The cosmetic contact lens market has grown exponentially with the rise of social media and the advancement of lens technology. With a predicted CAGR of 9.92%, it seems more and more people are getting into the craze. Lenses are a great way to breathe some new life into your look without doing anything permanent.
Even though contact lenses are primarily used as an alternative vision aid to glasses, tons of people get cosmetic contacts for purely aesthetic purposes. Of course, getting a quick eye consultation is still essential to ensure you are using safe lenses that fit your eyes properly. Once you’ve got that out of the way, there are plenty of ways to incorporate it into your style.
A guide to buying colored contacts
When searching for the perfect lenses, you must first decide how long you will wear them. Are you planning to have extended periods wearing your lenses? Will you be using them more than once?
These initial questions will help you narrow your options. You can choose between daily contact lenses and monthly ones. A disposable contact lens is more cost-efficient if you’re only going to use it once, but you’re better off with extended-wear ones if you foresee multiple uses.
Buying online is a great way to see various brands, styles, and prices easily when looking for colored contacts. If you want tons of variety for events, you may want to look at something like Dailies Colors. This comes in four colors in a box of 30 or 90 disposables. Just make sure you get your pairs from a reputable platform. After all, you don’t want to end up irritating your eyes and even risking blindness.
An excellent way to check a brand or retailer’s legitimacy is to check their selling policy. Contacts Direct requires buyers to have a prescription before purchasing lenses, even if they are just for cosmetic purposes. This is because they are still classified as medical devices. This type of platform also allows you to get a year-long subscription if you prefer a steady supply.
Cosmetic lenses to try out
The main range you will likely want to start with is realistic contacts, as these already make a difference in your look but don’t feel like such a drastic change. Because there are already so many “natural” hues in the eye color spectrum, you should already have a lot of options to play around with. Realistic contacts are also trending, already boosting your look and easily paired with different accessories.
If you want a more out-there look, you can use vibrant colors or costume lenses that visually manipulate the sclera or retina. Thanks to innovation in the cosmetic lens industry, all manner of shapes, colors, and patterns are available now. This makes creating variety in your look easier without sacrificing comfort and safety.
Styling your contacts
Starting with the most drastic shift, you can quickly go for a full-on costume if the occasion calls for it. Cosplayers often opt for scleral lenses, which cover the entire surface of their eyes. The original medical purpose of these was to provide moisture to alleviate dry eyes, but their coverage makes for the perfect cosmetic application. This would be the way to go if you ever want to look like an alien or an anime character.
You can also lean into the many hair trends of the summer and match them with the right contacts to elevate your entire aesthetic. Ash and mushroom-tone hair with layered highlights are making a real comeback, so you can pair this with emerald green or royal blue contacts. Think of how each color brings out your skin’s warmer or cooler tones, making for the perfect aura whenever you go out.
Makeup can also do wonders. If eyes are the windows to the soul, dressing the awnings up can make it more inviting. You can play with your eyeshadow and lips to create pops or stick to a monochrome look that you can then contrast with a different-colored lens. Just make sure you avoid putting eyeliner too close to the inside rim of your eyelids when wearing lenses, as this can make you more prone to infection. Close and cover your eyes well if you use a setting spray, as this tends to adhere to the surface of lenses.
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