This week’s Fashionable Friend Friday is Marisa May. I have know Marisa since she was a little girl and I am so in awe, as each year goes by, how more and more accomplished she becomes. Marisa is restaurant royalty. Her father Tony May is a master restauranteur, so Marisa has learned from the best. She started as a little girl running around the Rainbow Room, where her father was the owner until 1986. Marisa went on to NYU and then eventually came to work by her father’s side, first San Domenico and then SD26, both iconic NY restaurants. Marissa and her father have recently sold SD26. We are waiting to hear their next culinary move. I for one CANNOT WAIT. Here is Marisa, her father and some of their very well know regulars. Yesterday was her birthday so Buon Compleanno Dolce Marisa!
Please Please Marissa, send us some of your famous recipes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Nestled in the heart of Putnam County, New York, the Hudson Valley InterArts Center stands…
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