I love long lashes but I have never had luck with having false eyelashes applied. I was so allergic to the glue that I found it so painful but I did love the look. However, I am persistent and kept trying. I recently found some options for lush, long lashes that you will LOVE.
I went to a salon (well a casual salon) to have mink eyelash extensions applied and it was a huge success. The process is long but they seat you in a very comfy chair and it became painless. Really…no allergic reaction and I love the result. If you are local the salon is called Angel Tips and it is in Stamford, CT (it is a chain so there might be one near you, if you are out of the area). And, you are in luck…there is a Groupon for almost $50 off the first application. Click HERE for more information.
Maybe you don’t feel like sitting for an hour to have the eyelashes applied or the maintenance is too much for you (you need to have them refilled about every 3 weeks). Well, I have the most incredible option for you…..One Two Cosmetics Magnetic Lashes. I ordered these and they are really amazing. I will admit, it takes some practice to get them just right. I watched every youtube video out there, on this product, but they are super easy to apply (once you get the hang of it) and look really great.
Image Source – https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/hands-working-network-graphic-overlay-banner…
Nestled in the heart of Putnam County, New York, the Hudson Valley InterArts Center stands…