Today’s Fashionable Friend Friday is Erin Baker of the Emma Westchester blog. I met Erin literally through Instagram. I was totally in awe of her posts of her adorable family and things to do in Westchester. When I finally met her over lunch, she reminded me of Selena Gomez, a Westchester version, of course. We immediately became fast friends. She is constantly emailing tips and letting me know of fun events. I love her even more for that!!!! I also love her adorable style. She is always put together in a cool, fun way. It is so refreshing for an old lady like me!!!!!!! Check out the Emma Westchester blog Here. PS She has a just as fab partner too, but that is for another post!!!!!!!! Bon Weekend!!!
To hear my interview with Erin click Here.
This spring in Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends, two Broadway icons, Tony Award winners Bernadette…
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