I am so inspired by the incredible work of artist Rosie Quick. I have known Rosie and her family for many years and am just so impressed with the talent and wonderful creative things Rosie is doing. Below is her bio and examples of her fabulous work. Rosie is having an opening at Deborah Berke Partners at 220 Fifth Ave on Thursday, June 18th from 6-8 for her first Solo Show!!!, “Turn On And Tune In”. It is running until August 28th so if you are in the NY area, stop by! For more info or to inquire, please contact Rosie at http://www.rosiequickart.com.
Today I am starting a new feature that will run on Saturdays, Real Estate Stalking. I will be featuring fabulous homes that are on the market. We all love to see inside homes that we admire from afar. Hopefully I will be able to bring that to you right here. Our first home is a gorgeous waterfront in Old Greenwich, Ct with old world charm. It has been featured on the Greenwich Garden Tour and Greenwich Magazine for its beauty. At one time, John Phillips of the Moma’s and Papa’s fame rented this house AND Mick Jagger sunbathed on the seawall! This house is available for an August rental so if you want to get out of the city or have a friend who is interested please contact Christine Olyenick of the HIGGIN”S GROUP ASAP. This treasure is sure to go fast!
A friend brought this amazing Goat Cheese Arugula Salad to a pot luck luncheon last year. It was so delicious. Everyone was asking for the recipe. I ended up making this almost every week from June-August As the weather gets warmer, I am craving this salad again and I thought you might like to try it too.
Baby arugula
Goat cheese crumbles
Almond sliversDressing:
1.5 lemons depending on juice
Same amount of good olive oil
Tsp Dijon
Tbsp fresh tarragon (maybe leaves of 4 stems)
Salt and pepper