I am hearing from so many people that they are dreading the Christmas season. No parties, no cookie exchanges, no secret Santa, mostly all online shopping, and it goes on and on. I feel your pain. I think I am in denial most days and blast my Christmas music like everything will just turn around on Dec 1st. But the reality is, we might be really limited with our celebrating this year. So, I am going to do a few posts, once a week with a fun activity you can do to keep the Holiday spirit and your own spirits going.
Last year I saw the most beautiful silk beaded ornaments. They were actually kits that you make yourself. I am going to buy a few and ask a girlfriend or 2 over for takeout and to make a beautiful ornament. We can play Christmas music and have our own mini party. We’ve got this Fashionistas…Now to go order my ornament kits!!
To see the entire assortment of ornament kits click HERE.
This spring in Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends, two Broadway icons, Tony Award winners Bernadette…
Image Source – https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/hands-working-network-graphic-overlay-banner…