I cannot tell you how many times I hear “no one wants silver anymore”. It’s a pain to polish. It is a pain to polish but it looks so good when its all shiny and out on display. So many people have random silver pieces tucked away. Well, today is your rainy day. Get out that silver. You are home with hours to pass. Start cleaning and find a new purpose for Grandma’s or mom’s heirloom…Here are some really great ideas for making your old silver look new again, all around the house. Don’t forget…send me your photos…..I’d love to share them!!!!
PS…here is the best tip for polishing silver…….
Tarnished silver is no match for this aluminum foil “recipe.” Bring one liter of water, one tablespoon of baking soda, and one piece of aluminum foil to a boil. Drop silverware in the pot for 10 seconds (longer if it’s very tarnished), then remove using kitchen tongs. Magic!
Image credit As you probably know, there are things you need to do in order…
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