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Category: General

Wish List Wednesday

My sweet friends gave me a gift card for my upcoming 45th bday.  My wish list Wednesday item is a gorgeous Oscar de la Renta statement necklace.  I am thinking of treating my self with my gift card and choosing one.  Lets bring in 45 in super style!!!!!Wish List Wednesday

First Outing of 2015

Today I am going on my first outing of 2015 to the Brandt Foundation in Greenwich, Ct. “The Brant Foundation Art Study Center, designed by Richard Gluckman, has a mission to promote education and appreciation of contemporary art and design, by making works available to institutions and individuals for scholarly study and examination. ”  It is a gorgeous open space that is a must see if you are visiting this area.  

Today’s exhibit is called Deliverance Through an expansive selection of photographypaintingsculpturefilm, and mixed-media installationsDeliverance explores the work of an iconic group of New York artists who emerged during a distinct moment in American history – one marked by a growing skepticism of political and economic systems as well as a “crisis of confidence” that wounded the American spirit.  Drawing upon artistic explorations of mass media popularized in the 1960s and 1970s, Clark, Noland, Prince and Wool developed incisive artistic vernaculars that exposed the underbelly of American culture.  Their works engage with themes of sexuality, power, censorship, authenticity and the influence of mass media with unmatched candor and continue to influence artistic practice and dialogues worldwide.  

Golden Globe Favorite

I know your inbox is probably flooded with photos of last night’s Golden Globe looks.  I have been pouring through photos since 6am but my all time favorite look last night was J Lo.  I love everything about this.  Her hair is FLAWLESS.  The earrings FABULOUS.  The dress, shoes and bag…..PERFECTION.  I cannot wait to see her new movie “The Boy Next Door” which
comes to theaters on Jan. 23rd.

Fashionable Friend Friday

This weeks Fashionable Friend Friday post is a little late.  My fashionable friend was staying with me this weekend and we were having so much fun that my blog suffered.  The weekend was filled with so many fun activities, delicious meals, and long conversations about fashion.  We both agreed that the Gucci Loafer is BACK.  My friend favors the traditional styles while I prefer the newer funky ones.Fashionable Friend Friday

A Warm Fashionable Jacket

As the temperatures continue to drop, this post cannot be avoided.  Even though I have been putting it off, I think it is time…here are some of my best picks for fashionable but WARM jackets to get you through the cold windy winter weather!A Warm Fashionable Jacket

Wish List Wednesday

One wish list item for 2015 is a large pendant.  I would love one with the option to wear it long or short.  How amazing would a simple black outfit look with any one of these beauties?Wish List Wednesday