Today’s Fashionable Friend Friday is my friend Stephanie, a very talented floral designer. Every Friday she posts a “Friday Flowers” arrangement on Instagram and they are all to die for!! Flower arranging is truly a gift and Stephaine sure does have it.. I asked her to give us some flower tips, especially how to take ordinary grocery store flowers and turn them into a Stephanie Worthy Bouquet!!!
What’s your favorite flower?
Thats like picking a favorite child . . . if I had to say, Gardenia.
Where do you look for inspiration?
Everywhere . . . even your blog 🙂
Do you always have fresh flowers at home?
Always, it makes everything nicer.
What are all the tools of the trade and supplies that we need to get started?
Great vases, and oasis. Oh, and sharp scissors.
So we are in the grocery store and see the rows of pre made bouquets. How can we turn these into something that looks like a professional arranged them?
First, check their stems to see if they are fresh. They should not have a filmy coating on them. Then take them home and separate them, cut their stems and get rid of whatever looks cheap . . . ( too much greenery, for example ) Then see if you have any fresh greens around. I will often cut some boxwood from the back yard and add it to the flowers for a fresh look.
What do you recommend to make a quick beautiful arrangement with flowers you can buy in the grocery store?
I think Trader Joe’s has the best flowers and you cant beat their prices! If you are new to arranging flowers then its best to stay with one color.
Do you prefer monotone arrangements or very colorful?
Both, it really depends where its going. My family room has a lot of pattern so I usually just keep it to green and white.
How do you use greens in a arrangement?
I use them to frame the arrangement.
Can you make an arrangement without flowers just using greens?
Absolutely, and it is a very chic look.
How do you use your garden flowers to make an arrangement?
I am always cutting flowers from the garden. Flowers, branches holly…whatever I can find. Right now I just cut a huge bouquet of tulips that had just started to fall over. They now have a second life on my kitchen island.
I have a lot of bud vases but never know how to use them or what to put into them. How can I make a bud vase look pretty in my home?
Bud vases look beautiful all lined up with a single flower or green. Keep it simple. I also love a bud vase in a powder room or on a bedside table. Right now I have a single gardenia next to my bed and the entire room smells wonderful!
What types of decorative containers do you like for flower arranging?
Interesting shapes with small openings so you don’t have to use too many blooms.
Is there an all year round flower?
You can get almost any flower all year, but you will have to pay up. I always try and wait until the flower is in season. But, roses from Costco are around all year and I use them all the time!
What is the best way to keep an orchid alive?
One ice cube a week.
What is the arrangement that you keep coming back to and making again and again?
I love wild arrangements with branches and ivy trailing. I want my flowers to look like I just brought them in from the garden and plopped them in a vase. You know the “no makeup look “
If you would like to contact Stephanie for arrangements for events or your own “Friday Flowers” her email is
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Credit – Pixabay CC0 Nothing in this life is more important than your family’s…
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