Monastery Pumpkin Bread

This pumpkin bread has been a favorite through decades.  It is the recipe of the nuns of the Monsatery of Angels in Hollywood.  They have been making the bread and selling it in their gift shop for the past the 40 years to keep the Monastery going.  Over the years, their bread has been so well recieved that it has been sent as gifts all over the country, even to many presidents.  In fact most people say it is the best pumpkin bread in the WORLD.  Lets give it a try!

image LA Times

Adapted from the LA Times


3 1/2 sifted flour
3 cups of sugar
2 teaspoons soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
4 eggs, beaten
1 cup oil
2/3 cup water
2 cups mashed, cooked pumpkin (canned will do too)
walnut halfs

Sift together flour, sugar, soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.  Combine eggs, oil, water, and pumpkin and mix well. Stir into dry ingredients.

Pour into 3 greased 8X4 inch loaf pans and top with walnut halves.  Bake at 350 degrees 1 hour or until wood pick inserted in center comes out clean.  Cool before slicing.  Serve with warm butter.  

Club Monaco

I have recently been so impressed with the offerings at Club Monaco.  Their clothing lines are so timeless that you will be wearing them year after year.   I have a Club Monaco dolman sweater that is still as chic today as it was when I purchased it years ago.  And if you can wait, their sales are amazing!

Trick Or Treat

With Halloween just around the corner, there is still time to add some new decorations to your home.  I have chosen some of the cutest things to make your Trick or Treat a little more festive.

Trick Or Treat

The Affair

All last year, I kept getting recommendations to watch Showtime’s series The Affair.  I finally caught up on season 1 over the summer and now three episodes into season 2, I am addicted to the Golden Globe Best TV Series.  The story is of Noah and Allison and the affair they start during one summer in Montauk.  Both are married and their story is full of drama, tragety, love and pain.  The setting is amazing, especially if you spend the summers on the East End of Long Island, you will recognize many of the regualar spots.  I will warn you that it is at times racy, maybe too much for cable TV.  But, the story is worth it, especailly since the hour is broken down into Noah’s point of view and then Allison’s point of view.  Its really cool to watch how the same situtation can be perceived so differently by two people, down to what clothing each wore.  It makes you think of your own life and how you and the important people in it experience the same things, yet perceive them so differently.  Give The Affair, a try….Let me know what you think!!!







Weekend Real Estate Stalking

Charlize Theron’s LA home recently sold.  It is a beautiful penthouse loft that she purchased from former Beatle George Harrison.  It is rumored that this property inspired him to write the song “Blue Jay” since it is located on Blue Jay Way!!
image exposure

Fashionable Friend Friday

This week’s Fashionable Friend Friday is Steven Stolman.  Last night I went to a book signing for his incredible book Confessions of a Serial Entertainer, at one of my favorite store Jonathan Adler.  This book is chock full of recipes, hostess tips, and fun stories of cocktail and dinner parties.  Steven Stolman loves to entertain and has so many great tips for his readers.  Mr. Stolman graciously agreed to be on my radio show.  Stay tuned!!!!  We cannot wait to hear all his secrets for holiday celebrations!