Tomorrow is the Feast of the Epiphany, or the day when the three wise men visited the baby Jesus. It is said that you should wait until this feast day to take down your Christmas decor. This year, especially I have received so many requests on how to store Christmas decorations. I have compiled a list of some of the best things to help keep your collection neat and tidy and ready for next November/December!!!
I just ordered these to store my wreaths!!!!
These are perfect for storing your lights!!!!
I use these bags to store smaller artificial trees and garland…
These are my go to storage bags…they hold everything…
This is the best ornament storage box…each ones holds up to 64 ornaments!!!!
Do yourself a favor and get rid of the messy package of extra hooks and buy this for next year……
This will keep all of your electrical cords nice and tidy!!!
Do you have Christmas plates or glasses? This is just the thing you need!!!
If you have an artificial tree, this is an amazing way to store it!!!
I like to store extra gift bags, tags, bows, etc in this bag….
This spring in Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends, two Broadway icons, Tony Award winners Bernadette…
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