Sara Joy Beach Wear

If you are headed to someplace warm within the next few weeks, you are going to want to check out Sara Joy Beach Wear. I met Sara Joy through a friend and have been hooked ever since. I absolutely love her beach sarongs, wraps, and cover-ups. The prints and colors are so on-trend.

Each print in the artistic collection is created by Sara herself – so you can feel special in what you’re wearing. We strive to be a zero-waste business, manufacturing in small batches and using our waste fabric for new products. You’ll see a variety of beautiful cottons and each piece is One Size, made to be worn many different ways. You’ll see an ease of wear, a piece you’ll never want to take off because it feels so good.

Here are a few of my favorite Sara Joy pieces but to see the entire collection, click HERE.

Also, Sara is offering 10% off your entire order when you use the code “JOYFUL” at checkout.

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Super Bowl Carbonara

I love all the Super Bowl food that I see everyone posting on Social Media but we thought this year we would serve one of my husband’s favorite dishes, Carbonara pasta. It’s so easy to make and very filling on its own so you do not need much else. Plus let keeps you away from all the chicken wings and chips!!!! Bon Appetit!!!


  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 
  • 1/2 pound pancetta  diced
  • 1-2 garlic cloves, minced, about 1 teaspoon
  • 3-4 whole eggs
  • 1 cup grated Parmesan or pecorino cheese
  • 1 pound spaghetti (or bucatini or fettuccine)
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
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  1. Fill a large pot of salted water put it on to boil
  2. While the water is coming to a boil, heat the olive oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add the pancetta and cook slowly until crispy.Add the garlic and cook another minute, then turn off the heat and put the pancetta and garlic into a large bowl.
  3. In a small bowl, beat the eggs and mix in about half of the cheese.
  4. Once the water has reached a rolling boil, add the dry pasta, and cook, uncovered, at a rolling boil.
  5. When the pasta is al dente (still a little firm, not mushy), use tongs to move it to the bowl with the bacon and garlic. Let it be dripping wet. Reserve some of the pasta water. Move the pasta from the pot to the bowl quickly, as you want the pasta to be hot. It’s the heat of the pasta that will heat the eggs sufficiently to create a creamy sauce.Toss everything to combine, allowing the pasta to cool just enough so that it doesn’t make the eggs curdle when you mix them in.
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6. Add the beaten egg mixture: Add the beaten eggs with cheese and toss quickly to combine once more. Add salt to taste. Add some pasta water back to the pasta to keep it from drying out.

Serve at once with the rest of the parmesan and freshly ground black pepper.

Setting The Valentine’s Table

No one sets a prettier table than Carolyn Binder of CB Lifestyle. I love the tables she created for Valentines Day using pinks and reds and how she “put a ring” on all the napkins!! How amazing are those Evil Eye napkin rings? There is also a matching bottle opener too on her site. All of the items below and more fabulous tablesetting pieces are available on the CB Website HERE.

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The Dress Edit

When I was in Florida I decided to check out the local Dillards store. I had seen on Instagram that other bloggers found some really cute dresses there so off I went. OMG!! I found some great styles. The dress department was massive. It was just such a blast from the past. There are no huge dress departments anymore. Most of the department stores near us have hardly any selection. I chose a few things for you. I loved the brands that they sold there. I have to admit, I brought a few home with me!!!

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What Is Wordle?

Have you played Wordly yet? Do you even know what it is? I have heard so many people talking about it and so many posts showing Wordle. Basically, Wordle is a free online game that gives you a new word to guess each day. It has become the viral word game of 2022..So today I gave it a try. I hate word games BTW..

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First, you choose a word. I hear you need to pick one that has a lot of vowels. After you guess your word, the color of the tiles will change to let you know how close you came to the day’s word (see above).

If you have the right letter in the right spot, it appears green. A correct letter in the wrong spot appears yellow. A letter that isn’t in the word in any spot appears gray.

In the game, you get six chances to guess. This means you can choose 5 words to learn the letters and placement of the daily word. You can also try to guess the word at any time even with just one “go”.

There is just one puzzle a day so if you blow it, you have to wait until the next day to play again. Also, everyone is playing to find the same word, so it makes it very social. You will hear a lot of talk about the puzzle and how hard the daily word was or how many guesses it too.

If you want to join the 300,000 people playing the game daily, click HERE.

At Home Party Ideas You Can Try To Get Your Friends Together Now….

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Image Pixabay

After a year of struggle with the pandemic, the vaccines made the virus less daunting. But the recent wave of the Omicron variant proved that it is still powerful. Maybe, the celebrations came too early for the world. You still need to stay home and bolster your immunity to be safe from the virus. Even if you want to get back to partying, hosting get-togethers at home is the best thing to do amid the ongoing pandemic. Consider getting creative and try some unique ideas to make at-home parties successful. Here are the ones worth trying this season.  

Host a retro movie night

An old-school idea everyone still loves is a movie night at home. You can host a retro night for your gang to relive the memories and have fun together. Follow it up with a sleepover to make the evening extra-special. Set up comfy seating in your living room with mattresses, blankets, and cushions for the guests. You can even put up a screen outdoors if the weather is pleasant. Have tons of popcorn and delicious snacks at hand to complete the cinema experience. 

Plan a backyard BBQ party

A barbecue in your backyard is another must-try idea in pandemic times. You can even host one on the balcony if you do not have a big deck or live in a small apartment. It is easy to ensure social distancing outdoors even when you have a long guest list. Have enough seating for them, string some fairy lights, and play light music to create the right ambiance for a lovely evening. 

Cook cannabis-infused dinner

If you have a group of cannabis-loving friends, nothing gets better than a cannabis dinner. You can unleash your culinary skills to cook the most delicious and innovative dishes for the evening. Cooking with concentrates is a great idea as you get more with less. Order your favorite budder from weed smart and get going with your baking spree. Be ready for some genuine compliments from your buddies as you host an event to remember. 

Try a potluck party

Do not be too stressed about hosting a party at home because you can share the workload by opting for a potluck theme. Rest assured, your guests will love the idea of a potluck as much as you do. Plan the evening by asking every attendee to bring a special dish each, so you will not have to slog in the kitchen for hours. You can dress up and enjoy the party like everyone else. 

Invite your SO for a spa day at home

You may want a more intimate gathering for your SO instead of a crowded party for the entire gang of friends. Surprise your partner with a romantic spa day at home, and they will absolutely love the idea. Create the right set and setting in your bedroom using aromatic candles and flowers. Have your bathtub ready with an infusion of essential oils. Indulge in a mutual massage session, and let love do the rest! 

These unique at-home party ideas are a must-try in pandemic times, so don’t miss out on the fun. Get your guest lists ready, and plan the one you like the most.