I read many many blogs for inspiration. But one in particular, I have really been enjoying this past fall. One of the sweetest girls I know, Molly, went on her junior year abroad to Florence. This is in itself a huge accomplishment. You have to apply and these days, EVERYONE wants to go abroad during their junior year, so it is soooo competitive. Molly was of course accepted into the Syracuse program and off she went to Florence. She started the most adorable blog chronologizing her time abroad and her fabulous adventures. I loved reading every entree from her first days staying with “Nonna” to her descriptive account of visiting Rome, and how she felt her grandmother with her in the Sistine chapel and her detailed account of beautiful Positano. Molly, your writing is incredible, I felt like I was travelling with you and your words and insights were so wonderful and well chosen. Thank you for allowing us into your semester abroad. And, welcome home!!!! We missed you!!!! Please check out Molly’s blog HERE. You will love it!!!!! Grazie Mille, Molly!!!!!!
This spring in Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends, two Broadway icons, Tony Award winners Bernadette…
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