Here comes Peter Cottontail. Let’s start thinking about a dinner side. Our amazing client, Kate from She’s Cookin’ in Brooklyn sent me this delcious green bean recipe. Beautiful, vibrant green beans aren’t hard to make! BLANCH them and you’ll have an easy, healthy side dish when you sit down with your family this Easter.
Blanching is a technique that quickly heats and then very quickly cools your food. It also ensures your food, keeps its crisp, texture, and fresh color for as long as possible.
For green beans, the process is very simple. Heat a large pot of boiling water, and add a healthy pinch of salt to the water.
Once the water has come to a rolling boil, drop the green beans into the water and let them cook for about 30 seconds or until you’re happy with the brightness of their color.
Using a strainer or large, slotted kitchen spoon, transfer the green beans to an ice bath (large bowl of water with a few scoops of ice).
Let them rest for a couple of minutes and then remove them from the ice bath and reserve them in a large bowl.
At this time, you can season them of you as you like. My favorite is with a little extra salt sometimes some butter and always a little lemon juice for freshness. You can top it with toasted slivered almonds and some zested lemon too. Bon Appetit
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