One of my favorite things to do during the Holidays is to drive around at night and look at all the amazing light displays. For years, my mom. sister and I would do it almost every night!!!! We knew all the best streets to go to. We love it so much. It is one of the things I miss the most about not having my family live near me during the holidays. But don’t worry, I make up for it with my son and daughters and their friends. I am definitely going to venture out to a new neighborhood this December and visit some houses I have never seen before . The house in the last photo has won awards, YES AWARDS and was voted the house with the best light display in New York. Lucky for me it is on Pelham Parkway in the Bronx. Check it out in all its glory HERE. This year I am there. In the meanwhile, tonight I am taking you on our own light tour. Bon Weekend!!!!
This spring in Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends, two Broadway icons, Tony Award winners Bernadette…
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