Have you played Wordly yet? Do you even know what it is? I have heard so many people talking about it and so many posts showing Wordle. Basically, Wordle is a free online game that gives you a new word to guess each day. It has become the viral word game of 2022..So today I gave it a try. I hate word games BTW..
First, you choose a word. I hear you need to pick one that has a lot of vowels. After you guess your word, the color of the tiles will change to let you know how close you came to the day’s word (see above).
If you have the right letter in the right spot, it appears green. A correct letter in the wrong spot appears yellow. A letter that isn’t in the word in any spot appears gray.
In the game, you get six chances to guess. This means you can choose 5 words to learn the letters and placement of the daily word. You can also try to guess the word at any time even with just one “go”.
There is just one puzzle a day so if you blow it, you have to wait until the next day to play again. Also, everyone is playing to find the same word, so it makes it very social. You will hear a lot of talk about the puzzle and how hard the daily word was or how many guesses it too.
If you want to join the 300,000 people playing the game daily, click HERE.
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