How to Save Money Now: A few quick tips.

When life gives you lemons……. make lemonade as they say. And 2020 has brought all of us a TON of lemons. Despite all the changes and upheavals to people’s lifestyles in 2020, there are still some things that remain unchanged fiscal responsibility and BILLS!!

Image Credit: Pexels CC0 License

If you are looking for ways to help save money and readjust your financial obligations and how you deal with money, this post will give you some ideas on how best to approach this to make sure you can still live comfortably but also make savings on household bills where possible.

Repair not Replace

When something breaks down, the first option is to replace it. Appliances around the home come with a typical lifespan. If your appliance breaks down and is over 50% of the way through its lifespan, you may be looking at considering replacing it altogether. However, choosing to repair it may be more cost-efficient, especially for newer models. Many retailers sell parts for major appliances such as Electrolux spare parts to enable you or a repair company to fix the issue easily.

If you require new furniture, have you considered upcycling? While not strictly repairing an item, breathing a new lease of life into old or unused furniture around the home can save you money on buying new and allow you to create a unique one-off item to compliment your home.

Check online for upcycling tutorials for the cost of the materials needed – often these can be sourced from donations of pre-loved items, you can create something original for your home. There are so many ways you can repurpose items around the home. Wooden headboards can make great shelving or feature art for walls. Repurpose an old wardrobe by removing the doors and any shelves and turn it into a completely new item for your home such as using the wood to make a side table or sideboard for your hallway or even a coat and shoe cabinet. Use your imagination and see what you can come up with!

Utility Bills

A go-to option for everyone looking to save money, but by making sure you aren’t paying over the odds on your household bills by switching suppliers if possible can save you some money you can use for other essentials. Apply this to your bills and insurance policy to make sure you are getting the best deal for the level of cover you need.

Car insurance, home insurance and life insurance premiums can all add up, but moving to a provider who matches the level of cover you need for a better price will help you to maximise your income.

With the average monthly cell phone bill being $67, making the switch to a different cell provider can help to save you money by switching plans to a more suitable one for your needs that costs less.

Protect Your Income

If you are worried that your income may be affected during the pandemic, it may be worth looking into redundancy insurance or income protection insurance. Check with your provider to see what type of cover you have on your policy and see if you are covered should the unexpected happen.

If not, it may be worth adding either of these insurances to make sure your income is protected. Redundancy cover will provide you with a payout in the event of involuntary redundancy, and income protection cover will pay out should you be unable to work due to an illness such as contracting coronavirus and being unable to work for long periods.

Losing money in such unprecedented times is a huge worry so while protecting your income is initially saving your money, you will reap the rewards should you fall into one of the categories that mean a loss of income. It may be that you need to add this to your policy as a premium cover but the extra expense each month can ease pressure and worry about your will to manage financially should your income be affected by the pandemic.

Debt Consolidation

Taking out a debt consolidation loan could mean you increase how much you owe, however, the monthly repayments could be lower than your combined payments and all you are left with is one more manageable payment each month. Check your eligibility before applying and make sure you have a good credit history to maximize your chances of getting accepted for a lower-rate loan. Take into account annual fees, fees charged, and the interest rate you are paying on your existing credit before deciding if a consolidation loan is best for you. Consolidating your debts is the act of taking on a loan to repay all of your outstanding credit in one lump sum and then be left with one more manageable monthly payment. If you are paying high levels of interest on the money you owe for loans, credit cards, car financing etc., then looking for a lower interest loan that can pay off your existing credit obligations can help you to improve your credit rating and avoid falling behind on repayments.

Remove Unwanted Subscriptions

It pays to be thorough when going through your bank statements. Revoking any subscriptions, you aren’t frequently using can help you to save some money each month. Gyms, magazine, charity donations, streaming services and more can all add up and if you aren’t using them as frequently as you should be, then consider cancelling and going without until you are in a better position financially.

Home Goods Round-Up

I received many messages asking for a Home Goods post. I have not been to home goods since early in the summer. I thought it was time to run over and check out some of the new items. I have to admit I was a little disappointed this time. There were so many Christmas items, mostly smaller trees. I did spot a few cute things but I think it is wayyy too early to start buying for Christmas right now!! Also, since this is the first time I will not be hosting a large Thanksgiving dinner, I passed over all the Thanksgiving decor. But, I did find some other really great pieces. I am hoping for more great arrivals in the next month or so. I will keep you updated for sure!!!

This velvet swivel chair was fab…I love the brushed gold base…

Agate coasters are the most beautiful gifts. They had a bunch of colors.

There was a pair of circle lamps.. I could see these in a bedroom or living room..sooo chic!!!

I love love this pair of lamps. The shades are soo cool!!!!!

This end table really caught my eye…

For all the blue and white lovers, how great are these canisters? They would make great gifts, or placed on a kitchen counter or with the tops taken off and used as vases for flower arrangements..

This amazing beverage holder would be so amazing in any Christmas decor. It was soo hard for me leave it there…what a gorgeous, unique piece…

I love this fancy garden would look so pretty sitting next to the Christmas tree holding colorful presents!!!

These nightstands are so gorgeous and on trend…

I saw someone with these pillows in their cart and was so happy that I found another pair. They are really incredible…

I cannot resist anything greek key. I love the champagne color too…These would look so good on a bar cart.

There were a few of these large faux fur pillows…all you need are 2 to spruce up any sofa!!

This is probably one of the most beautiful pieces I have ever seen at Home Goods. This celadon urn with foo dog finial would look amazing next to a fireplace or in an entryway!

An etched champagne bucket is a must and not easy to find…they also make fabulous gifts..

How sweet is this Superman popcorn popper…it would be perfect under the tree…

This pair of navy pillows were so great looking…very David Hicks!!!

Lastly, it IS that time of year and there were some amazing Halloween decorations…

Why A Pandemic Is A Perfect Time To Start Saving Money.

Image by Pixabay 

This global pandemic has caused many different problems for people, and it has changed the way we live for now and maybe for the future too. COVID-19 has meant that many people have lost their jobs and are struggling right now, others may not be struggling, but it has made them rethink the way they spend their money. If saving money, even a little every day is not something you’re very good at, like me, or not something you have tried before, then now during this pandemic could be the perfect time to start, and here’s why:

It’s Something Proactive

If you are finding it difficult to be proactive during this global crisis because it’s very limiting, then learning how to save a bit every day could be for you It’s something you can control when there isn’t much else you can.  

It Can Be Fun

There’s not much to laugh about or enjoy right now, but rather than dwelling on that, embracing savings can be really enjoyable. Seeking out the best deals, making the most of freebies, and feeling in control over your money while watching it grow can be very satisfying 

You Have Time To Get Organized

With extra time on your hands staying at home, you can make a list of all your monthly payments and expenses and sort them into the order of priority. Decide which can be canceled and see where you can reduce certain payments by switching energy providers or internet or insurance providers. Could you remortgage your house to lower your monthly payment? A lot of my friends have done this recently. Find out all your options and use online calculators such as this one on MortgageCalculator.Org to see where you could be making savings. 

You Have No Choice But To Stay At Home More

The Coronavirus can really benefit you when it comes to saving money as you are advised and encouraged to spend more time at home, for your safety and for the safety of everyone else. This means that you have no choice but to save money on transportation, going out, eating out, spontaneous shopping sprees and generally living life. You can cut down massively on unnecessary shopping and choose your food shopping wisely by making a plan before you go out or order online and only buy what you need. I started ordering my groceries online a few years ago and I really see a difference in my weekly grocery bills. While you’re spending more time at home, you have the time to cook and bake more, which can save you a lot of money from going out to eat or ordering in.

Clean Out Your Closets and Sell What You No Longer Need

You also have time to sell the things that you are no longer using. There are plenty of online sites that can help you do this and many people willing to buy online while they are stuck at home. As you come across things that you no longer need or want or clothes you haven’t worn for a while, then sell them. This is a really easy way to make money, clear out your clutter, and while people are watching their money right now, they are all looking for bargains as well. So you will find it pretty easy to sell your things and earn a few extra pennies. And you will be shocked how quickly all that money adds up.

Book Club Monday

I am sooo in love with today’s book club choice, Kenneth: Shear Elegance by Giuseppe Longo. In case you didn’t know Kenneth was THE hairstylist to the stars wayyyy before any of the other big-names of today came along. He was the pioneer of the celebrity hairstylist. His salon was located in the amazingly iconic Waldorf Astoria and opened in the early 1950s. His star-studded elegant clientele included Jackie O, Maralyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Lucile Ball and so many more grande dames and then also MY MOTHER. Yes, my mother would go to Kenneth’s every month. She loved it there and so did I. Throughout most of the ’70s and 80’s we would make the trek into NYC and go to Kenneths. Of course, being the first major celebrity to the stars, the Salon was so gorgeous. There was a huge round center banquette for all the ladies to wait for their turn with an enormous tall gorgeous plant right in the middle, which always looked like it was just assembled that morning. The talented Billy Baldwin decorated the space and it was truly incredible. I was so excited when I heard this book was being published this month.


Discover the story of the pioneering hairstylist who obliterated the once-omnipresent hat and transformed the fashion industry through his A-list clients at his iconic 54th Street Salon. Kenneth Battelle, known simply as “Kenneth,” started his 50-year career in the early 1950s in New York City and built a loyal client list who swore by his skills, including Jacqueline Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Countess Consuelo Crespi, Diana Vreeland, Lucille Ball, and Gloria Vanderbilt. This biography not only celebrates his extraordinary talent but examines his behind-the-scenes life and career struggles, including the disastrous fire that destroyed his salon, and his perseverance moving forward. Through personal memories of those closest to him, including friends, clients, and former employees, the man who created a cult of classic, timeless ladies comes to life. Previously unpublished photographs, notes, clippings, and original Joe Eula illustrations richly exhibit both his myriad achievements and America’s 20th-century high-fashion scene. –

This book has been so popular that it is currently backordered but will arrive in time for the holidays so it makes a PERFECT gift..for more information or to purchase this book, click HERE.

The Fabulous Kenneth Salon…..How I would love to be sitting there right now!!

Tips To Take Care Of Your Body

It’s important that we all take care of our bodies throughout our lifetime. There can be many stresses and traumas that can take place, and it’s important to make your health and well being a priority Here are some tips to take care of your body.

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Know When Something Doesn’t Feel Right

When something doesn’t feel right, you should know. It’s your body after all, and we all know that familiar feeling of feeling sick or not feeling like our usual selves. It’s important to be more in touch with your body and to pay attention to any warning signs that might crop up when it comes to your health. Perhaps you’re prone to a common cold, and the signs tend to be apparent a few weeks before you start getting ill. Being privy to this information can help you take the steps to get yourself better sooner, rather than later. With that being said, take note of what is normal for you and what isn’t. If anything is wrong or doesn’t feel right, then it’s important to take your concerns to the medical professional who can help to take a look. Don’t ignore these signs or warnings because it might mean that you catch something earlier than later down the line.

It’s also good to be aware of various symptoms that are relative to different medical conditions, from leukemia symptoms to cancer.

Look After Yourself More

It’s something that’s said often, but we really don’t take good care of ourselves enough. We tend to prioritize other people’s needs before our own. And that’s something that’s important to change. We should be looking after our wellbeing and taking the time to spend on our health and happiness. This might be getting a massage every month to taking more time out, out of your week, to do something just for you. Putting yourself first isn’t something that’s selfish but can actually be quite nice to do every once in a while.

Get Regular Medical Checks

Medical checks are important because if you’re not getting your body checked out, then this could cause issues that are going unmonitored. It’s important to look at changes in your body that might seem irregular or be aware of your body’s usual state. If anything seems off or you have concerns, it’s good to be active in looking after yourself and chasing these fears. After all, it’s better to be in the know, than not to be.

These medical checks also let you determine the best treatments for anything that comes up, such as IV infusion therapy. While the checkups can seem like a chore, they’re key to making sure you live a healthy and happy life long-term.

Eat Well

Eating well is essential to a healthier body. It’s all about eating in moderation, even if you fancy indulging in some junk food every now and then. As long as you’re not overindulging or eating too much, then you’ll be able to feel healthier in yourself as a result. Eating healthy is important, but it can be hard to do for some people.

If you start experiencing any sort of oral pain, ensure to sort out mouth sores at this general dentistry in Avon Lake Ohio as soon as possible.

Taking care of your body is something you can start doing right now. Use these tips to make sure you look after number one – you!

J McLaughlin For Fall

I am so excited to have partnered with J McLaughlin to bring you some of my top picks for fall. All of their looks this season are so on trend with what we have seen on the runways. The clothes are extremely wearable for the day and can be dressed up to transition for an evening out. I tried to pick a bunch of things that you can mix and match with items from your own wardrobe. Click any of the images below to easily shop online or visit one of the many STORES around the country!! To find the store closest to you, click HERE!!!! Bon Weekend!!

This was the first thing that caught my eye when I walked into the Greenwich store. I love how it looks with black leather pants.

Camo is so hot right now. This wrap is the perfect piece if you want to incorporate a small touch into your everyday. It is also the most amazing piece to keep you warm during outdoor fall dining!!!!!

I love the look of this gray faux fur coat. I also love the shape of it. It is great to wear with jeans and the top button buttoned over your shoulders at dinner or over your favorite dress.

If you do not have a pair of leather leggings yet, you need to get a pair ASAP. They are so flattering and bring any outfit to the next level. These have become a true closet staple for fall and winter.

They also come in brown….

I also love this snake skin printed top. I think it looks great with dark denim or black leather pants…and if you have the faux fur gray coat from above….PERFECTION!!!!

I was so impressed with this dress when I saw it in person. It is very vintage DVF and I love the colors….

I am always asked for the perfect dress…This would be one of my picks…This faux belted suede dress is so chic!! It looks great with knee-high boots or pointed kitten heels or any leopard shoes!!

Anyone who knows me knows that I could NEVER EVER pass this up..I love the neutral color and the fur collar is gorgeous…this would be my go to piece all fall and winter…

Lastly, I saw someone try on these amazing shoes in the store and they were screaming vintage Gucci vibes!!! Run don’t walk for these before they sell out!!!!