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Fashionable Friend Friday

In honor of Mother’s Day weekend, today’s Fashionable Friend Friday is India Hicks AND her mother Lady Pamela Hicks.  India just named her new fabulous handbag “The Lady P” after her mother and we just LOVE LOVE it.  I cannot decide which I would rather have, the snakeskin or the classic black.  India also shared a fun story of her relationship with her mom.  I have included it below.  It will surely make you smile this Mother’s Day.  Also, India introduced some incredible necklaces recently, as well, to check out all the new additions to India’s already amazing collection, click HERE.  Bon Weekend!

“Mum I named a bag after you.”
“Why on earth would you do that?”
“Because it’s a smart sensible sized bag with a sensible handle and a sensible safe zip pocket inside, you will really approve.”
My mother can’t understand those trunk-sized bags we all carry with everything including the kitchen sink inside. One of my early memories was her in London, always with a sensible elegant handbag, always going to the hairdresser’s.
My mother’s style is very understated, very refined, except for her hair, which is very overstated. My father being a designer could not resist designing it. “You have a large face” he said “you need large hair.” It was the 60’s after all when they met so luckily for my mother large hair was in, but my mother lamented that of course as the 60’s ended everyone else moved onto blown out hair while her bouffant remained. Can you think of the Elnett hairspray can? The golden tanned can with that beautiful woman and her huge bouffant on the front? I grew up thinking that actually was my mother.
The conversation about the handbag drifted back to hair very quickly. “Ugh it was also the decade of the wig,” she said, “you would have to go away on grand shooting weekends in the countryside. Your hair would have been done by the hairdresser on Friday but on Saturday after breakfast in bed the keen ladies would join the guns on the shoot, the protesting ladies would wait till noon, but after an afternoon of damp and drizzle we were then expected to be presentable for dinner.” So they travelled with wigs rather than hairdressers. An evening wig would be produced out of a box. “Was there a Sunday morning wig?” I asked. “It was all so hideous” my mother said “that I cant even remember.”
My mother’s life before marrying David Hicks was an extraordinary whirlwind if British aristocracy and English eccentricity, Hollywood glamour and political education. Her childhood pets included at different times a bear, two wallabies, a mongoose, and a lion. During World War II she was sent to live on Fifth Avenue with Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt.
In 1947 my grandparents were appointed to be the last Viceroy and Vicerine of India and my mother developed lasting and loving relationships with Ghandi and Nehru. She was also a bridesmaid to the Queen and by her side as a lady in waiting when the princess learned her father has died and she was Queen.
My mother, unlike her hair, has moved forward with the times, at 87 she talks as easily with my children as she does with her own generation. “Who the heck is Kim Kardashian?” asked Domino the other day, and my mother was able to explain. Just don’t ask what that explanation was.

Fashionable Friend Friday

This week’s Fashionable Friend Friday is Christine Finch Oleynick.  Christine is the sister of my dear college friend Katy.  She recently joined the Chilton and Chadwick Global Real Estate Concierge team.  In this position, Christine partners with Higgins Group not only help you sell and buy a home but the concierge service will open up so many other doors!!  Are you trying to get into that hot new restaurant?   How about needed help to plan that perfect romantic getaway, family vacation or girls weekend?  What about obtaining the latest and greatest?  Christine is here to help.  She will book your travel, charter that plane for you and even curate a fabulous art collection for your home, regardless if you use her realtor services.  That’s what Chilton and Chadwick are all about, cultivating relationships and bringing the best of the best to their clients.  I was lucky enough to interview Christine today and learn more about this exciting venture.  Click HERE.  To contact Christine directly

Cupcake Galleria

When I am travelling I always like to scope out some of the local favourites.  I read that the Cupcake Galleria had the best cupcakes in South Florida so of course, we had to check it out.  One of the most popular items on their menu are their “cake shakes”.  OMG!!!!!  My kids tried one and it is was probably the best thing ever and I am not even a fan of shakes.  The cupcakes were amazing too.  We got to meet the owner Charli and she was as sweet as her treats.   She has promised to come on the radio show, so stay tuned.  Perhaps she will even give us the recipe for those delicious cake shakes!!!!!!!!!  In the meanwhile, the Cupcake Galleria will ship their cupcakes directly to your home.   For more information, click HERE

Book Club Monday

For all of those lucky travellers heading out for Spring Break this month, I have collected some great reads.  They are all on my own list.  So whether you will be sitting on a beach, travelling for hours on planes, trains and automobiles or just enjoying a relaxing staycation, these titles are for you.  Bon Voyage!

An American Housewife Stores by Helen Ellis.  
Meet the women of American Housewife: they wear lipstick, pearls, and sunscreen, even when it’s cloudy. They casserole. They pinwheel. They pump the salad spinner like it’s a CPR dummy. And then they kill a party crasher, carefully stepping around the body to pull cookies out of the oven. These twelve irresistible stories take us from a haunted prewar Manhattan apartment building to the set of a rigged reality television show, from the unique initiation ritual of a book club to the getaway car of a pageant princess on the lam, from the gallery opening of a tinfoil artist to the fitting room of a legendary lingerie shop. Vicious, fresh, and nutty as a poisoned Goo Goo Cluster, American Housewife is an uproarious, pointed commentary on womanhood.  Summary

My Name Is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout.

Lucy Barton is recovering slowly from what should have been a simple operation. Her mother, to whom she hasn’t spoken for many years, comes to see her. Gentle gossip about people from Lucy’s childhood in Amgash, Illinois, seems to reconnect them, but just below the surface lie the tension and longing that have informed every aspect of Lucy’s life: her escape from her troubled family, her desire to become a writer, her marriage, her love for her two daughters. Knitting this powerful narrative together is the brilliant storytelling voice of Lucy herself: keenly observant, deeply human, and truly unforgettable. Summary

After You by Jojo Moyes

How do you move on after losing the person you loved? How do you build a life worth living?
Louisa Clark is no longer just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. After the transformative six months spent with Will Traynor, she is struggling without him. When an extraordinary accident forces Lou to return home to her family, she can’t help but feel she’s right back where she started.
Her body heals, but Lou herself knows that she needs to be kick-started back to life. Which is how she ends up in a church basement with the members of the Moving On support group, who share insights, laughter, frustrations, and terrible cookies. They will also lead her to the strong, capable Sam Fielding—the paramedic, whose business is life and death, and the one man who might be able to understand her. Then a figure from Will’s past appears and hijacks all her plans, propelling her into a very different future. . . .
For Lou Clark, life after Will Traynor means learning to fall in love again, with all the risks that brings. But here Jojo Moyes gives us two families, as real as our own, whose joys and sorrows will touch you deeply, and where both changes and surprises await.  Summary

Opening Belle by Maureen Sherry
In 2008, Isabelle—a self-made, thirty-something Wall Street star—appears to have it all: an Upper West Side apartment, three healthy children, a handsome husband, and a high-powered job. But her reality is something else. Her trading desk work environment resembles a 1980s frat party, her husband feels employment is beneath him, and the bulk of childcare and homecare still falls in Belle’s already full lap.

Enter Henry, the former college fiancé she never quite got over; now a hedge fund mogul. He becomes her largest client, and Belle gets to see the life she might have had with him. While Henry campaigns to win Belle back, the sexually harassed women in her office take action to improve their working conditions, and recruit a wary Belle into a secret “glass ceiling club” whose goal is to mellow the cowboy banking culture and get equal pay for their work. All along, Belle can sense the financial markets heading toward their soon-to-be historic crash and that something has to give—and when it does, everything is going to change: her marriage, her career, her world, and her need to keep her colleagues’ hands to themselves.  Summary

This Was Not The Plan by Christina Alger
Charlie Goldwyn’s life hasn’t exactly gone according to plan. Widowerhood at thirty-three and twelve-hour workdays have left a gap in his relationship with his quirky five-year-old son, Caleb, whose obsession with natural disasters and penchant for girls’ clothing have made him something of a loner at his preschool. The only thing Charlie has going for him is his job at a prestigious law firm, where he is finally close to becoming a partner.

But when a slight lapse in judgment at an office party leaves him humiliatingly unemployed, stuck at home with Caleb for the summer, and forced to face his own estranged father, Charlie starts to realize that there’s more to fatherhood than financially providing for his son, and more to being a son than overtaking his father’s successes.

At turns heartbreaking and hilarious, This Was Not the Plan is a story about loss and love, parenthood, and friendship, and what true work-life balance means. Summary

The Darlings by Christina Alger

Since he married Merrill Darling, daughter of billionaire financier Carter Darling, attorney Paul Ross has grown accustomed to all the luxuries of Park Avenue. But a tragic event is about to catapult the Darling family into the middle of a massive financial investigation and a red-hot scandal. Suddenly, Paul must decide where his loyalties really lie.

Debut novelist Cristina Alger is a former analyst at Goldman Sachs, an attorney, and the daughter of a Wall Street financier. Drawing on her unique insider’s perspective, Alger gives us an irresistible glimpse into the highest echelons of New York society—and a fast-paced thriller of epic proportions that powerfully echoes Claire Messud’s The Emperor’s Children and reads like a fictional Too Big to Fail.  Summary


Big Cats the Art of Robert Dallet

Its sad to see the end of yet another fun fashion week.  However, I have to say that I was able to end it with a BANG!!  Last night I went to the lecture Hermes: A Natural History given by Ménéhold De Bazelaire, the Director of Cultural Heritage and Curiator of the Emile Hermes museum.  This lecutre accompanied Hermes and Panthera exhibit of  Fierce and Fragle: Big Cats in the Art of Robert Dallet at the Bruce Museum in Greenwich Ct.  The exhibit highlights the works of Dallet, who started working for Hermes in 1985 and created some of the most iconic big cat designs for the company.  The Panthera, the global wild cat conservation organization have partnered with Hermes to bring this exhibit starting in Greenwhich and then travelling throughout Europe and Asia in 2016-2017.  Hermes is also offering limited editions of scarfs and a coffee table book, with some of the proceeds benefitting this impoartant cause.  Hermes is also giving complimentary admisson to this beautiful exhibit at the Bruce Museum now until March 13th. Bon Weekend!!!

image artbook

image Greenwich Free Press

image Hermes

image Bruce Museum

image Forbes

image Hermes

image Fashon Parade

Waffles and Dinges

I’ve been hearing about the amazing Waffles and Dinges truck travelling around New York City.  I started following them on Instagram and all is can say is WOW.  Lucky for us, we ran into the truck last week and decided to stop for a coffee and try out one of the amazing waffles.  It was so delicious.  I brought some home for my food critics and the waffles were a home run all around (how could they not be!!!).  I defintely recommend looking them up the next time you are in the City.  Oh, and I tried one of their other specialities, Latte with maple syrup.  It was incredible.   To find where the truck is located, check out their Website.

Our complimentary “mini” waffle