I am so lucky that the sun has not been shining here in New York because I cannot seem to find any of my sunglasses. All of my favorite pairs have somehow disappeared. Sooooo I have been on a mad search for new shapes and sizes. I figure since I am starting fresh I should try something different…Ok, so I checked a few sites and OMG!!! I was horrified…when did sunglasses become so expensive???!!!!????????? I went on my one of my favorite websites, Net A Porter and found a company called Le Specs. Le Specs was founded in the 1970’s but was recently relaunched. It is an Australian company that combines a street look with a music look and have become a favorite of celebs and fashionistas everywhere!!!! But I forgot the best part most of the styles are $100 and under!! I like THESE and THESE and THESE and THESE.
Image Source – https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/hands-working-network-graphic-overlay-banner…
Nestled in the heart of Putnam County, New York, the Hudson Valley InterArts Center stands…