If you’ve been to a spa or even a fancy 5-star hotel, then you know you’re in for an incredible experience when it comes to the bathroom. It’s so lush, it’s so relaxing, it’s clean, it’s modern, it’s just the perfect experience! Everything looks so clean and modern; it feels so relaxing, too! But with that said, you don’t have to spend a fortune at a hotel to get this swoon-worthy experience.
Sure, it’s incredible, and it’s something you’re never going to forget either, but it doesn’t only need to be just from a hotel or a spa. You can get a similar experience right from the comfort of your home, right in your bathroom! Sure, you might have to update your bathroom a bit for this experience, but at the end of the day, it’s hands-down going to be worth it! So, here’s exactly what you can do to transform your bathroom into a hotel-like bathroom!
One thing that stands out when it comes to hotel bathrooms is the fact that they’re squeaky clean and free from clutter. Of course, they’re free from clutter since it’s a temporary space, so it’s not like there could be any essentials in there. But even when it comes to your bathroom, you don’t need to have all of your hygienic items out and about. It’s really about having them stored nicely and maybe even discreetly.
This can include having your shampoos and baths washed in glass bottles rather than in their original bottles, storing everything in baskets, you name it. Less is more when it comes to a hotel bathroom, so you’re going to want to implement the same for your bathroom, too.
Usually, the more updated and expensive hotels will usually opt for soothing, neutral color schemes. Some stick with only white or gray, but nowadays, more and more luxury hotels are working towards updating and improving their bathrooms to have more of a calming allure. So, by choosing calming colors like soft whites, muted grays, or pale blues for your bathroom walls and accessories. These colors create a serene and spa-like atmosphere.
Hotels don’t necessarily do that bathtub and show combo, and it’s not really something that looks flattering, either. So, you’re going to want to think about the layout of your bathroom. If space allows, a freestanding bathtub or a spacious, glass-enclosed shower can make a significant difference. Hotels often have inviting bathing areas, and replicating this experience in your bathroom can be a luxurious touch.
When it comes to creating that hotel-inspired spa bathroom, this is usually one of the biggest key features in making it happen. So, when it comes to this aspect of the bathroom, you’re far better off getting some professionals to step in and help with this, such as the team from https://www.newbathtech.com/. So, in general, when it comes to creating this eye-swoon of a bathroom, if you’re able to make big changes to the bathroom, shower, or even your sink, then you can absolutely expect that this will be the biggest transformation of them all.
While this sounds small, it’s not always about aesthetics but the actual experience itself. All of those small things really add up and create this wonderful experience. So, you’re going to want to consider your towels and how you wash your towels. Hotel quality towels are soft; they’re plump and plush. You might need to spend a bit more on them, but it’s definitely worth it.
The same goes for how you wash and dry them; adding vinegar to them will really help keep them soft. But when it comes to aesthetics, be sure to pick white towels and keep them rolled up neatly in a basket (or nicely hanging on a towel ladder) to help bring that soft feel to the bathroom.
Just like the towels are an important aspect of giving that hotel bathroom experience, the same can be said for the bathrobes and slippers. When it comes to these, not all bathrobes and slippers from hotels are created; equally, some are great, and some not so much. But for your bathroom, you should absolutely look into getting some high-quality ones to really help with that pampered experience. Of course, just like towels, you’re going to want to keep an eye on how you wash and dry these, but it also plays a role in how plush and soft they’ll be.
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