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Category: General

NY Fashion Week Head Quarters

Last Friday, I was invited to check out the Fashion Week Head Quarters on 14th St in the uber chic Meatpacking District.  This is the new hub set up for the week, which will host speakers, art installations and broadcast the shows on large screens for all to see.  I was lucky enough to join my friend Lucy Sykes for a book signing.  We enjoyed meeting Fern Mallis, founder of fashion week and have her sign her book for us.  We mingled with fashionistas, talked fashion, and future events.  It was so much fun to be among the creme de la creme of the fashion world, even if it was just for a few hours!!!

Also speaking of fashions, our W by Worth Sponsor, Susanne Carroll is holding a trunk show of all of their gorgeous fall line.  Please see the invite below and make an appointment to try on all the new looks!!!

Weekend Real Estate Stalking

I was so impressed with this once in a lifetime vacation, I just had to share it with you!!!  Elizabeth Taylor’s Palm Springs house is for rent.  How cool is it to share in Hollywood Royalty on your holiday.  This glamorous estate is the swanky area of Las Palmas and still contains many of Ms. Taylor’s own possessions.  Excuse me while I go call my travel agent!!!!!!!

The Man in a Red Bandana

I try to focus this blog on fashion, special times, fun recipes, and feel good topics, but today, September 11th we have to put all that aside and take the time to remember those who lost so much on this terrible day in 2001.  Here in New York, it is so important that we never forget and honor all the victims and their families.  Meet Welles Crowther, The Man in the Red Bandana.  He, like myself, was a graduate of Boston College and below is his incredible story.  Welles was a true hero.  Every time I hear his story, I get chills.  Welles, I am sorry I never met you, I really wish I had.  I am inspired by what an incredible person you were.  Here is to you, and ALL the incredible people we lost that day.  

Cleaning the Air From the Inside Out

Did you know that according to the Nasa Clean Air Study, indoor pollutants are one of the top environmental risks to our health?  Adding just a few houseplants to your home can clean and filter the air and, help you to easily remove 90% of airborne chemicals.  Don’t worry if you do not have a green thumb, all of these plants are impossible to kill.  Having indoor plants in your home can also contribute to less stress levels, and lower blood pressure.  The next time you are in the supermarket or home depot pick up one of the following.  What an easy, low cost way to improve our health.  Thanks Nasa!!!!!!!

Garden Mums
Spider Plant

Peace Lilly
Boston Fern
Snake Plant

Bamboo Palm
Aloe Vera

How do you get the “Arbonne Glow”

I love trying new products, but I also love to get my reader’s opinions as well. My loyal reader, Sarah, asked me about anti-aging products. I immediately put her in touch with our Arbonne Sponsor, Jill Kay, to review their RE9 Anti Aging Kit….here is her review.  If you want more information on Arbonne Products or want to get your Arbonne glow on please click HERE

Sarah Reviews the Arbonne RE9 Anti Aging Face Kit:

Last week, I happily volunteered myself to test out the new Arbonne RE9 anti-aging skincare. The lovely and charming rep, Jill, dropped off the goodies at my house. Arbonne standards for ingredients and science are based off EU as well as US standards, touting products that are all natural, pure and safe. This particular line is their premier anti-aging components. Reportedly it’s supposed to clinically improve skin firmness in just 24 hours. There are seven products total in the line.

Thank God there were detailed directions!

I have fairly sensitive skin and am madly in love with my regular aesthetician whose own-made cream is my only regimen. Like most women my bathroom is a graveyard of discarded “miracle” creams. I was a little trepidatious about trying so many products especially when Jill mentioned that I may have a reaction to them. But I plowed ahead.

All products had an attractive citrus smell. Daily routine is:
Genius pads
eye cream
SPF 20 day cream

Night routine just switched out for night cream.

For someone whose usual routine is only one product this was a big deal. Was it a lot of steps? Yes. Was the cheat sheet necessary? Yes. Was it a pain in the neck? Not at all.

After using the products for three days and three nights I didn’t notice a marked improvement but I did notice what Jill had referred to as the “Arbonne glow”. Furthermore, my sensitive skin did not react at all to any of the seven products. That says a lot to me.

Jill and I are discussing an order now.

Le Salon Bleu

I just love a good salon.  After living in New York City, there are very few places that hold up to the ones I frequented in the Big Apple.  A simple haircut and blow dry can turn into a disaster.   Over the past 6 months, I have found a great salon, Le Salon Bleu,  270 Mason St, Greenwich, Ct 06830.  The owner, Billy, is really talented and he “gets it”.  Whether it be a cut, color or blow out, Billy will make sure that you love your look.  They are offering a 20% off all services for NS LIFESTYLE readers.  Just mention the blog when you go in.  I promise you, you will be thrilled with your new style!!