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10 Home Decorating Mistakes You Should Avoid

When decorating your home, there are a few things you should avoid. If you want to create a functional and stylish space, then you need to be aware of the most common decorating mistakes. This blog post will discuss 10 of the most common mistakes people make when decorating their homes. Then, we’ll provide tips on avoiding these mistakes, so you can create a space you love!

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Not Taking Measurements

Before you go shopping for furniture and décor, be sure to measure the space in which it will be placed. Furniture that is too large for a room can make it feel cramped and cluttered while selecting items that are too small can leave the space empty.

Hanging Art Too High

When it comes to hanging art, there are other options besides the space above your sofa. Many people make the mistake of hanging artwork too high on their walls, making a room look overly formal and uninviting. Instead, consider placing pieces at eye level or slightly lower for a more comfortable, inviting atmosphere in your home.

Overlooking Lighting

Lighting is often an overlooked element of interior design, yet it can significantly impact your home’s overall feel and atmosphere. Ensure that you consider lighting when planning out your space, as this can help create more depth and interest in each room. To achieve the ideal ambiance, consulting a residential electrician can be a pivotal step. A skilled electrician not only ensures that all fixtures are installed safely and efficiently but can also offer creative solutions for integrating innovative lighting systems. 

Ignoring the Color Scheme

Choosing a color scheme is essential when decorating your home. Not only do colors have the power to evoke certain emotions, but they can also make a room look larger or smaller, depending on how you use them. So take your time to select colors that complement each other, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different shades and tones.

Not Thinking About Functionality

When planning your space, think about how it will be used and the furniture you need to function correctly. It’s important to select comfortable, practical, and stylish pieces so that your home is both beautiful and functional at the same time. Going Overboard with Accessories

Accessories can add a lot of personality and style to a room, but it’s essential to do just what is necessary. Too many accessories can make your space look cluttered and disorganized, so be selective when selecting pieces for your home. ArchiPro products have an extensive range of accessories to choose from, so you are sure to find something that fits your home’s overall style.

Neglecting Wall Space

When it comes time to decorate, walls often end up neglected. While many put a few paintings and photographs on them, many other possibilities can be explored. Wallpaper and murals, hanging shelves and planters, and interactive art installations are all creative options to explore. In addition, consider turning the wall into a functional component of your space. For example, you could install a chalkboard or whiteboard wall to jot down notes and reminders or build in shelving for books and knick-knacks. You can even use the walls as storage with built-in cabinets, drawers, cubbies, and hooks. These are all great ways to add character to your space while making it more functional.

Forgetting to Personalise

When decorating a space, it’s vital to ensure that you inject a bit of your style and taste into the mix. Whether selecting pieces with sentimental value or incorporating family photographs, adding personalized touches can make your space feel like home.

Not Taking the Time to Arrange Furniture Properly

It can be tempting to plop a piece of furniture down in the middle of a room and call it a day, but this is not the best way to arrange pieces in a space. Instead, take the time to experiment with different arrangements, considering the shape and size of your room, before settling on a final layout. This can create a more balanced look in each space.

Ignoring Scale and Proportion

When selecting furniture pieces, it’s important to consider the piece’s scale relative to the size of the room. Choosing items that are too large or too small can throw off the entire look of the space. Be sure to measure each piece beforehand and consider how it will fit in with other pieces in the room before making your final selection.

When it comes to the scale and proportion, you also have to keep in mind what you already have and where something may need to go. For instance, if you moved into a new home, such as downsizing (such as temporarily), but your current furniture is too big, then you could look into storage. Generally speaking, a whole room can be thrown off if the accessories and furniture in it are far too big or small. But holding something in a storage solution for the time being could be a great solution until you can find the right place for it. 

Making Decisions Too Quickly

When decorating a space, it’s essential to take your time and make sure that you make the right decisions. Take your time purchasing items, as this can lead to costly mistakes you may regret later on. Instead, take your time researching and considering different options before making a final selection. This will help ensure that you end up with pieces you truly love.

By avoiding these common decorating mistakes, you can create a beautiful and welcoming space that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Remember to select colors carefully, think about functionality when selecting pieces, personalize your space with family photographs or special items, take the time to arrange furniture properly, and consider scale and proportion before making any decisions. By doing so, you will be able to create a stylish and comfortable home that you will be proud of for years to come

Bougie Blankets For Mother’s Day

One of the best most luxurious gifts for Mother’s Day is a Bougie Blanket. We have one in our house and everyone fights over it. It was the only thing my son asked for his 25th birthday!!!!!

Bougie Blankets is a women-owned company born out of pure love. Nathalie the founder discovered an amazing way to express love through warmth and coziness. The company believes that cozying up with our loved ones or simply cozying up solo, is the best way to live.

The blankets are available in a few sizes and many colors. It is the absolute perfect gift for mom. And while you are at it, buy one for yourself! To see all of the options visit the Bougie Blanket website!

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3 Simple Rules for a Great Basement

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A basement can be anything you want it to be, from a cozy space to a games room to somewhere where you can do the laundry. But if you’ve got a basement space going begging, it would be a crime to let this go to waste. Making a great basement room is not always straightforward, which is why you need to follow some of these rules.

Make Sure It is Safe to Inhabit 

One of the biggest issues basements have is water runoff. As the water from the roof can come down and collect in the basement, this is the number one reason for flooding, mold, and a whole manner of basement hazards. This is why you may benefit from the input of wet basement contractors to make sure that your basement is safe first and foremost. 

If you operate with a safety-first approach, rather than prioritizing the aesthetics, you will guarantee a far better foundation, meaning you will save yourself a lot more money over time, especially during adverse weather conditions, where the water ends up pooling in your basement, causing damage to everything within. 

You should also consider additional insulating materials, not just to reduce moisture, but to reduce noise as well, especially if you want to turn it into a game room or somewhere you can play your musical instruments loudly.

Really Understand Your Budget

As simple as it sounds, a budget is the most important thing to consider. It helps you understand the scope of the project, but you can also determine the installation costs and your ideal materials. Not many people have an unlimited budget, but we have to start with the overall costs in mind. 

Basement contractors can tell you what the final figure would be, but it is essential to add a buffer on top of this, just in case the projects go over, or the builder doesn’t do everything they promised. 

The more you invest, the greater an investment your home will be overall, but if you have never conducted a major construction project, make sure you don’t get carried away.

Choosing the Right Colors

A finished basement can look just as attractive as the rest of your home. Rather than using your basement as a dumping ground and treating it accordingly in every single way, you should spend a bit more time and energy to make the aesthetics like the rest of your home. 

The best way to do this cheaply is to use the same color schemes in your basement as the rest of your home. You can start by using similar shades with your items, like your furniture, but you can also make it more comfortable, and potentially make this the most attractive room in the home. 

Functionality is critical, and rather than just turning it into a laundry room, it can be a multi-purpose room and even a spare room for guests

A great basement room is within reach, just as long as you treat it accordingly. To make sure it thrives, you have to make it safe and make it sturdy, but also make it that extra bit special.

Old Décor Trends That Have Made A Big Comeback

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There are many old decor trends that have fallen out of style over the years. However, some of them have seen a resurgence. It’s impressive to see such a homage to the past while retaining the intricacies and convenience of modern design, as even top-of-the-line hotels and luxury rental apartments are leveraging this beautiful aesthetic. Below are just some of the vintage decor trends that have made a comeback.

Wood panels

Back in the 60s and 70s, almost every home had a wood-paneled wall somewhere. However, this love for wood panels started to fade in the 80s.

It’s only in recent years that wood paneling has started to make a big comeback. Wood paneling can provide some natural texture to a room, while also providing insulation, making it charming and practical. 

There are some rules for successfully using wood panels. Firstly, try to stick to a single accent wall – wood on multiple walls can be texture overkill. It’s also safer to stick to lighter tones of wood, as darker tones of wood can still run the risk of looking dated. offers some great wood accent wall ideas. 

Floral wallpaper

Floral wallpaper has seen many revivals throughout history. Intricate floral designs were a symbol of luxury in the 1800s, while brighter more straightforward prints became popular during the ‘flower power’ era of the 60s.

Both wallpaper and floral designs started to be viewed as tacky in the 80s. However, many homes have been starting to embrace floral wallpaper again in recent decades. When applied correctly, it can bring a cheery burst of color and texture to a room. 

As with wood panels, it’s best to use floral wallpaper on a single accent wall rather than covering an entire room. It’s important to also choose floral wallpaper designs that feel modern. This guide offers some great tips on how to use floral wallpaper in 2023. 

Framed mirrors

Frameless mirrors can often have a more subtle and cleaner look. This has led many homes to abandon traditional ‘French mirrors’ with frames. However, these mirrors can still have their place in modern homes.

Framed mirrors are great statement items for spicing up bare walls. They can add character to an overly minimal bathroom or they can stop a TV dominating a living room when placed opposite the screen. Choose an antique mirror for a piece of history, or choose a modern mirror to keep things contemporary

Edison bulbs

Thomas Edison invented the incandescent lightbulb back in 1879. Since its invention, light bulbs have gotten a lot smaller and more compact. However, large light bulbs have become stylish again in recent years. 

Such bulbs are typically hung from the ceiling without a lampshade. A popular decor trend is to hang multiple Edison bulbs from a beam above a kitchen island or dining table. You can buy modern Edison-style bulbs that use LED light instead of incandescent light. These are much more energy-efficient, while still possessing that vintage look. 

Brass faucets

Brass-finished plumbing has gone in and out of style over the years. As this post explores, they’re currently seeing a resurgence. 

Brass faucets go really well with farmhouse decor in a kitchen as do farmhouse sinks. They can also add a vintage feel to a bathroom when paired with bold tiles. They’re a fun alternative to chrome steel taps.

Freestanding tubs

Freestanding tubs have also become a lot more popular in recent years. Modeled off of old Victorian tubs, these tubs allow you to hang your arms out of both sides, giving you more elbow room to relax.  Unlike traditional tubs, however, they are plumbed in just like a modern bath.

The drawback of freestanding tubs is that they can cost a lot of money to install and require a lot more space than a tub attached to the wall. Most homeowners typically have to carry out a bathroom extension or conversion in order to accommodate these tubs. Fortunately, they can add a lot of value. 

Colored kitchen cabinets

Brightly colored kitchen cabinets haven’t been in since the 50s and 60s, however, this is a trend that has gradually been creeping back in. More people are starting to see neutral colors as boring and are opting for bolder colors like orange-red, navy blue, or mint green. This post offers more inspiration when it comes to kitchen cabinet colors

Because the kitchen is a room of activity, it is much easier to get away with these bold and energetic colors within this room. However, it’s important to keep cabinets regularly repainted – colored cabinets will quickly look dated once the colors start to fade. 

Walk-in pantry cupboards

More people are moving away from processed foods and are finding the time to make meals from scratch again. This had led to walk-in pantry cupboards coming back into demand, giving eager home cooks a place to store greater amounts of ingredients

Adding a walk-in pantry typically requires extending the kitchen. Like installing a freestanding tub, it can be quite an expensive home improvement because of this. In some cases, it may be possible to sacrifice cabinets in favor of a walk-in pantry cupboard. 

Mason jars

Mason jars were once a common way to store food ingredients before plastic packaging became popular. In the last decade, they’ve started to see a resurgence as a response to a growing number of people trying to shop plastic free. 

Mason jars are inexpensive and easy to clean. They’re also great for keeping pests out. These could be great containers for storing food in your walk-in pantry. 

Shag rugs

Finally, it’s worth noting that shag rugs have also made a comeback. These deep-pile rugs were popular in the 70s but started to be viewed as dated in the 80s. Since then, short-pile rugs have been favored – however, shag rugs have started to be more widely adopted in recent years.

Shag rugs can provide superior comfort and are excellent for placing beside a bed or under a desk for sinking one’s toes into. They’re best avoided in mess-prone areas such as under dining tables or in kids’ bedrooms as they are not easy to clean.

How To Achieve Peak Coziness In Your Home

No matter how cold it might be outside, having a cozy home can make all your worries go away. But you know by now that achieving a cozy home is not always straightforward, especially if you have kids or pets that love making a mess whenever possible. This can make creating your dream home a little trickier, but it doesn’t need to be impossible. 

So where do you start? If you want to transform your home and make it a welcoming and comfortable place for everyone, consider these ideas to achieve peak coziness. 

Choose Warm Colors

Understanding the difference between warm and cold colors can make a huge difference within your home. The warm colors are the perfect way to enhance the coziness factor within your home, especially for south-facing windows that catch the light just right. Not only that, but these colors are much more welcoming. Guests and family members alike will feel more comfortable spending time in your living room or other shared space, which immediately gives off good vibes that make your home feel safe and cozy.

Use Wooden Pieces 

Natural items are another excellent way to create a cozy atmosphere in your home, and wood is no different. Whether you pick untreated wooden tables or ornaments or opt for carefully constructed wooden furniture pieces, you can create the perfect cozy area. Even classic wooden flatpack furniture can still provide that vital connection to nature, so you can still get the benefits if you prefer a more minimalist style for your home. 

Plenty Of Fabrics and Layers 

Fabrics, textures, and layers are vital for creating a cozy environment for you and your family. Knitted blankets and felt slippers work together brilliantly and are perfect for movie nights or game nights with everyone huddled around the coffee table. These items are incredibly versatile, too. You can add and remove them whenever you need, so you can store them elsewhere when the temperature rises again. 

Pillows and Blankets Galore 

Likewise, plenty of pillows and blankets will work wonders for creating a cozy atmosphere. There are few better things than curling up on the sofa with a hot drink wrapped in a blanket and surrounded by soft cushions, and there’s no such thing as too many cushions, so you can buy as many as you like. 

Combine Old With New 

If you love to find a bargain at your favorite thrift store, you can make the most of your discoveries by combining old and new. While some people might feel like this can come across as disjointed or unfocused, doing it the right way can make a huge difference to your home. Of course, you’ll have a new TV and fancy devices that you can find in any home, but you can’t forget about how unique pieces, such as consoles, tables, or picture frames can make your space look more interesting. The combination of the past and present gives your home character, and that is one of the most welcoming things you can ask for. 

Soft Lighting 

No matter who you ask, they will tell you that the secretary to coziness is all about the lighting. But, you don’t need to wait until sunset to get the lighting just right in your home. Knowing how to hang fairy lights above the sofa, through the banister, or over the bookcase can immediately change the look and aura of the room. You don’t want to settle in with the bright ceiling light on all evening, so the soft fairy lights, lamps, or even candles can make you feel cozier. This can also make it easier to get to sleep, so it benefits your nighttime routine, too. 

Family Portraits 

You can think of all the cozy ideas possible but few things are cozier than being surrounded by photographs of those you love and cherish. Covering your walls or bare surfaces with family pictures, photographs of your friends, or anything that reminds you of the best times in your life can add a sense of personality to your home and give you something to look at if you’re feeling low. 


A cozy home is the perfect remedy to stress. It’s your chance to sink into the soft sofa, crank up the heating, relax with your favorite book, watch something on TV, or cuddle with your partner and pet. With these tips, you’ll find it easy to create a cozy atmosphere and have something to look forward to on those dark and chilly evenings.

How To Make The Most Of Views From Your Home

It’s a good idea to take advantage of your home’s view if you have one. Nothing beats the relaxing and invigorating effect of taking in a view, no matter how ordinary or exotic. It’s not necessary to have a breathtaking ocean backdrop in order to be welcoming, calming, and beautiful – your view could be of rooftops or trees or just about anything else. If you love it and want to make more of it, here are some ways you can do it. 

Photo by elifskies

Get Bigger Windows

The bigger the window, the more of the view you can see, so it makes sense to use your windows to truly maximize your view. In fact, if you do this well, you might not have to do anything else (although if you want to, there are plenty more ideas, as you’ll see if you read on below). 

There are many different types of windows you can choose from depending on your aesthetic, your budget, and the space you have available to install them. One of the best ideas is to have a floor-to-ceiling window such as sliding glass walls that allow you to see as much of the view as possible. In this case, you’ll need to contact expert picture window installers to ensure you’re getting a high-quality and safe window to enjoy your view from.

Other ideas include bow windows or bay windows, which can look very stylish and will also offer a great way to see the view. They will be limited, however, and if you want to maximize what you can see, a picture window is always your best option. 

No matter what kind of window you choose in the end, make sure you clean them regularly. Nothing ruins a view more than dirty, smudge-covered windows. 

Make The View The Focal Point 

Your absolutely breathtaking vistas ought to serve as the centerpiece of your design strategy. You can accomplish this by directing everyone’s attention to the windows in the room, and even if that sounds like a hard thing to do, it’s actually quite simple.

You just need to arrange the pieces of furniture in such a way that they point toward or surround the window. It is a good idea to put a rug in front of the window or on the floor leading up to it as a way to attract people’s attention to the area. Putting some simple artwork in the spot is another way to keep people’s attention focused there so they notice the view. Once they see it, they’ll have no trouble paying attention to it. 

Use Neutral Colors On The Wall 

Shades that are vivid and eye-catching can divert people’s attention away from your window and the beautiful view outside. Instead of using bright and bold colors, try painting the space in a light neutral color like beige, taupe, gray, cream, brown, or white. You’ll do this for the same reason that art galleries use basic shades; it enables visitors to appreciate the artwork (and in this case, your view) in its most unadulterated form. If nothing else is dragging the eye away, you can truly make the most of the view and enjoy it without any kind of distraction or interruption. 

If you’re changing colors, you can also check to see if the window frame and the moldings around it could benefit from a new coat of paint to bring them back to life. Again, these do need to be plain colors, but why not make the window frame into part of the view? If you paint it a contrasting and darker shade to your walls (perhaps a dark gray against a lighter gray or cream, for example), it will frame the view perfectly and, again, attract people’s gaze to it. 

Be Strategic With Your Lighting

Lighting isn’t simply vital for a space to look attractive; it could also have an effect on how much you enjoy looking out at the scenery. Having big or low-hanging lighting fixtures could block the view, or at least detract from it, and if it’s in your line of sight at any point in the room, it really will literally be in the way. 

Make sure you choose designs that are simple and go for lighting that is not directly in your way at any spot in the room. On top of this, if you can install dimmer switches, you can make sure the view is visible no matter what time of day or night it is or what the weather is like outside just by adjusting how much brightness you have in the room. 

Use Mirrors 

You probably already know that having mirrors in your home makes them lighter and brighter and also makes smaller rooms appear larger. However, they can also help you make the most of any views you might have.

Put a mirror up across from the view, and you’re essentially doubling it. Plus, you’ll be letting in a lot more natural light (especially if you have a picture window, as we mentioned above), enhancing the view even more. 

It’s also a good idea to consider the size and shape of the mirror. The larger the mirror, the more light you’ll get reflected back, but too large a mirror looks strange in a smaller room, so make sure it is going to fit – literally and figuratively. Beveled mirrors are a great choice as well because they let you see the beautiful reflection from more angles.

Choose The Right Window Treatment 

Window treatments can be distracting to the viewing experience, so you should try to avoid using them wherever possible. However, that’s not something everyone will be comfortable with, no matter how stunning the view outside might be. 

In that case, choose blinds or curtains made of lightweight material and neutral colors if you want to hide from the light but still maintain some level of privacy. Having curtains and blinds that can be pulled to the side is a viable option for getting a clear sightline out of the window and across your view.