Homeownership is one long game of “What did I forget to do this time?” You think you’re on top of it—replacing the air filters, testing the smoke alarms, clearing out the gutters before they become a wildlife sanctuary. But the little things? They’re the ones that come back to bite you.
And let’s be honest, some of these tasks are just plain weird.
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At some point, your fridge started sounding like a dying spaceship. No big deal, right? Until your milk spoils three days before the expiration date.
Turns out, there’s a reason: dust-covered coils. They sit behind or beneath your fridge, collecting all the filth your kitchen throws at them. When they clog up, your fridge has to work overtime, sucking more energy and wearing itself out in the process. Fixing it is weirdly satisfying—just yank your fridge away from the wall, grab a vacuum with a brush attachment, and go to town. It takes ten minutes.
Water heaters are like goldfish. They seem fine until one day, they’re just… not. What’s happening behind the scenes? Sediment buildup. Minerals from your water sink to the bottom of the tank, creating a layer of gunk that forces your heater to work twice as hard. The result? Lukewarm showers and a slow, quiet death for your water heater. Once a year, grab a bucket, hook up a hose, and drain it. You’ll be horrified by what comes out.
A gap the size of a pencil eraser might as well be a front door for ants. Mice, too. Even roaches. Do you know who does think about this? Pest control companies like Terminix—because they get called in after something scurries across the kitchen floor at 2 a.m. Check your windows, doors, and baseboards. If you see a crack, seal it. Just do it.
There’s a moment of betrayal when you open the dishwasher and see a “clean” plate with food crusted onto it. It’s not the dishwasher’s fault. It’s yours. At the bottom of your machine, there’s a filter. It traps everything—food bits, grease, the ghosts of dinners past. And if you don’t clean it? Your dishes get a sad, cloudy rinse in old, dirty water. Find it. Pull it out. Scrub it under the sink. Make amends with your dishwasher.
No one wants to go into the attic. It’s always too hot, too dusty, and full of weird childhood relics no one wants to claim. But you need to check it. It’s a vital part of your home maintenance plan.
Leaks hide up there. Rodents set up shop. Insulation shifts and stops doing its job. Twice a year, take a flashlight and a deep breath, then go up there. Find the damage before it finds you.
Nobody talks about these tasks, but skipping them? That’s how things break, stink, or cost you money. Take an hour. Knock them out.