OMG!!!! How fun are these Party Pajamas? Perfect for your glam nights on the zoom!!!! Unfortunately, I searched the web for them and they are pretty pricey…soooooooo…Who’s up for a DIY? I found THESE pajamas and many different colored BOAS. I used a GLUE GUN to attach the feathers to each of the sleeves and each pant leg. One boa was enough to do one pair of pajamas. The first photo is the pair that I finished over the weekend. I have seen people wear the top with jeans or the pants with a dressy flared sleeve black top or the top and bottoms together with cute heels to a wedding or Holiday party. When our quarantine is over, I am going to send mine out to have the feathers sewn on (but I’m sure a lot of you can do it yourself)!!! I just love this look!!!!!
Let’s focus on some happy things…Do One Thing Every Day That Makes You Happy: A Journal was recommended to me and I love it!!! Try it and add a little sunshine to your life:
Each day presents an opportunity to find delight, whether in your surroundings, your work, your relationships, your insights, or your actions. This journal will guide you to look inside and outside yourself to discover and appreciate what makes you happiest.
With prompts and exercises, the wise words of writers, musicians, philosophers, and leaders will help you reflect on what fills you with joy. You’ll measure your happiness at the outset and along the way; after a year’s worth of delight, your smile will be bigger than ever. –
For more information or to purchase this book, click HERE
Another week down!!!!! I wonder how many more to go? A reader sent me a message that she was sick of baking and wanted to know if I had any suggestions for something else to pass the time. I partnered with Target and found some really cool, really different crafts that everyone in the family might like. They are all under $15 and should arrive within a few days!!! Bon Weekend!! (click the image below to see the products)
I love this lip balm kit…everyone can use a new lip balm, right?!!!
How about buying a few of these and designing your own dessert or salad plates!!!!
If you love the MoMA like me….
I just thought this sun catcher was so cute…..makes me look forward to the summer!!!
Another favorite….an at home spa kit….we all could us this right about now….for sure
Such a great idea…a Terrarium!!!! This is just what we need with the lack of flowers around our homes these days!!!!
This has got to be one of my favorite things……a signature scent perfume kit!!!!!
For the reader that told me her 3 girls LOVE slime..I had to included it…
I saw this kit in a store in Greenwich a couple of months ago and I almost bought it then…these slippers are adorable…a great way to pass a few hours!!
I thought candle making might be a lot of fun!!!
This is not technically a craft but I bought these for me and my girls to try…and OMG they are awesome..for $5.00 they are super easy to apply and look great!!!!
The question used to be where are you going for Easter Sunday but now it is what are you cooking for Easter Sunday!!!!!????!!! So many of my friends are planing their Easter menus. I am going back and forth about what I should serve my family. Some friends are doing a big brunch, others are attempting a lamb dish. I am doing a combination of some take out and some cooking. I always love to try new side dishes. I found this rice recipe online the other day. It really looks good. How can you go wrong with butter, parmesan and mozzarella cheese? Bon Appetit!!!
1 cup rice, 2/3 stick butter, 2 cups milk, 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, 1 large brick mozzarella (cut up into 1/4 inch cubes), 1 egg (beaten)
Cook rice in salted water (I use a rice cooker).
Add butter and milk gradually to the HOT rice. (If it appears to dry, add more milk but make sure it is not soupy).
Add Parmesan cheese, mozzarella cheese and egg.
Grease a pyrex dish, add rice, dot the top with butter.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.
Do you remember the song 99 Red Balloons? That was one of my favorite songs during high school…Just the image of those balloons being released..pure bliss..My friend Xanthe started a balloon decor company called loveballoonsxoxo. She specializes in corporate events and celebrations. However, she is starting to bring her business back home. If you live in the Westchester area, Xanthe will deliver a special, colorful EASTER BOUQUET to your house just in time for the Easter Bunny. I love her designs and I can’t wait for my bouquet to brighten up everything around here, especially the attitudes!!!!!..I did not post a photo of the bouquet because right now we all really need a special uplifting surprise so if you do order one, you will be as surprised as I will when it arrives. Please keep Xanthe in mind for all your future celebrations, including all those cute quarantine drive-by birthday parties. To order your own EASTER BOUQUET email Xanthe HERE.
I cannot tell you how many times I hear “no one wants silver anymore”. It’s a pain to polish. It is a pain to polish but it looks so good when its all shiny and out on display. So many people have random silver pieces tucked away. Well, today is your rainy day. Get out that silver. You are home with hours to pass. Start cleaning and find a new purpose for Grandma’s or mom’s heirloom…Here are some really great ideas for making your old silver look new again, all around the house. Don’t forget…send me your photos…..I’d love to share them!!!!
PS…here is the best tip for polishing silver…….
Tarnished silver is no match for this aluminum foil “recipe.” Bring one liter of water, one tablespoon of baking soda, and one piece of aluminum foil to a boil. Drop silverware in the pot for 10 seconds (longer if it’s very tarnished), then remove using kitchen tongs. Magic!