13 Things to Do if You’re Bored of Your Decor

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Welcome to your home. Yes, those are the same beige walls you’ve been staring at since time immemorial (or at least it feels that long). Your furniture arrangement has remained static long enough to qualify for its own geological era. Feeling like your living space has turned into a yawn-fest? I have some good news for you! Sprucing up your space in a more interesting way is totally possible…

1. Dive Into Decorative Interior Painting

Forget about plain old paint—let’s talk about decorative interior painting. This isn’t just slapping on a new color; it’s about creating a vibe. Think bold geometric patterns, a mural wall, or even a faux finish that makes your guests do a double-take and wonder if you’ve suddenly become an aristocrat with a taste for ancient frescoes.

2. Rearrange Like There’s No Tomorrow

Who says your couch needs to stay glued to that one spot? Move it! Switch up the layout of your furniture to rejuvenate your space and maybe even get a mini workout. It’s free, it’s effective, and best of all, it gives you a new perspective—literally.

3. Throw in Some Throw Pillows

If you’re not ready to commit to new furniture, flirt a little with accessories. Throw pillows are the flings of home decor—exciting, fun, and commitment-free. Mix textures and patterns to add depth to your mundane sofa or chair. Today, cheetah print and stripes; tomorrow, who knows? The possibilities are endless!

4. Gallery Wall: Go Big or Go Home

Create a gallery wall that screams ‘you’. This isn’t just about hanging pictures. It’s an artful arrangement of everything that represents your personality—photos, art prints, concert tickets, or even the oddly charming doodles your kids made that look like Picasso had a wild day. Make it a feature that captures attention and starts conversations.

5. Light It Up

Update your lighting fixtures or add new ones that make more of a statement. A swanky chandelier or some funky lamps can change the mood from “meh” to “wow”. Lighting isn’t just functional; it’s one of the easiest mood-setters and style-updaters around.

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6. Plant Parenthood

Go green to beat the decor blues. Indoor plants bring life to any room (literally), and they come in their own decorative pots these days. Whether you opt for a towering fiddle leaf fig or a collection of succulents, plants can add a fresh vibe to your space. Bonus: They’re good for your health too!

7. DIY or Die Trying

Okay, maybe don’t die, but definitely try some DIY. Refurbish an old coffee table, upholster a worn-out chair, or handcraft some wall art. DIY projects can be a gratifying way to personalize your space. Plus, you get to brag about your handiwork every time someone compliments it.

8. Textiles Tell Tales

Swap out old curtains, rugs, or blankets with something new and vibrant. Textiles are like the wardrobe of your home—they define its style and feel. Changing them up is like putting on a fabulous new outfit; it can completely transform how a room feels.

9. Reflect with Mirrors

Mirrors aren’t just for checking out your fabulous self. They can transform the sense of space in a room, reflecting light and views, making small rooms feel larger, and dull rooms feel brighter. Plus, you can check your look as you dash out the door.

10. Shelf Life

Reorganize or restyle your shelves. It’s amazing what removing a few books and adding some intriguing objets d’art or vases can do. Treat your shelves like a mini art gallery; let each shelf tell a story with a curated mix of items that spark joy.

11. Play with Patterns

Inject some playful character into your home by embracing bold patterns. Whether it’s a striking striped wallpaper for your powder room, a chevron throw blanket, or a patterned upholstery for your dining chairs, patterns can transform a bland space into a dynamic area. Don’t shy away from mixing patterns to create a richly layered look that feels both modern and cozy.

12. Floor Them with a New Rug

Sometimes, all it takes to revitalize a room is a fabulous new rug. Choose a large, colorful area rug as a statement piece, or layer different rugs for added texture and depth. Rugs not only define spaces but also add comfort and warmth, making your living area a more inviting place to unwind.

13. Go Retro with Vintage Finds

Add unique flair to your decor by hunting down vintage pieces at thrift stores, flea markets, or online. A retro lamp, an antique mirror, or a mid-century coffee table can add a touch of nostalgia and sophistication to your living space. These pieces often come with a story, adding not just style but also a conversation starter to your home.

So, before you resign yourself to another evening in the doldrums of your current decor, try one (or heck, all) of these ideas to breathe new life into your home. Who knows? You might find that a few simple changes are all it takes to rekindle your love affair with your living space!

Create a Dream Kitchen Nancy Meyers Would Be Proud Of

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When you think of a Nancy Meyers film, what comes to mind? For most folks, it’s the warm, inviting kitchens that practically steal the show. Just look back on those older movies like “It’s Complicated” and “The Holiday.” They’re timeless, right? They could easily fit into the style of today, and that’s what’s so amazing about her designs! 

In general, Meyers has a knack for creating spaces that feel like a hug from a loved one. If you’re dreaming of a kitchen that oozes that same charm and elegance, well, it’s actually far easier than you might think! So, with all of that said, here’s exactly what you need to know when it comes to crafting up a kitchen that would make Nancy Meyers proud.

Start with a Soft, Neutral Palette

As you already know, Nancy Meyers’ kitchens are known for their calming and cozy vibes, which often start with a soft, neutral color palette. So, you’re going to want to think shades of white, cream, and light gray. These colors not only make the space feel larger and brighter but also provide a perfect backdrop for adding your personal touches. To keep things interesting, play with different textures and finishes. After all,.the key is to create a serene yet dynamic visual experience.

Only Invest in Quality

Now, you really have to understand the sheer importance of quality, and yes, quality materials are a hallmark of a Nancy Meyers kitchen. Her designs are timeless because they evoke quality. While it might be tempting to cut corners, investing in durable, high-quality materials will pay off in the long run. The same goes for the kitchen cabinetry company that you plan on opting for. If you want sophistication, then you have to understand that IKEA is not how you can create it. 

Create an Open Layout

One of the reasons Meyers’ kitchens are so dreamy is their open, airy layouts. If your space allows, consider knocking down a wall or two to create a more open floor plan. This not only makes the kitchen more functional but also encourages social interaction; it doesn’t really matter if you’re hosting a dinner party or just having a casual family breakfast. 

An island or a large farmhouse table can become the heart of the room, providing ample space for cooking, dining, and bonding. Not all Nancy Meyer kitchens have an island, but they’re all really large and flowy. 

Add Some Vintage Touches

By all means, you have to make sure you add this! Now, vintage elements add character and charm, giving the kitchen a lived-in, cozy feel. So, you’re definitely going to want to hunt for unique, vintage-inspired hardware like brass knobs or bin pulls. Maybe it could be crown molding or even just some vintage kitchen knick-knacks. But overall, it just adds that cute but elegant flair that Nancy Meyer is known for. 

Make It Feel Airy

So this ties into the open layout, but you’re going to want plenty of natural light to make it feel bright (for example, Somethings Got to Give is a perfect example of a bright and airy kitchen). So just try to maximize light where you can, and even adding skylights can really help, too.

Zhush Your Patio for Summer

When the weather’s nice, spending more time outdoors is something most of us like to do, but if your patio space is uninspiring, or even downright uninviting, it can make hanging out in the yard much less appealing and perhaps even difficult to do. The good news is, it’s pretty easy to zhush your patio and make it the best space in your place…

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1. Sliding into Style: Glass Door Makeover

Start with a grand entrance—or exit, in this case. Replacing your tired old sliding doors with a new, sleek one, with the help of a good sliding glass door replacement service, can dramatically change how you and the sunlight enter your patio. These doors not only bring in more light but also enhance the view of your outdoor sanctuary. Plus, they slide smoothly; no more wrestling with a sticky door when you’re trying to make a graceful exit with a tray of BBQ goodies.

2. Lay Down Some Luxe: Upgraded Flooring

If your patio floor is cracked concrete or faded wood, upgrading it should be high on your list of things to do, and when you are doing so, you might want to look at choosing either weatherproof tiles or composite decking, which has a much longer lifespan, and which is easier to look after, while looking every bit as stunning.

3. Get Lit: Creative Lighting Solutions

Forget those basic porch lights. String up some Edison bulbs for a warm, inviting glow, or install solar-powered LED path lights for a futuristic look. Want something a little whimsical? Hang lanterns from the eaves or place a couple of torches to set the mood. Just make sure you don’t create a landing strip for the local airport.

4. Plant a Little Privacy: Lush Green Walls

No matter how much you love your neighbors, you don’t always want them nosing at you while you sunbathe or have a BBQ party with friends, right? So, why not plant a vertical garden of shrubs and bushes that will give you the privacy you desire on the patio?

5. Zone Out: Create Functional Areas

Think of your patio as a series of rooms. Set up a cozy nook with plush outdoor furniture for lounging, a dining area with a big umbrella for sunny days, and maybe even a small outdoor kitchen or bar if you’re into hosting. Each area serves a purpose, and together they make your patio a multi-functional paradise.

6. Funky Furniture: Not Your Grandma’s Patio Set

Ditch the plastic chairs and invest in some quality outdoor furniture that reflects your personal style. Whether it’s a vintage wrought-iron set for a classic look or some modern minimalist pieces that scream chic, the right furniture can make or break your patio’s vibe.

7. Water Features: Because You’re Fancy

Nothing says “I’ve got my life together” like having a water feature in your backyard. A small fountain or a bird bath not only adds a focal point to your patio but also brings in a soothing element with the sound of trickling water. It’s like being in a spa, minus the hefty bill.

8. Accessorize, Accessorize, Accessorize

Pillows with vibrant colors or patterns, an outdoor rug that pulls the space together, some art on the walls (yes, outdoor art is a thing), and maybe a few sculptures can add layers of personality to your patio. It’s like accessorizing your favorite outfit—go bold, or go home.

9. Heat It Up: Fire Pits and Heaters

Want to hang out on the patio when it’s cool? You need a fire pit. Not only will it bring the heat, but the stunning flames and the crackle of the wood will add tons of atmosphere to the space.

Experience Peace of Mind with Auto-Capture Technology in Dash Cams for Accident Documentation

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Picture this: you’re cruising down the road, tunes blasting, the wind tousling your hair. It’s a perfect day for a drive. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a car cuts into your lane, narrowly missing your front bumper. Your heart races, and a wave of heat rushes over you. That’s what happened to my friend, Alex, one hot summer afternoon. Luckily, Alex had invested in a dash cam, equipped with auto-capture technology, which saved the day. Let me tell you about it.

The Slicing Reality of Road Accidents

Accidents happen. It’s an unfortunate reality of life on the road. Whether it’s a minor fender-bender or a major collision, the aftermath can be chaotic and overwhelming. Without proper documentation, sorting out the details can turn into a he-said-she-said nightmare. This is where dash cameras come in, offering a clear and unbiased view of what transpired.

How Auto-Capture Technology Works

You might be wondering, what exactly is auto-capture technology? Simply put, it’s a game-changer. With traditional dash cams, you have to manually activate the recording function when an incident occurs. But with auto-capture technology, the dash cam springs into action automatically when it detects a sudden jolt or impact, such as a collision. This means you don’t have to worry about fumbling for buttons in the heat of the moment. It’s like having an extra set of eyes on the road, ready to capture every crucial moment.

The Peace of Mind You Deserve

Imagine the peace of mind knowing that your dash camera has your back, ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice. That’s exactly what auto-capture technology provides. Whether you’re driving through crowded city streets or winding country roads, you can rest easy knowing that you have reliable documentation in case of an accident. It’s like having a silent guardian watching over you, silently standing by until you need it most.

Alex’s Story: A Testimonial

Let me share Alex’s story with you. One scorching afternoon, Alex was driving home from work when a car suddenly veered into his lane, barely missing his front bumper. Heart pounding, Alex felt the heat of anger rising within him. But instead of engaging in a dangerous game of road rage, Alex remained calm, knowing that his car dash cam was capturing every moment. Sure enough, when Alex reviewed the footage later, it provided clear evidence of the reckless driver’s actions. Thanks to his dash cam’s auto-capture technology, Alex was able to resolve the situation quickly and efficiently, without any unnecessary stress or hassle.

The Importance of Documentation

In the aftermath of an accident, documentation is key. Without it, determining fault and seeking compensation can be nearly impossible. That’s where dash cameras come in, serving as impartial witnesses to the events that unfold on the road. Whether it’s capturing the license plate of a hit-and-run driver or providing evidence of reckless behavior, dash cams equipped with auto-capture technology are invaluable tools for protecting yourself and your loved ones.

Invest in Your Safety

When it comes to road safety, investing in a dash camera with auto-capture technology is a no-brainer. Not only does it provide peace of mind, but it also serves as a powerful tool for documenting accidents and holding responsible parties accountable. So why wait? Take control of your safety on the road and invest in a dash cam today. You’ll thank yourself later.

In a world where accidents can happen in the blink of an eye, having reliable documentation is essential. With auto-capture technology in dash cameras, you can rest easy knowing that you have a silent witness ready to spring into action when you need it most. So why take chances? Invest in your safety and peace of mind with a dash cam equipped with auto-capture technology. You’ll be glad you did.

Discover Beauty and Elegance at Colour Connie Nail Salon’s New Harrison Location

The grand opening of Colour Connie Nail Salon’s second location in Harrison marks an exciting expansion for this renowned nail care and spa service provider. Building on the success of its flagship salon in Rye Brook, Colour Connie Nail Salon is bringing its signature blend of luxury and exceptional nail care to a new, serene setting. This new location promises to be a premier beauty destination for those in search of top-notch nail care and spa services.

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Colour Connie Nail Salon prides itself on offering an unparalleled experience for its clients. From the moment guests step through the doors, they are immersed in a world of elegance and tranquility. The highly skilled nail technicians at Colour Connie are dedicated to providing top-tier services, ensuring that each visit leaves clients feeling pampered and rejuvenated.

Whether clients are looking for a simple, classic manicure or a bold, trendy nail art design, the team at Colour Connie Nail Salon is ready to make nail dreams come true. The extensive menu of services includes everything from manicures and pedicures to gel nails and intricate nail art, all using the highest quality products to ensure stunning and healthy nails.

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Conveniently located in Harrison, the new salon is designed with client comfort in mind. The chic and modern decor, combined with a relaxing atmosphere, makes it the perfect place to unwind and indulge in self-care. Whether guests are longtime fans of the Rye Brook location or first-time visitors, they will find the same exceptional level of service and attention to detail that has made Colour Connie Nail Salon a beloved name in nail care.

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The grand opening of Colour Connie Nail Salon in Harrison invites everyone to discover why it is the go-to destination for those seeking the ‘best nail salon near me’ or an ‘exceptional manicure near you.’ The team at Colour Connie Nail Salon is excited to welcome new and returning clients, helping them achieve the beautiful nails they deserve.

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Celebrate beauty, elegance, and top-tier nail care at Colour Connie Nail Salon’s new Harrison location. Book an appointment today and take the first step towards a more polished, confident self.

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Embracing Preloved Fashion: The Birth of Prelove You

Embracing Preloved Fashion: The Birth of Prelove You (Preloveyou.com)

With 25 years in the fashion industry, Rebecca, the founder of Prelove You, has collaborated with renowned brands and thrived in the world of fashion. Her journey took a new turn with the birth of her first child, a baby girl, drawing her into the world of baby couture.

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Rebecca’s love for fashion led her to carefully select each piece for her daughter, but when expecting her baby boy, she sought versatile clothing that could be shared between her children. Realizing how quickly kids outgrow their clothes, she was struck by the wastefulness of the children’s fashion industry.

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Determined to find a sustainable solution, Rebecca envisioned a platform for affordable, stylish second-hand children’s clothing. This idea blossomed into Prelove You, catering to children from newborn to 12 years old.

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How PreLove You Works:

1. Become a Member: Join Prelove You with a monthly membership of $65, or save 10% by paying quarterly.
2. Send in Outgrown Clothes: Submit your children’s outgrown or unwanted clothing and accessories.
3. Earn Credits: Receive credits based on their grading criteria, even earning 1 credit for items that may have seen better days.
4. Shop: Use your credits to shop for fantastic new-to-you clothing from their online boutique.
5. Repeat: Continue the cycle of sustainable fashion.

Preloveyou.com  accepts all types of children’s clothing and accessories, including sports gear. 

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 Scoring and Credits:

  •  Type of Clothing (1-10 Points): Each garment is evaluated based on its style and demand.
  •  Designer Score (1-10 Points): Recognizing the creativity and craftsmanship behind each piece.
  • Sustainability Bonus (15 Points): Extra points for garments made with sustainable practices and materials.
  • Laundered Garments Bonus (5 Points): Additional points for sending in clean, ready-to-use items.
  • Condition of Clothing (0-10 Points): Assessed on wear and tear, with 10 being like new.

Total Potential Score: 50 Points. These credits can be used exclusively in the online boutique to shop for new-to-you clothing.


Upcycling and Sustainability: Prelove You partners with non-profits to grind up unusable clothing for insulation, maintaining a sustainable future. They also support the Katonah Community Center, where women learn to sew and create new items from donated fabric.

Join Prelove You and make a difference in children’s fashion. Happy shopping! 🌍💕

For more information, contact  hello@preloveyou.com or check out their Instagram HERE.