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Setting the Easter Table with Carolyn Bender Designs

I have been working a while with the talented designer Carolyn Bender of CB Lifestyle. I love her tablescapes. She just opened the most beautiful shop in Brentwood, CA. So if you are visiting the LA area soon you MUST stop by. For the rest of us, I am sharing Carolyn’s fabulous Easter tables. All of the items featured are available on her website HERE. Bon Weekend!


The Purpose of Prayer: It’s Important for your Mind, Body, and Soul

Our mental health is something that plays an essential role in our overall health. Without sound mental health, our body will not function as it should. There are a number of activities that people do to make sure they keep their minds in a healthy condition and one of those activities is ‘praying’.

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Image Pixabay

Prayer is many things

Prayer is a form of communication with the divine, and it is one of the most important ways in which we can feel closer to God. It can also be a form of self-care, as it helps us to find peace and comfort. Prayer is not just about asking for things, it’s also about expressing gratitude and showing appreciation for what we already have in our lives. Remembering the Almighty has many benefits: it can help us to find peace, provide us with comfort, connect us with God, and more.

Prayer & the Brain

Neuroscience has shown that prayer and the brain are closely linked. The studies reveal that prayer can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also help with the recovery process after a stroke or heart attack.

Remembering the Almighty with a pure heart is one of the most powerful tools we have to reduce stress and anxiety in our lives. It’s also an effective way to connect with a higher power, which can have a profound effect on mental health.

The Purpose of Prayer in Modern Life

Prayer has never been more important than it is today. In a world where many people are searching for meaning and purpose, prayer can help fill that void.

Because it is a way of communicating with God. It is also a way to express our love and appreciation for all that he has done for us. Reciting some invocations and understanding how to pray the right way can be a powerful tool to help us in difficult times, or even when we are feeling discouraged. 

Prayer is not always answered the way we want it to be, but it does not mean that it was not answered at all or that our prayers are being ignored. There are many different ways that God may answer our prayers, and sometimes what we think is an answer may actually be something else entirely.

Genuine love and concern with other people

Praying for others is a great way to show love and concern for other people. It also helps us to have a more positive outlook on life. When we pray for others, it helps us to focus on the good things in our lives, which can lead to a more fulfilling life. Praying for others can strengthen our faith and provide us with a higher meaning in life. It has also been scientifically proven to have health benefits, such as boosting the immune system.

Remembering God with pure intentions and a willingness to give in to the divine can help us in more ways than one. One needs to understand some basics and general principles behind praying. The benefits are various and life-changing.

How to Get Stress-Free & Relaxed

The most important thing to remember about stress is that it’s not always bad. In fact, many people feel a lot of pressure and stress from their work or personal life.

The most common cause of stress is probably the lack of control over your life. If you have too much on your plate, you might feel like you’re constantly being pulled in different directions and don’t know how to make everything work out.

Stress can also be caused by external factors such as financial troubles or the death of a loved one. It’s not uncommon for people to experience this type of stress at some point in their life – so don’t worry if you do too! Here are some ways for you to wind down.

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Image Pixabay

Tips for Dealing with Stress & Relaxing Your Mind

There are many ways to destress and get rid of stress, but the most effective and efficient way is to change your mindset. You can do this by changing what you think about and what you focus on.

1. Breathe deeply

2. Keep your body moving

3. Accept what you can’t change

4. Take out time for yourself

Ways to Get Mindful at Work or For Free

Mindfulness is a form of meditation that has been proven to help with stress relief and mental health. It can also be applied to work-life by focusing on the present moment and taking deep breaths when you feel overwhelmed.

Here are some ways you can get mindful at work or for free:

– Mindful breathing exercise: This is a great way to start your day and get into the practice of mindfulness in general. Simply take a few deep breaths, then exhale slowly for about 10 seconds.

 – Meditation apps: There are many apps available that offer meditation sessions for free or low cost. For example, Headspace offers guided meditations at 25 minutes each for free, while Insight Timer offers 10-minute sessions that cost $2 per month. 

Smoke some weed

There are many times when no matter how hard we try, it is impossible to get that anxious thought out of your head. Weed has been proven to be effective in dealing with depression, anxiety, stress, pain, and even cancer and neurodegenerative cells. You can search for buy my weed online in order to find some good Indica to help you relax. Make sure that you do not get Sativa otherwise you might end up staying awake late at night.

How Music & Sound Therapy Can Relieve Tension in Your Mind & Body

Sound therapy is a type of therapy that has been used for thousands of years. It is a form of treatment that uses sound to influence the mind and body. Sound therapy can help relieve tension, stress, depression, and other mental health issues in your life.

You can even use it as part of your daily routine to regulate your moods.

It is important to find small ways to help you relax and destress. Yoga, meditation, working out, a spa day, spending time with beloved pets or loved ones, all of these can help you destress and wind down.

Weekend Cocktails with Zacapa Rum

Recently, when we were in Florida, we went to the most fun event for the 20th Anniversary of The Daily Front Row and one of the sponsors was Zacapa Rum. They served this fabulously tropical cocktail that was featured on my social media pages and many of you asked for the recipe. I tracked it down from Zacapa and learned it is called The Hummingbird. If you make it, please let me know. It was soo good!! I know you are going to LOVE it as much as we all did!! CHEERS!!!

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5th Annual Kips Bay Palm Beach Showhouse

In its fifth year, the Kips Bay Decorator Show House Palm Beach is located at 3001 Spruce Avenue, West Palm Beach.  Affectionately labeled “The Mansion of Northwood,” the elegant Mediterranean Revival estate was built in 1923 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The main house consists of four bedrooms, three and a half baths, and two primary suites. The Show House is open to the public from March 5, 2022, through April 3, 2022.

Proceeds from the show house will benefit afterschool and enrichment programs for youths ages 6 through 18 who belong to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County.

When you tour the house you will see 25 gorgeous brightly colored rooms filled with bold patterns and unique “old world Florida” accessories. I highlighted some of my favorite rooms below. But I was most taken with the outdoor space. I loved the pool area with the pink accents and block print umbrellas.

If you are in the South Florida area and want to visit the show house, you can purchase tickets HERE. There is also a VIRTUAL TOUR coming soon.

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Now More Than Ever We Need Our Faith…How To Mentor A Discipleship Group Effectively

Discipleship is an integral part of Christianity. Jesus showed the way to make more disciples and help the world become a better place. The best way to grow the reach is by forming an intentional community of people who want to imbibe the teaching and values of Christianity. But mentoring a discipleship group requires more than commitment and conviction. You have to teach and nurture the people in your community to transform them into more mature Christians. Here are some effective measures to mentor a discipleship group effectively. 

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Understand your strengths

As a mentor, you must understand your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Everything boils down to good preparation to play a leadership role. Know the type of leader you are naturally by digging deeper into your good and bad qualities. Focusing on yourself first is crucial because it is the only way you can guide others confidently. Search your heart through reflection and prayer, and God will show you the way ahead. 

Choose apt content to educate

Choosing relevant content to educate your disciple group is an equally significant aspect of discipleship. It gets easy if you know the group well before beginning because you will be in a better place to decide the best passages to teach them. Even if you don’t know them well, make efforts to understand what would be most beneficial to them. Avoid picking random passages but ask yourself what will be right for the age and stage of the people in the group.  Studying the Bible is the best option as all passages or studies can be fruitful. 

Go the extra mile with training

Although you may be great at your work, mentoring people is a different ball game. Consider taking up a discipleship training program before leading a group. Formal training helps you dive into deep lessons, develop your skills, and share experiences. It also enables you to consolidate your strengths and address your weaknesses to become a better leader in the long run. 

Facilitate rather than dominate

Even as you lead a group of learners, do not try to dominate them. Your role is that of a facilitator of God’s work, so be humble in your mission. Start by working on your body language and conversation. This way, people will be happier to listen and stick with your group as followers. Be authentic and warm, just like a friend rather than a leader. Involve the group members more by encouraging them to share thoughts and experiences.

Let disciples lead

After establishing your group, you must give the disciples an opportunity to lead. This way, followers are likely to hold their interest in discipleship because they have a more proactive role. Ensure you treat everyone as equals. Provide them with a fair chance to lead the group. Let them choose their topics and lead conversations. Be there to provide them with feedback or constructive criticism.

Mentoring a discipleship group should not be a major challenge. You can follow these measures, and do it the easy way.