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Category: General

Powder Gel Manicure

I noticed a few bloggers that I collaborate with have the best manicures.  I asked them about it and they all told me that they get gel manicures but not just the regular gels, powder gel manicures.  I was impressed.  In every photo, their nails are always perfect.  I have tried regular gel manicures in the past and they really don’t work for me. My nails peel within the week and never look great.  I decided to give the powder gel a try.  The label says it is the 21 day manicure.  I definitely can get the powder gel to last over 2 weeks but I’m still waiting to hit the 21 day mark.  But still not bad and my nails look awesome…better than they ever have.  And the damage to my nails have been much less than the gel manicures in the past.  Now I hope I can keep it up…Here is the procedure:

To apply, you first need to use a bond polish to the whole nail to make sure the color sticks, followed by a base coat to 3/4 of the nail. Next, dip your nail into a primer-like natural powder, then do another coat of the bond. After that, you dip your nail into the powder color of your choice and tap off the excess powder, then apply another coat of the base, and do another dip into the powder. Finally, brush on one last coat of the base and let your nails air dry. 

I’ve been getting my powder nails done at Tiffany Nails on the Post Rd in Rye (across from Jerry’s) but most local nail places do the powder gel.  It costs about the same as a regular gel manicure.  I use color P38 (color numbers may vary), which is the closest to Ballet Slippers.  Bon Weekend!!!!

image pinterest
image pinterest

One Pan Autumn Chicken Dinner

Last weekend, a very special reader, Krissy, sent this great Fall dinner recipe to me.  She tried it for a recent dinner party and it was a HUGE hit.  I am so excited to try it this weekend.  Krissy said that even though you can use chicken breasts, it comes out best, using the bone in thighs!!!!  Bon Appetit!!!

adapted from Cooking Classy

  • Bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs
  • Olive oil
  • Fresh herbs – rosemary, thyme, sage
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Garlic
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Sweet potato
  • Fuji apples (or other sweet baking apples)
  • Bacon
  • Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
Place pour in 2 Tbsp olive oil, red wine vinegar, herbs and garlic into a gallon size resealable bag. Add chicken and season with salt and pepper then rub mixture over chicken.
Let rest while you prep remaining ingredients.
Add sweet potatoes, apples, Brussels sprouts, and shallots to a rimmed 18 by 13-inch baking sheet. Drizzle with 2 Tbsp olive oil, season with salt and pepper then toss to coat.
Spread into an even layer.
Top with chicken pieces and sprinkle bacon over veggie/apple mixture.

Roast in preheated oven until chicken has cooked through and veggies are tender, about 30 – 35 minutes, broil during last few minutes for more browned crispy chicken skin. Serve warm.

Food Cravings……

I saw this chart on the wall of my doctor’s office.  I thought it was so interesting…there are so many articles that help with healthy eating or tips for weight loss but very little to help control cravings.  I love this…and think it is worth a try the next time we are all craving a chocolate bar or cookie!!!!

Calling All Manolo Fans

For one day only, Thursday,  October 11th there will be a Manolo Blahnik Sample Sale opened to the public.  The sale will be held on the second floor of the Warwick Hotel and there will be an assortment of brand new styles starting at $75.  When you get to the event (it starts at 11) you will get a number and have to wait your turn but my sources tell me that this is def. worth the wait.  Here is a re-cap from last year’s sale HERE.

Manolo Sale Sample Sale
Thursday, October 11th 
Sale opens: 11am and closes when the inventory dwindles (usually 3pm – 4pm)
The Warwick Hotel, 54th Street and 6th Avenue, 2nd Floor
Cash only!

Tootsie The Musical

Get ready for the next sensational spring musical coming to Broadway, Tootsie!!!   The show opens Spring 2019 and we have a group reserved for mezzanine seating on 4/10.  The tickets are $130 each.  This is show is one that cannot be missed!!!! EMAIL me to reserve your spot!!!

A musical adventure for the entire audience, Tootsie – Musical is a musical show that is not to be missed. From the first uttered note of this fantastic musical to the final rousing chorus, Tootsie – Musical promises to entertain during every spectacular moment of the show

New Leaf Financial Advisors

I recently met with the founders of New Leaf Financial Advisors, Patti and Hilary.  I really wanted to talk with them to learn a little bit more about their business and how they can help my readers.  Their goal as a company is to provide a balance between education and guidance for their clients to gain knowledge over their finances, leading to a greater well being.   No matter who in your family is in charge of the finances, I feel like there are always questions….Patti and Hilary are an incredible wealth of knowledge.  They hold complimentary workshops at Serendipity Labs in Rye with very interesting, relevant topics. The invite to their next one is below…In the meanwhile, here are some very interesting topics they will be discussing with us on future posts/workshops.  Definitely take a second to check out their website.

Things we will be discussing with Hilary and Patti…..stay tuned (and more to come)
– Estate Planning.
– Financial Planning after a life change.
– How will your doctor going concierge affect your finances?
-Is your portfolio diversified enough?
-Taxes, Taxes, Taxes.
-Helping our high school/college age/recent grads learn to financial plan and budget.
– Credit Score 101, for all ages.
-Retirement Planning.
-Clever ways to save a little bit of money each month.