

Jayson Home home decor

Home decor

Kate spade home decor

Jumbo Agenda

Mini Silver Notebook

Dot Bo white pen

Office accessory

File folder

Pink Dawn File Folders

For Freedom File Folders