10 Essential Moving Tips for Parents of Young Children

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Moving can be a challenging task, especially for parents of young children. The process involves not only the logistics of packing and transporting belongings but also managing the emotional and physical needs of little ones. In a bustling place like Boca Raton, these challenges can be amplified by the fast-paced environment and the need to find suitable services. To help make the transition smoother for your family, we have compiled a list of essential moving tips. These tips are designed to keep you organized, involve your children in the process, and ensure a stress-free move for everyone involved.

1. Plan Ahead and Get Organized

The key to a successful move is thorough planning and organization. Start by creating a moving checklist that outlines all the tasks you need to complete before, during, and after the move. This might include sorting through belongings, scheduling movers, and updating your address. A timeline can help keep you on track and ensure that nothing is overlooked.

2. Involve Your Children in the Process

Moving can be a significant change for children, and involving them in the process can help ease their anxiety. Depending on their age, assign them simple tasks like packing their toys or choosing which items to take with them. This involvement can give them a sense of control and make the move feel like a family project. Additionally, talking to them about the move and addressing any concerns they have can help them feel more secure and excited about the change.

3. Research and Choose the Right Moving Company

Choosing the right moving company is crucial for a smooth relocation. Look for companies that are experienced, reputable, and offer services tailored to families with young children. Look for Boca Raton moving companies that are known for their professionalism and efficiency. Take the time to read reviews, get quotes, and ask for recommendations from friends or family to ensure you select the best company for your needs.

4. Declutter Before Packing

Before you start packing, take the opportunity to declutter your home. Moving is the perfect time to sort through your belongings and decide what to keep, donate, or discard. Decluttering can make packing more manageable and reduce the number of items you need to move, potentially lowering your moving costs. Go through each room systematically, and involve your children by asking them to choose toys or clothes they no longer use. This not only lightens your load but also teaches them the value of letting go of unnecessary items.

5. Pack a Moving Day Essentials Bag

On moving day, having an essentials bag can be a lifesaver. This bag should contain all the items you’ll need immediate access to, such as important documents, medications, toiletries, a change of clothes, and snacks. For parents of young children, include diapers, wipes, favorite toys, and comfort items like blankets or stuffed animals. Having these essentials on hand can help you avoid the stress of rummaging through boxes to find necessary items during the move.

6. Keep Your Children’s Routine Intact

Maintaining your children’s routine as much as possible during the move is crucial for their well-being. Familiar routines can provide a sense of normalcy and stability in the midst of change. Try to keep meal times, nap times, and bedtimes consistent. If your child attends daycare or school, continue their attendance up until moving day. Even small elements of their daily routine, like reading a bedtime story or watching a favorite TV show, can help them feel more secure and less anxious about the move.

7. Hire a Babysitter for Moving Day

Having a babysitter on moving day can be incredibly helpful. With the chaos of packing, loading, and organizing, having someone dedicated to looking after your children ensures they are safe and entertained. A babysitter can keep the kids occupied with activities and games, freeing you up to focus on the move. Look for a trustworthy babysitter who can handle the demands of the day, and consider someone familiar to your children to reduce any additional stress or anxiety.

8. Label Boxes Clearly

Labeling your boxes clearly is a simple yet effective way to streamline the moving process. Use a bold marker to write the contents and destination room on each box. Consider color-coding by using different colored labels or tape for each room. This system makes it easier for movers to place boxes in the correct rooms and simplifies the unpacking process. Clearly labeled boxes help you quickly locate essential items without having to open multiple boxes.

9. Set Up the Kids’ Rooms First

Upon arrival at your new home, prioritize setting up your children’s rooms. Having their space ready first helps them feel comfortable and at home more quickly. Arrange their furniture, unpack their favorite toys, and make their beds with familiar bedding. Creating a cozy and familiar environment can help ease the transition and provide a sense of security. This setup allows you to focus on organizing the rest of the house while your children adjust to their new surroundings.

10. Use Child-Friendly Packing Materials

Safety is essential when moving with young children, so use child-friendly packing materials. Opt for non-toxic, sturdy, and reusable materials to avoid any potential hazards. Bubble wrap, packing paper, and foam peanuts are great options for protecting fragile items. Additionally, avoid leaving sharp objects or heavy boxes within reach of curious little hands. Child-proofing your packing materials can prevent accidents and ensure a safe moving experience for everyone.


Moving with young children can be challenging, but it also presents an opportunity for a fresh start and new adventures. By planning ahead, involving your children, and following these essential tips, you can make the transition smoother and more enjoyable. Embrace the adventure and view the move as a positive experience for the entire family. Celebrate your new beginning by taking the time to settle in, create new memories, and enjoy the journey together. With the right approach, moving can become a memorable and rewarding experience for everyone involved.

How to Refresh Your Look With Colored Contacts

The cosmetic contact lens market has grown exponentially with the rise of social media and the advancement of lens technology. With a predicted CAGR of 9.92%, it seems more and more people are getting into the craze. Lenses are a great way to breathe some new life into your look without doing anything permanent. 

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Even though contact lenses are primarily used as an alternative vision aid to glasses, tons of people get cosmetic contacts for purely aesthetic purposes. Of course, getting a quick eye consultation is still essential to ensure you are using safe lenses that fit your eyes properly. Once you’ve got that out of the way, there are plenty of ways to incorporate it into your style. 

A guide to buying colored contacts

When searching for the perfect lenses, you must first decide how long you will wear them. Are you planning to have extended periods wearing your lenses? Will you be using them more than once? 

These initial questions will help you narrow your options. You can choose between daily contact lenses and monthly ones. A disposable contact lens is more cost-efficient if you’re only going to use it once, but you’re better off with extended-wear ones if you foresee multiple uses. 

Buying online is a great way to see various brands, styles, and prices easily when looking for colored contacts. If you want tons of variety for events, you may want to look at something like Dailies Colors. This comes in four colors in a box of 30 or 90 disposables. Just make sure you get your pairs from a reputable platform. After all, you don’t want to end up irritating your eyes and even risking blindness. 

An excellent way to check a brand or retailer’s legitimacy is to check their selling policy. Contacts Direct requires buyers to have a prescription before purchasing lenses, even if they are just for cosmetic purposes. This is because they are still classified as medical devices. This type of platform also allows you to get a year-long subscription if you prefer a steady supply. 

Cosmetic lenses to try out 

The main range you will likely want to start with is realistic contacts, as these already make a difference in your look but don’t feel like such a drastic change. Because there are already so many “natural” hues in the eye color spectrum, you should already have a lot of options to play around with. Realistic contacts are also trending, already boosting your look and easily paired with different accessories. 

If you want a more out-there look, you can use vibrant colors or costume lenses that visually manipulate the sclera or retina. Thanks to innovation in the cosmetic lens industry, all manner of shapes, colors, and patterns are available now. This makes creating variety in your look easier without sacrificing comfort and safety. 

Styling your contacts

Starting with the most drastic shift, you can quickly go for a full-on costume if the occasion calls for it. Cosplayers often opt for scleral lenses, which cover the entire surface of their eyes. The original medical purpose of these was to provide moisture to alleviate dry eyes, but their coverage makes for the perfect cosmetic application. This would be the way to go if you ever want to look like an alien or an anime character. 

You can also lean into the many hair trends of the summer and match them with the right contacts to elevate your entire aesthetic. Ash and mushroom-tone hair with layered highlights are making a real comeback, so you can pair this with emerald green or royal blue contacts. Think of how each color brings out your skin’s warmer or cooler tones, making for the perfect aura whenever you go out. 

Makeup can also do wonders. If eyes are the windows to the soul, dressing the awnings up can make it more inviting. You can play with your eyeshadow and lips to create pops or stick to a monochrome look that you can then contrast with a different-colored lens. Just make sure you avoid putting eyeliner too close to the inside rim of your eyelids when wearing lenses, as this can make you more prone to infection. Close and cover your eyes well if you use a setting spray, as this tends to adhere to the surface of lenses. 

The Various Steps Involved in Obtaining a Virginia Real Estate License

Being part of the Virginia real estate world is one of the best decisions to make for your career. You can simply meet and assist clients while exploring and enjoying the state. Or if you prefer working from home, you can join the real estate online world in Virginia.

Before these considerations, you need to have a Virginia real estate license. This shows that you have gone through every step of achieving the title of a real estate agent in Virginia. Where do you start? Here are all the steps involved in the realtor license in Virginia process.

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First, Comprehend the Fundamental Requirements for a Virginia Real Estate License

You must comprehend all the requirements to begin the process of obtaining a Virginia real estate license. For instance, you ought to be 18 years old or above. You also need to have a high school diploma or its equal. When these prerequisites are fulfilled, you can be sure that your journey to getting a real estate license in VA will be easier.

Complete the Required Pre-Licensing Education

The Virginia real estate license education is very important. It equips you with knowledge about the market, real estate laws, and more. The knowledge you acquire here will be extremely helpful for both your future job and passing the Virginia real estate exam.

Ace the Real Estate Exam in Virginia

After you are through with the pre-licensing education, you will be required to sit for a real estate exam in Virginia. This is where your skills and knowledge are put to the test. To ensure that you join the real estate world smoothly, passing this test is a must.

Send in Your Application for a Virginia Real Estate License

After you have passed your exam, it is time for you to apply for the Virginia real estate license. During this step, you only need to fill in the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR) form.

Also, this is where you are going to pay the application fee. Remember to submit the right information so that there will be no delays when your application is being processed.

Obtain a Background Check

To earn a Virginia real estate license, a background check is required. You will need to be fingerprinted for your criminal history record to be reviewed. It is crucial to be truthful about any prior issues even if a small transgression might not automatically disqualify you. During the evaluation process, transparency works to your advantage.

Locate a Sponsoring Broker

You must locate a sponsoring broker before you can begin acting as a real estate agent. A sponsoring broker is a qualified and seasoned broker who will supervise and guide you in your profession. It is critical to select a capable broker because they may offer priceless advice and assistance as you launch your career.

Cover the Cost of the VA Real Estate License

The real estate license in VA cost is one thing you cannot ignore. The cost of the pre-licensing courses must be paid in addition to the exam, application, and background check costs. Since these costs might add up, it is a good idea to budget for them.

Remember that paying for your training and Virginia real estate license is a financial investment in your future employment.


As you are guided by the above steps, we hope that you will be able to navigate the process for how to get a real estate license in Virginia with ease. Remember that to keep your license active, you will need to complete continuing education. You must look for a reliable course provider so that your real estate license education will be of high quality. Good luck.

Shop Your Garden: Bringing Nature Indoors with Fresh Vase Ideas

There’s a timeless charm in adorning your home with fresh flowers, and what better way to do so than by “shopping” your own garden? This is something I learned from my good friend Eddie Ross, years ago! Whether you have a sprawling backyard or a cozy balcony, your outdoor space can be a treasure trove of blooms waiting to grace your indoor vases. Here’s why you should consider picking from your garden for your next floral arrangement:

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Embrace Seasonality

One of the joys of gardening is experiencing the rhythm of the seasons. By picking flowers from your garden, you can create arrangements that reflect the time of year, whether it’s the vibrant hues of summer or the muted tones of autumn. Seasonal blooms not only add visual interest but also connect you to the natural world outside your door.

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Personalized Touch

When you gather flowers from your garden, you’re not just selecting generic stems from a store; you’re curating a bouquet with personal significance. Each bloom carries memories of nurturing and care, making your arrangement a reflection of your gardening journey. Whether it’s a favorite rose bush or a cluster of wildflowers you stumbled upon, incorporating these elements adds a unique touch to your home decor.

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Eco-Friendly Option

Opting for flowers from your garden is not only convenient but also eco-friendly. You’re reducing the carbon footprint associated with commercial flower production and transportation. Plus, you have full control over how your flowers are grown, ensuring they’re free from harmful pesticides and chemicals.

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Tips for Creating Stunning Arrangements

Now that you’re inspired to shop your garden for vase-worthy blooms, here are a few tips to help you create stunning arrangements:

  • Mix and Match: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colors, textures, and heights. Mix blooms of varying shapes and sizes to add dimension to your arrangement.
  • Consider Foliage: Greenery from your garden can serve as the perfect filler for your vase. Incorporate leaves, branches, or herbs to complement your flowers and add visual interest.
  • Don’t Forget the Vessel: The right vase can elevate your floral arrangement. Choose a container that complements your flowers and fits the style of your home decor.
  • Refresh Regularly: To prolong the life of your arrangement, change the water every few days and trim the stems at an angle. This helps prevent bacterial growth and ensures your flowers stay fresh longer.

Next time you’re in need of a floral fix, step outside and explore the botanical wonders in your own backyard. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply brightening up your living space, shopping your garden for vase-worthy blooms is a sustainable and soul-nourishing choice.

The Good and Bad Ways the Sun Affects Your Home

CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels

The sun affects your home in many different ways. Some of them are beneficial, but others can cause damage. Of course, you can’t control the sun. So what can you do? Staying on top of home maintenance is a massive help, from flooring treatments to refreshing the paintwork.

Grimy Buildups in Water

Plant life thrives in the sun because sunlight and water help it create food. It’s a very complex system, so we go into it here. However, what you need to know is that plant life and other microorganisms can take over your home if left unchecked. This is particularly bad for water features like ponds, gutters, and even swimming pools. Hire a pool cleaning service to ensure things like algae and leaves are removed, and power washes the gutters now and then.

Fading Carpets and Wood

Over time, the sun can cause colors to fade. This is noticeable when you remove a picture from a wall! This isn’t usually a concern because you can always just paint the walls once more. But what about expensive flooring such as carpets and wood? The sun will cause these to fade, too. Shading, such as curtains and blinds, will only go so far. Wood and carpet fluorocarbon carpet protector treatments will help prevent the sun from fading the colors of your precious materials.

The Sun Affects Your Home Lighting

Of course, the sun allows light into your home. A home flooded with natural light has many benefits. For example, the heat can help lower utility bills, and a brighter home has wellness benefits. SAD lamps are a great holistic approach to anxiety relief. But natural light is better. Because of this, 80% of people want more natural light in their homes. There are a few things you can try to make better use of natural light. Skylights and glass doors will help.

Cracked and Peeling Paint

Heat from the sun can take its toll on the walls of your home. Over time, exposure to the sun will cause wallpaper to peel and paint to crack. Wallpaper isn’t anything to worry about. However, cracked and peeling paint is potentially hazardous. Paint before the 1980s could contain lead, and this is deadly if ingested, especially to children who like to eat it since lead tastes like sugar! However, even modern peeling paint can cause issues such as particles you can breathe in.

Antibacterial Properties of UV Lighting

There is another well-founded argument for increasing the amount of natural light in your home. Most people aren’t aware that UV rays (natural or artificial) are antibacterial. In fact, most water treatment plants use UV rays to clean drinking water. This makes the case for flooding your home with natural light. The kitchen and bathrooms, in particular, will benefit the most from this. This means that the sunlight you let in can actually help keep your home free from germs. 


Grimy buildups in water, such as in swimming pools, are just one way the sun affects your home. Natural light from the sun is a big help in homes, including creating a sense of wellbeing. And the UV rays from sunlight also have antibacterial properties for a germ-free home.

Rediscovering “The Outsiders” on Broadway: A Timeless Tale of Rebellion and Friendship

Step into the world of ‘The Outsiders’ on Broadway and experience a timeless tale of friendship, rebellion, and the search for identity. Set against the backdrop of 1960s Tulsa, this stage adaptation brings S.E. Hinton’s classic novel to life with a talented cast, immersive set design, and electrifying choreography. Follow Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade as they navigate the challenges of adolescence and confront the harsh realities of their divided world. With its poignant themes and captivating performances, The Outsiders on Broadway is a must-see production that reminds us of the enduring power of friendship and the universal quest for acceptance.

We have a block of tickets for June 19th at 7:30 pm for $130 each. EMAIL me to save your spot.
