Today marks our first significant snow storm here in the New York area. Though I would much rather be writing about the newest sandals or sunglasses, this post is a MUST. Here are some wonderful boots to help you navigate the tundra outside your front door. I was shocked to hear that the LLBean “Bean” boot, showcased, below was the hottest seller for the Holiday season and had a looooonnnngg back order date (like a May delivery!!). That certainly brought me back to my high school/college days. I guess it is true what once was old is new again. Enjoy the snow!!!
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This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and purchase something, I may get a small commission from it at no cost to you. I only feature things that I truly love and I hope you do too!!!
Nestled in the heart of Putnam County, New York, the Hudson Valley InterArts Center stands…
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