I really do not get sick a lot (knock on wood). But when I do feel something coming on, I have my methods to keep it at bay. Last week, I was fighting the flu for 3 days and I quarantined myself so it would not get worse. Here is what helps me (but if you do think you have the flu please do see your doctor or go to the walk in)… I am a firm believer in lots of Purell all year round but especially in the winter (I keep it in my car) and I use it non stop. Also I keep THESE adorable hand sanitizers in all my purses and my kids bags too!! I take NyQuil before bed, use Zicam Swabs every 5 hours but I absolutely positively MUST run to Whole Foods and get ginger shots (2X per day) and pray they are not out….Luckly for me and YOU!! I found this recipe for a homemade ginger shot that is just as good as the WF number. Here is a quick and easy ginger shot recipe that will keep the winter colds and flu away!!!! Stay Well Readers!!!!!
This spring in Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends, two Broadway icons, Tony Award winners Bernadette…
Image Source – https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/hands-working-network-graphic-overlay-banner…