I recently received an article from Sarah Davis of Body Balance 365 about Staying on Track after the holidays. I absolutely love her suggestions and thought I would share them with you….I am really going to try to share more wellness posts in the New Year!!! Here is an awesome start………
1. Take a class! It really is that simple. Not only is it a great workout, but it will give you more energy for the rest of the day, and also lift your spirits. Added bonus—exercises that are weight bearing, will boost your metabolism for a full 24 hours, so maybe you can even have a second cookie?2. Hydrate! As temperatures drop, and we no longer feel “hot” during the day, we often forget to drink enough water. The temptation to have an extra coffee at 4:00 as it begins to get dark, only further increases your need to drink more water. Throw in a cocktail or two, and you are officially dehydrated. While cold water may be less appealing this time of year, sipping hot water with lemon and herbal teas throughout the day is a great way to stay hydrated. Keep your water pitcher or Brita on the kitchen counter so water stays at room temperature, and always bring a water bottle to class. Even if you don’t feel like you are “sweating”, your muscles always perform better when you are well hydrated.
3. Watch the sugar! And I don’t mean cookies…Sugar is everywhere—it is in bread, yogurt, condiments, marinades, and even salad dressings. Always be sure to read labels. While some sugar is absolutely fine, it is easy to overindulge, which leaves you feeling puffy and with low energy. Taking a class will help you sweat out the toxins and eliminate further sugar cravings. You can’t argue with that…4. Cook more! Or at least eat more meals at home. Making a smoothie before a morning class gives you the perfect balance of protein, fats, fiber, and “plants” to survive anything else the instructor can throw at you! Make a big salad for lunch or a pot of soup, and then no matter where the evening takes you, your body has had two nourishing meals of whole unprocessed foods–and a great workout. Even at the “healthiest” restaurants you still cannot control what you are putting into your body.5. Get outside! Living in Rye, I often see women walking to and from the Go Figure studio, walking their dogs after class, or meeting a friend from class to talk a long walk later in the day. Such a perfect compliment to strength work—and the vitamin D and oxygen to the brain cannot be found on a treadmill! It may be hard to rally during the cold winter months, but the benefits of exercising outdoors, combined with the socialization of seeing a friend are so good for our health. Put down your To-Do list and take a fast walk around the block to clear your head—extra credit if you call a friend to join you.See if you can incorporate all five of these tips into your week. The combination of a healthy diet and exercise is your best weapon to not get sick and feel your best.
This spring in Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends, two Broadway icons, Tony Award winners Bernadette…
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