Don’t Let Life Burn You Out: Here’s How To Tell It’s Hitting You Hard!

Have you ever sat at your desk at work and wished that you could be anywhere else? The screen is hurting your eyes, you can’t concentrate and you can’t even remember how you did your morning routine – you’re on autopilot. When your body and your brain are both burnt out, this is what happens. You are dealing with so much at once, that you start to do things very differently than you usually would.

The thing is, you often don’t realize you’re burning out until it’s far too late. It doesn’t mean that you can’t reverse the burnout and make yourself more comfortable once again, but it does mean that you have to work on it and try to rectify the burnout before it continues. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that you can tell that life has smacked you a little too hard in the face

Woman Leaning on Table

Image Source: Pexels

You’re Losing Your Self-Confidence

The feeling of burnout isn’t just about the physical stress and worry you have in your body. The paranoia that comes with not being able to keep up with your usual fast pace of work is difficult to handle, and it makes you lose your confidence. Your work feels too demanding, as if you are struggling to keep up. Your home life feels chaotic, as if you’re overwhelmed. Your confidence is gone and the effect on your life can be detrimental.

You Feel Low – Constantly Low

The negativity you feel when it comes to your everyday life is hard to get away from. You feel low, and sad and life feels more down than it does up. It’s hard to feel happy again when you are burnt out, because you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel with how run down you feel.

You Are Exhausted

Those who are burnt out are constantly pushing themselves to work harder, be everything to everyone and are feeling generally overwhelmed. You can check out the Puffy Lux reviews and make the space in which you sleep a more comfortable place to be, but ultimately you need to think about getting to bed on time. Exhaustion is going to feel like it’s taking you over, and it’s hard to come back from that feeling unless you work on it.

Get Off Social Media

Are you spending hours staring at your screen while you are in bed? Well, no wonder you’re exhausted. You need to consider getting off of social media, and letting go of staring at your smartphone. Social media is like an empty refrigerator: the more you look at it, the less there is to see. You won’t be sleeping at night if you’re staring at your phone, and learning about blue light technology will teach you why.

Burning out is not ideal, and you need to work on preventing this from happening to you. When you recognize these signs, you can learn to slow down and put the brakes on pushing yourself to exhaustion and energy depletion!

4 Hidden Dangers When Renovating Your Home

Renovating your home can be exciting, especially at the thought of upgrading your home with fresh new rooms and furnishings. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a walk in the park. It requires a lot of hard work, and just like any construction site, you might be at risk of putting yourself in danger. About 13 million Americans report getting injured while working on home repairs and restoration. Sounds quite daunting, right? 

Well, the truth is, you cannot wholly avoid accidents. They are, after all, unexpected occurrences. What you can do, on the other hand, is to minimize your risk of injury. Your home may be looking spotless at first glance, but you don’t know what could be going on inside those walls or pipes. Here’s what you need to prepare for yourself for those dangerous surprises.

  1. Safety hazards

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A hazard is an item or situation that could harm people, and construction sites typically use guidelines to reduce the risk of sustaining injuries. Therefore, constructors are more familiar with these safety measures. That might not be the same for you, especially if you are not a constructor or working with one. If you’re not familiar with these safety rules and regulations, your chances of getting injured are much higher. For example, if you’re working on wiring, you might expose yourself to possible electrocution, or leaving exposed wires and putting other people at risk. What you can do is to hire an experienced constructor for high-risk tasks.

  1. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

VOCs are gases that emit chemicals and can be found in many home restoration materials such as paints, upholstery, and carpets. It’s most likely responsible for that weird smell, which lingers in your rooms after you paint or install a new carpet. Many of these gases are known carcinogens, meaning they can cause cancer in the long term. They can also trigger headaches or asthma attacks. When working with VOC materials, you must wear a mask to stop you from inhaling its fumes. 

  1. Asbestos

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral and pollutant that causes very deadly diseases through inhalation, and about 90 thousand people die globally each year from asbestos. The mineral in itself is not harmful but is only so when it becomes friable (easy to crumble). The older your home, the more likely your house might have asbestos. Usually, your home seller must inform you of potential asbestos risk. But suppose they don’t and you do discover this element in your home. In that case, you may be able to sue the previous owner based on negligence with the backing of a firm offering quality legal representation. Ensure that you and your household wear masks while renovating your home to protect yourselves from the risk of getting lung cancer or asbestosis. 

  1. Creatures

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You might have some unwelcome visitors living in your home, depending on where you live. In more dry and arid areas, you are more likely to find scorpions or snakes sharing your home with you rent-free. You might also find a wasp’s home or a beehive secretly lodged inside your walls. Some of these animals can be potentially dangerous, especially when they attack. You can protect yourself by wearing full clothing and not exposing your face, arms, or legs. Ideally, you should contact professional exterminators to help you get rid of them. 

Hopefully, these tips will help prepare for the unexpected when you start renovating your home. Ideally, it would be best for you to hire professional services. However, if you are on a tight budget, try a more DIY approach.


Time to say Bon Voyage to the summer and start looking forward to Fall Activities!!! I don’t think I am really ready yet to turn my back on the warm weather and summer actives. But, I am ready for one last celebration….A Labor Day Lobster Dinner….

It’s not too late to host your own Clam Bake. I love to use wooden mallots for the claws. Mine are collected over the years from Joe’s Stone Crab in Miami but I found a great set for you!! Also it soo great to put lemon squeezers on the table. All of my other decorative items are vintage collected over the years….Etsy is a great place to look...

Lobster Plates

Red Solo Cup Wine Glasses

Gingham Napkins

Lobster Cracker Set

Lemon Squeezer

Under the Radar Brands, You Need to Hear About

Under the Radar Brands You Need to Hear About

Nowadays during the pandemic, it is more important than ever to support smaller fashion brands and sites. In many countries, department stores, big businesses and corporations have gained financial support and have a steady stream of customers that may not be buying as much now but they will again, but many small businesses are still struggling to stay afloat and still in business. These smaller fashion brands and sites are the exact parts of the fashion world that add a newness to it and a bit of exclusivity, so here are a few fashion brands you may not have heard of but should get to know. 

Under the radar fashion brands

While not exactly a brand, Mirta is a marketplace that sells accessories and bags from small leather artisans around Italy. You can find beautiful Italian crossbody bags, top handle bags, briefcases and more. There are options for men and women, and you can find high-quality accessories and shoes in addition to handbags. For those high-quality pieces that are 100% Made in Italy, Mirta is the place to shop and add some serious style to your wardrobe. 

Jessica K, founded by Lebanese designer Jessica Khoueiri-Achkar, offers fresh and modern fashion for women that mixes masculine with feminine. The brand is Beirut-based that according to its website, ‘boasts a collection of confident, feminine and refined silhouettes that scream urban elegance, with a touch of Rock n’ Roll. Beirut just suffered a significant explosion at its port, with over 6,000 injured and over 100 dead. On top of the coronavirus pandemic, this is a time where supporting a Beirut-based brand and small company is especially important. 

BITE studios is a Stockholm and London-based label that is focused on sustainability. You’ll find streamlined and modern pieces made from organic silk, cotton, and wool that focus on detail, quality and sustainability. If you want to support an international eco-conscious brand and really be intentional with the clothes that you are purchasing, or even just be intentional about making an eco-conscious effort, this is a great brand to know. 

Looking for new swimwear? Oséree is an Italian swimwear brand founded by Isabella Cavalli and Jannine Vinci that celebrates tradition with a modern approach. The brand’s signature pieces are the Lumière One-Piece Lurex Swimsuit and sparkly two-piece. This isn’t just any swimwear, but luxury swimwear that is minimal yet exquisite, inspired by Parisian style and elegance. 

It is worth curating these pieces to discover something new! Whether you shop by style, brand, or a mix of both, there are many small brands out there to get to know. Especially as most of these brands listed here are international, you can also add a taste of European flare to your wardrobe. 

For Our Younger Readers..Some Pregnancy Tips

Image source: Pexels

So you have decided to get pregnant. It’s a big decision for people to make. Your body will be carrying a baby around for nearly nine months, so preparing your body for that task will undoubtedly help you on the journey.


Having a baby grow in your belly can use up a lot of nutrients from your body, so taking a multivitamin will give you a much-needed boost. 

Opt for ones that companies have designed for those who want to get pregnant. Try out a few options, so you get the one that is right for you.

Folic Acid

This additional vitamin, which is often recommended for women wanting to conceive, will be of benefit. The folic acid tablets help prevent neural tube defects during the early days of your pregnancy. You can purchase these over the counter. Your doctor may continue to prescribe them only at a higher dosage if needed during the rest of your pregnancy.  

Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy well-balanced diet is essential during this time. Limit the amount of fast food or processed foods and instead increase your salad, green leafy vegetables and drink plenty of water. Increasing your fiber intake will also be of benefit.


Taking regular exercise will be of benefit to you and your baby. It doesn’t have to be high-intensity aerobics. It can be a 30-minute brisk walk. Doing this at least 30 minutes each day will stand you in good stead when it comes to carrying your baby during the last trimester, especially.

Health Check Up

Visit your doctor to get a full check up. This is particularly important if you are undergoing IVF treatment. As well as understanding how IVF works and opting for somewhere with top IVF success rates, you will want to get your body ready for the process. To understand the IVF process in more detail, the information here will be of use to you.

Limit your Stress

Stress can have such a negative impact on the body. 

Practice meditation, go for a walk, take some deep breaths, or do anything else that you enjoy. This will ensure you keep your stress levels at a minimum. Another idea is to try yoga. As well as destressing your body, it will help strengthen and stretch your body, improving it for your pregnancy.

Sleep Well

With a new baby, sleep will be hard to come by. Get as much rest and sleep as you can during the pregnancy. You don’t have to stick to a particular routine; sleep and rest when you can. You can read up on 3 truths about parenting a new born to help you during that stage.

Reach your Health Weight

Being a healthy weight will help you carry your baby without much stress. A healthy weight is one where you are comfortable rather than looking at scales. 

Talk to your doctor and get advice if you feel you would like to drop a few pounds before pregnancy.

There is so much to think about when you want to have a baby. 

However, with a little planning ahead, you will be in the right place both mentally and physically to have a healthy pregnancy.

Peach Cobbler in a Cast Iron Skillet

Ever since I got my Coastal Cast Iron pan..I have wanted to cook everything in it! I read that it is also the best pan to cook sweets in, especially Cobblers and cornbreads. Supposedly, the favor is much better in skillet. This peach cobbler recipe popped into my inbox this week and it seemed like the perfect thing for my first Cast Iron baking project. I am planning my cobbler to be the perfect finale for a Labor Day Lobster Bake…..To get your own Costal Cast Iron pan and 10% off click HERE.


Peach Cobbler in a Cast Iron Skillet

Adapted from


  • 2 cups sliced peaches
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup milk
  1. Pre-heat oven to 375*F.
  2. Places sliced peaches in a large bowl. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup of sugar and flour. Stir to coat peaches and set aside.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine flour, 3/4 cup sugar, baking powder, salt, and milk, set aside.
  4. Over low heat, melt butter in a cast iron skillet.
  5. Pour the batter over the melted butter – Do not stir into the butter.
  6. Pour the peaches over the batter – again, do not stir.
  7. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes, until crust is light brown and puffy.
  8. Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly before serving.
  9. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream or fresh whipped cream.