The reality is setting in, in less than a month, I will be dropping my son off at college. He is my oldest and leaving behind 2 sisters. Our house is about to become even more girly (which is hard to believe). I want his dorm room to remind him of home but not be too “done”. I have been searching online for some of the most perfect things to send him off with. Here are some of my favorite finds…I think he is off to a really good start!!!!
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This spring in Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends, two Broadway icons, Tony Award winners Bernadette…
This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and purchase something, I may get a small commission from it at no cost to you. I only feature things that I truly love and I hope you do too!!!
This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and purchase something, I may get a small commission from it at no cost to you. I only feature things that I truly love and I hope you do too!!!