Have you used Ebates yet? I started a year ago and I have to say it is LIFE CHANGING. Basically Ebates is a site that gives you cash back on every purchase. Every few months they make a paypal deposit or will mail you a check with your cash back. It is so easy. I have been getting back money on every single online purchase that I make. It and adds up fast. Stores pay Ebates a commission for sending their members to their websites and they share it with YOU!!!! That’s it plain and simple. I have included a video for you to see step by step how it works….HERE is a link to the site to learn more….to get started scroll down to the bottom under ABOUT and click “Getting Started”. They even have a button you can install (just by clicking a box) that automatically installs Ebates when you visit a participating website and even applies coupons at checkout so you save even more money. It really is the most amazing way to shop. Once you get your first check, you will definitely be thanking me!!!!
This spring in Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends, two Broadway icons, Tony Award winners Bernadette…
Image Source – https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/hands-working-network-graphic-overlay-banner…